Recast youth

Chapter 1333: Altitude sickness is a bit harsh

Chapter 1333: Altitude sickness is a bit harsh
There was silence in the room.

The flame of the kerosene lamp was still strong under the protection of the lampshade, and was beating constantly. Ye Feng sat on the small bench, looked at Zhang Lan's unreal figure on the bed, and then looked at the small table that was at most one meter high.

Not to mention whether he would freeze to death if he slept on the table all night, his waist would probably be broken first.

He was struggling in his heart, and Ye Feng was embarrassed to overturn his previous statement of pretending to be a gentleman and sleeping on the table, but he was really depressed, why couldn't Zhang Lan learn to be polite like his family members.

When my family members meet people from the same village who are passing by, they will say politely and eat at my house.

The fellow villagers said no.

Just be polite to yourself and eat while I'm here, you're welcome.

At this time, if the fellow villagers said no, they could let him go, and his politeness would be in place.

But Zhang Lan always doesn't follow common sense. He said he wanted to sleep on the table, but you really let me sleep on the table. You can't be so polite and say it's too cold to sleep on the table. Let's sleep on the bed. Even if there are differences between men and women and it's inconvenient, you can still say, you are a woman and I am a man, and we have to sleep on the other side.

Or you can put a pillow in the middle and tell me, using the pillow as a line, if I dare to pass by, I will be no better than an animal.

Maybe I can just be a beast, it's worse than not being a beast.

My willpower should be okay.

At this moment, Ye Feng had a lot of thoughts in his heart, mainly because he couldn't achieve some goals in his heart. He scratched his head and scratched his head anxiously. He never expected that Zhang Lan would not follow the routine he imagined.

no way.

Desperate to save face, the depressed Ye Feng had no choice but to go out, intending to smoke two cigarettes before talking.


Zhang Lan lay quietly and heard the sound of Ye Feng going out. Then he began to count silently in his heart, from ten to one, but there was no movement outside.

Ye Feng didn't come back, and there was no sound outside.

Zhang Lan, whose face was pink, turned sideways, facing inside, and counted again angrily.


After counting for the second time, there was finally movement outside, but it was Ye Feng who was smoking half a cigarette outside. Then he became more and more depressed and confused as he thought about it.

Why is that gentleman pretending to be fine?

Then Ye Feng raised his voice to the sky full of stars, and sang with the rhythm of later generations of Northeastern people shouting for wheat: "It's noon for me to hoe the crops, and my sweat is dripping, and my crops are in the soil. Who knows, that plate of Chinese food, Every grain of grain, it’s all hard work…”

Zhang Lan's face turned red. He wanted to go out with his sword and poke a hole in the hateful guy outside. He said angrily: "Stop howling and get out of here!"


Ye Feng was very single and ran into the house quickly. He stopped pretending to be a living person and climbed onto the bed when he got there.

In the darkness, Zhang Lan blushed, and with lingering anger, she reached out to stop Ye Feng and said, "Didn't you say you wanted to sleep on the table?"

"I'm afraid you're cold..."

Ye Feng said eagerly.

Zhang Lan said: "I'm not cold at all."

"Then I'm cold..."

Ye Feng said something, then shamelessly climbed onto the bed, and while about to get under the quilt, he said: "Really, you didn't go out, it's freezing outside. In this high-altitude area, it gets colder at night, and That table, if you climb up there and sleep all night, it will kill you..."

"Cut, shameless!"

Zhang Lan snorted when she saw Ye Feng shamelessly squeezed into bed, then turned around with her back to Ye Feng. Her heartbeat was as fast as a drum, and her face was as hot as a fire. It meant that the sky was dark enough, otherwise Ye Feng would definitely be able to see her. The face as bright as a peach blossom is so beautiful.

"I'm not shameless, I'm really cold." Ye Feng was still explaining, and then he was breathing heavily: "You haven't noticed that I have altitude sickness. I can't even breathe. Damn it, this high altitude The area is really annoying, there is too little oxygen.”

Zhang Lan's nervous body tensed up and she didn't want to pay attention to him.

Ye Feng was breathing heavily and was very close to Zhang Lan's body, but not touching. He could clearly see Zhang Lan's long hair falling on the pillow, and he could also smell the residual smell of shampoo on the hair.

good smell.

It smells much better than that woman Gao Xuan's.

Ye Feng was confused, and then he was silent for a while and asked, "Can I take off my pants?"


Zhang Lan tensed up and retorted subconsciously, then said: "If you want to sleep, go to sleep. If you don't want to, go to bed."

Ye Feng said bitterly: "It's uncomfortable to wear pants to sleep. I really don't mean anything else. You said that we have known each other for so long, don't you have this bit of trust? When we were in Yanjing, I didn't sleep with you in my arms. Nothing happened? It can be seen that my character is still very trustworthy..."

Zhang Lan meets Ye Feng regularly.

Ye Feng did not dare to take off his pants easily, so he thought for a moment and said: "Zhang Lan, do you know Bao Si? You said that King Zhou You lit the beacon tower and teased the princes in order to win Bao Si's smile. Later, the dog soldiers attacked Hao Jing. , chop him to death with a knife, do you think he is worth it?"

"Actually, I think it's still worth it."

Ye Feng looked at Zhang Lan's smooth hair and said, "After all, if it were me, I would be very anxious if I saw Bao Si not smiling."

There was a smile on Zhang Lan's lips, but he said coldly: "You should ask King Zhou You whether his neck hurt when he was chopped with a knife, or ask him what he thought when he saw Bao Si being kidnapped."


Ye Feng said: "Don't think about such a boring topic."

Zhang Lan asked abruptly: "What time is it now?"

"22 point."

Ye Feng looked at his watch and said something subconsciously, then suddenly realized what he was doing and said as if to make up for it: "It's still early now, let's talk some more."

"It's getting late, go to bed."

Zhang Lan smiled but snorted coldly.

"OK then."

Hearing this, Ye Feng lamented in his heart, reluctantly agreed, and then stopped talking. However, he kept thinking about how Zhang Lan, who did not dare to approach, was in front of him, under a quilt, how could Ye Feng sleep? ?

Bai scratches his heart.

Ye Feng held his breath, then quietly unbuttoned his pants, and then wiped it down bit by bit with his toes. While making small movements, he looked at Zhang Lan nervously, for fear of waking her up.

And I also said to myself in my heart, I just took them off because I felt uncomfortable sleeping in them. If Zhang Lan finds out, I will say the same.

What's still there is that after successfully kicking his pants off his ankles and out of bed, Zhang Lan was not disturbed. Ye Feng, who was sweating profusely even though the temperature was very low, felt full of accomplishment at this moment.

That's really a life of patience.

Zhang Lan has not fallen asleep or spoken, and her consciousness has always been awake. The quilt is only so big, and the man behind her is making some small moves like maggots in the quilt. How could she not notice it?

5 minute later.

Ye Feng still didn't make any move, but there was more sweat on his forehead. He had countless thoughts and excuses in his mind, but he still didn't have the courage to step forward and find out.

(End of this chapter)

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