Recast youth

Chapter 1328 Human nature is not so beautiful sometimes

Chapter 1328 Human nature is not so beautiful sometimes

rain village.

It is located in the west of Yunnan, bordering XZ, and is located in a remote area. For a long time, "traffic is basically based on walking, and communication is basically based on shouting" has been the basic portrayal of a mountain village, although the scenery is beautiful.

But there is no water or electricity.

This is a very big test for Zhang Lan, a girl who was born in a big city.

At the beginning, Zhang Lan couldn't hold on. There were only less than 70 households in the village, and most of the children were left-behind children. But when Zhang Lan gave up, the next day the village chief and many parents took the few at home. When seven or eight people were standing at the door wearing clothes that they didn’t know how long they had worn, looking at her with enthusiasm, expectation, and hope, she stayed, and in front of the village chief, Wang Li, Ah Dad, seven or eight students came to Yucun Primary School.

The school is very simple.

To say it is simple, in fact, it should be said that it is simple. There is a simple wall one kilometer above Yucun. There are three tile-roofed houses inside. Three of them are classrooms. Yes, three of them are classrooms and there is no office.

And there is only one teacher, Zhang Lan.

Zhang Lan didn't consider this issue before she came here. She just wanted to teach. But after she got here, she suddenly realized a problem, that is, she was the only one in the elementary school, so what about the courses for grades one to six?

After all, the students who come to class are of different ages, and the courses cannot be unified. Some have gone to school, and some have not. No matter how good she is, she still has no skills at all.

Moreover, the classroom was empty, except for a few old tables and chairs, and a blackboard, and there was no more. Moreover, the classroom windows had no glass, and it was very humid in the mountains.

There is a big temperature difference between morning and night.

Back at Wang Li's house, Zhang Lan sat alone on a rock, looking at the dense and deep forest in the distance and retreated again. Can he really do it?Can you really persist?
Zhang Lan looked into the distance.

High school student Wang Li is looking at Zhang Lan.

Zhang Lan turned around and noticed that Wang Li was looking at her. Zhang Lan couldn't describe the look in her eyes, but she was shocked by Wang Li's eyes, an indescribable feeling.

Zhang Lan asked Wang Li what she was thinking.

Wang Li said she was wondering when you would leave.

Zhang Lan asked, why do you think I will leave?
Wang Li hugged her knees and said, our village is too miserable. There is no water, electricity, roads, no shops, and no signal. No one will stay. And sister, you are still from the city. In fact, my father told me When you left, I said I didn’t believe it, but actually I already believed it in my heart.

Zhang Lan suddenly laughed and asked Wang Li, do you know what a miracle is?
High school student Wang Li asked confusedly, what is a miracle?

Zhang Lan stood up with a smile and looked at the mountains, trees, and waterfalls in the distance. Everything was so beautiful. Then he smiled and said to Wang Li with a relieved tone, "A miracle, a miracle is something you think is impossible, but it happened It happened, don’t worry, since I’m here, I won’t leave.

At that time, Wang Li burst into tears with excitement and kept promising Zhang Lan that all the money she made in the future would be given to Zhang Lan.

Zhang Lan smiled.

How could she care about Wang Li's money?
In this way, after a day of thinking, Zhang Lan decided to stay in this remote mountain to teach students in the mountains, giving them one more chance to choose in life.

As for the fact that she is the only teacher in elementary school, it doesn't matter. She divides the classes into classes according to age and education level, and then takes classes separately. She just said that this way she would like to be a little busy.

Of course, there are benefits.

That's how it will feel particularly fulfilling.In the first two days, there were not many students who came to the school to register. There were only 8 students. The reason why there were only 8 students was not that there were only 8 left-behind children in the village, but because no one in the village believed that this girl from the city could keep on.

If you can't persist, then simply don't send him to school, which will save you the trouble of going back and forth and waste money.


Money is also an issue.

Yucun is a village that is almost cut off from the outside world, so the left-behind villagers don’t have much money. Of course, Zhang Lan doesn’t care about their money. When he saw that only 8 students signed up, Zhang Lan started to lobby people in the village to guide them. I brought my child to register. In Zhang Lan's view, birth may be unfair, but at least when it comes to studying and facing the college entrance examination, everyone is fair.

Because of this, the start of school was postponed from September 9st to September 1th, and the number of students increased from 9 to 5. It was only after a home visit that Zhang Lan clearly realized how poor this village was. .

Then something happened that made Zhang Lan feel slightly uncomfortable.

7th this day.

Moon Festival.

Zhang Lan decided to go to the county to buy some things and come back. It happened that Wangli County High School had a holiday on the 6th and came back. So he helped Zhang Lan find a flat cart pulled by a mule in the village and went to the county together.

Zhang Lan bought some clothes that he liked, as well as food and some vegetables, as well as some condolences, and returned to the village.

Zhang Lan's original intention was to give something to some families in need, but she thought that this matter had to go through the village chief. After all, the village chief was the most familiar with the situation in the village.

So Zhang Lan found the village chief and asked the village chief to take her to seven or eight households in difficulty and deliver some food, clothes, etc. At first, Zhang Lan was very happy.

But after returning, Wang Li told Zhang Lan that the families the village chief took her to were basically his relatives, and there were many poorer people in the village than those families.

It was also this time that made Zhang Lan realize that sometimes human nature is not so beautiful.

Of course, you have chosen your own path and you have to stick to it.

Zhang Lan continued her classes after the Mid-Autumn Festival and Sunday. She brought some money with her from Guangzhou. Every Sunday, she would basically go to the county to buy some food, such as pork, for her children. Let's improve the food.

On September 9th, something happened that made Zhang Lan want to give up. Several villagers in the village, including the village chief, saw that she would give the children something to eat. From time to time, she would say in her ear that in fact, it would be a waste to feed the children such good food. If you are really capable, you might as well repair the school.

For example, the glass in the classrooms should be installed.

Then replace all the desks and chairs in the school.

What he said was that the village is poor and the villagers are powerless. We can only rely on kind-hearted people like you to help us repair the school. He also said with strong words, from now on, if the school is repaired, it will be yours and no one will snatch it away. Gotta go.

This is the second time that Zhang Lan realizes that human nature is not so beautiful.

Sometimes Zhang Lan would ask himself, is it really worth it to be a volunteer teacher in this remote place?What can you get?Is it emotional kidnapping?And to make a phone call at home, I have to walk seven or eight hours to the town to make a phone call.

Is it really worth it?
Zhang Lan asked herself this question more than once, but when she saw the longing faces of the children, Zhang Lan hesitated again. What made her firm was a conversation between her and these children.

(End of this chapter)

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