Recast youth

Chapter 134 Hidden dangers in the future

Chapter 134 Hidden dangers in the future

This is what a university dormitory looks like.

Usually they just eat, drink, and chat, first about games, then about Yao Ming in the NBA, and then about women, talking about everything. Although Li Bing rarely speaks in the dormitory, his words are generally valued by everyone.

During this time, he had been preparing for the civil service examination. Everyone knew about it and asked him how his preparations were going.

Li Bing shook his head and said he was unsure. He had no connections at home, and he was not able to become a student union officer in college. Moreover, the competition for positions was relatively high. He had to check the job list and choose the position he could apply for, including his major, academic qualifications, and political outlook. , social experience, all must be matched, then registration, written test, qualification review, interview, political review, and finally waiting for admission, this is the most difficult.

Shen Yu and others shouted that this was too complicated, right?

Ye Feng did not express his opinion, but just patted Li Bing on the shoulder. Li Bing's understanding was very clear. The political review to the proposed admission is the most difficult step for Li Bing, because it has nothing to do with you personally, but with your family. It has to do with background, personal background, and the background of your opponent.

Ultimately, this is a humane society.

The next day was Sunday and there were no classes, so everyone slept very late. However, Ye Feng was woken up very early. It was a call from Ge Zhang, asking him to go out for lunch at noon.

Ye Feng has a habit of finding it difficult to fall asleep after being woken up. Thinking that there is still some time before noon, he plans to go to the company to take a look. w5173 is now growing in a wild way following the wave of popularization of online games. The posture is developing.

As a customer service officer, Li Ping had many people join her to talk about cooperation and even acquisitions. The price was good, but they were all rejected by Ye Feng.

In Ye Feng's view, w5173's current rapid development is a good thing, but not entirely a good thing.

When online games really reach their peak, that is, when w5173 slowly falls from the altar, Ye Feng will have two choices at this time. One is to accompany w5173 to slowly become a second-tier small website.

Second, when w5173 reaches its peak, sell it.

The reason is very simple, that is, now is the early stage of online games, Shanda is in power, and w5173 is developing at the right time. However, when several game giants such as NetEase and Tencent rise, w5173 will face difficulties.

Liars, this is an unavoidable problem in any era. There will always be a small group of people who want to take shortcuts.

In ancient times, there were also swindlers, charlatans, street jugglers, three immortals returning to their caves, fetching things from oil pans, etc. These are all types of deception, but this is not bad, at least it can be regarded as their own craft.

What were the liars of the next few years called?Really disgusting kind of people.

After NetEase and Tencent got together, what did they focus on most?It is the stickiness of users and the comprehensiveness of the product. The challenge they will bring to w5173 is that NetEase will have a Zangbaoge platform, and offline transactions will be banned. After all, Zangbaoge has an official background. In the future, There is no doubt that everyone will gradually adapt to the existence of the Treasure Pavilion.

The only businesses left for w5173 here are power training, account rental and other businesses.

The problem Tencent poses to w5173 is account retrieval. Even if your information has been changed, the account owner can appeal, and the success rate of the appeal is not low. This means that w5173 buyers will find their account after buying the account and playing for a while. The password was suddenly changed.

At this time, what will a buyer like this do?
They would yell that w5173 was a scam website. After buying the account, it was retrieved by others. What made Ye Feng a little troubled was that he didn't have any good way to deal with those scammers.

how to say.

This is the tragedy of being a parasite. The initiative is in the hands of others. Game operating companies like NetEase will not have such transaction security issues. Consignment will be directly transferred to other people's accounts.Therefore, if you really want to fundamentally solve the problem of transaction security, there is only one way, and that is to change from a parasite to a maker. In this case, the right to speak is in your own hands.

At that time, Ye Feng said he would have dozens of ways to deal with those liars.

But where is game production so easy?The only good thing is that it will take at least five years for the hidden dangers that Ye Feng expected to explode, and he can make a lot of plans before then.

For example, like the Star Forum, when w5173 is at its peak, create a traffic-draining website, such as an item trading website. In this way, scammers can be eliminated.

Of course, these are all things for later. At least for now, Ye Feng doesn't want to climb so high, nor does he want to be so tired. He wants to make the most convenient money through the simplest way, and then it is best not to enter If the public's view is like that of the two Mr. Ma, it will be really exhausting. Every time you go out, you will be under the spotlight and there will be no privacy at all.

Ye Feng felt really tired and uncomfortable like that. Ye Feng felt that he was a common person. When he was on the street, when there was a toilet, he looked for the toilet. When there was no toilet, he just found a corner where no one was.

He was really standing too high. I guess Ye Feng had just finished. In less than 10 minutes, a title like this would appear on the short video portal: Shocking, Mr. Ye solved it anywhere.

When she arrived at the company, the customer service department organized by Li Ping was basically formed. Each person not only had the customer service QQ provided by the company, but also had a customer service phone number, and each person was responsible for problems in one area.

He Chongxin still had nothing to do. Currently, he was mainly engaged in website maintenance, not development. He looked at the bustle of Li Ping's department and felt as uncomfortable as a cat scratching his head.

As soon as he saw Ye Feng coming to the company, he stopped Ye Feng and said he wanted to do something.

Ye Feng asked him what he wanted to do.

He Chongxin said that he wanted to make a website that others would find interesting.

Ye Feng became interested. As someone who has experienced it, he knew that He Chongxin's idea was in the right direction. Any website must have one thing to attract people. Only when there are people can you consider making money. What will be the most expensive in the future?Human traffic is the most expensive. Whether it is an online advertisement or an advertisement on TV, it is all about human traffic.

So Ye Feng asked He Chongxin with great interest what websites others found interesting.

He Chongxin sat down and said in a slightly excited voice that through w5173's business model, along with the popularity of Internet users and computers, he felt that the future world would definitely belong to technology companies.

Ye Feng motioned for him to continue following his train of thought.

He Chongxin was inspired and talked a lot. For example, he wanted to create a website that allows users to upload themselves, focusing on comedy and records, or a website that can show many movies. There are already many websites like this on the Internet.

Now He Chongxin only had a rough idea, which was very loose. Ye Feng didn't want to waste time with him. He had to pay Ge Zhang's appointment at noon. After listening to He Chongxin's idea for a while, he interrupted him and asked him to make these ideas concrete. After clarifying what the direction is, what the positioning is, and what the profit points will be in the future, then report to him.

He Chongxin seized the opportunity and said that he had to recruit people, and he couldn't do it alone.

Ye Feng is very wealthy now. Without thinking about it, he just said you can figure it out yourself. Then he had an illusion, as if He Chongxin's eyes were a little evasive. He had said so much before, just to dig a hole and wait for him to say this. Like words.

(End of this chapter)

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