Recast youth

Chapter 1323 Gao Xuan followed

Chapter 1323 Gao Xuan followed
As for NetEase.

Because Ye Feng liked to play Fantasy Westward Journey in his previous life, and also played the mobile game "Onmyoji" produced by NetEase. In this life, he also made a lot of money by buying NetEase stocks, so Ye Feng is quite concerned about NetEase's development.

In terms of listing, NetEase is also the predecessor of Lanshan Company. In June 2000, NetEase was listed on NASDAQ in the United States. Now Lanshan Company is about to go public in the United States.

The company's forward development is also the process.

While you are moving forward bravely, you should also look back at the companies around you to see what similar companies are doing and whether they have any good products, so that your company can make adjustments, change strategic policies at any time, and decide whether to develop the same products. product types to avoid falling behind.

As for the company's listing, it is something that every company's senior management is concerned about, because once the company is listed, the company's market value can be realized, which means that they will reap the fruits and their net worth will increase suddenly.

"Anyway, there's still half a year."

Wang Xin stood up with a glass of wine, smiled at Li Zhedong and others and said: "In up to half a year, we can go to New York to ring the bell. By that time, it will be the time for us all to reap the harvest. I am here to represent Mr. Ye to everyone. One cup.”


Ye Feng didn't drink again, he drank a drink.

He himself didn't care that his meager fame and fortune would affect his reputation in the company. Originally, he had no intention of limiting himself to Lanshan Company. To put it more dreamily, his journey was overseas, at Maple Leaf Capital.

Maple Leaf Capital will be his biggest money bag in the future.

The most important thing is that this money bag is easy to use. You can use it how you want without anyone's consent. Moreover, the amount of funds is quite scary. Ye Feng once saw a news in his previous life, which was about the acquisition of European industries. , he could not remember the several super consortiums mentioned in the news at that time, but he remembered one of them, which was Yangtze River Holdings.

Cheung Kong Industries is Li Chaoren's industry and is known as a super consortium.

Ye Feng himself also recognized this statement. Li Chaoren really deserves this reputation. In his previous life, whether he started to develop or ended up withdrawing and transferring his assets to Europe, he was worthy of the title of Superman.

Ye Feng also looks forward to the day when Maple Leaf Capital makes any business moves, and the world's media will call Maple Leaf Capital a super consortium.

As for Lanshan Company, Ye Feng's purpose is to make Wang Xin the belief and decision-maker of Lanshan Company. As long as she has this ability, Ye Feng is willing to be an invisible person of the company.

However, Ye Feng still took this for granted.

A person who graduated from university and founded a company as big as Lanshan, which also owns Lanshan Club, Jingke Pictures, and other overseas industries, no matter how low-key he is, how can he really be invisible?
No matter who looks at it, Ye Feng's achievements at this stage are extremely dazzling. What's more, Wang Xin, He Chongxin, Li Ping and others are the veterans who were developed by Ye Feng personally, including Chen Xiao and Li Zhedong, who were also developed through Ye Feng. Came in for an interview.

This means that Wang Xin can be the decision-maker and domineering CEO of Lanshan Company, but Ye Feng must also be the supreme emperor, with a somewhat transcendent status.

This is somewhat similar to Ali in his previous life. Even if Jack Ma retires, everyone will only have one impression of Ali, Jack Ma.

Three rounds of wine.

Wang Xin revealed one thing to the senior executives present, that when Lanshan Company went public in the United States, someone would take over her role and give an IPO roadshow speech with Mr. Ye.

Everyone present, except Ye Feng, was wondering what kind of mysterious figure could take Wang Xin's place to conduct the IPO road show. After all, Wang Xin was the CEO of the company.You must know that she is the one who knows the best about the company. Under Ye Feng, she has the highest status. She is also well-known overseas. She is a former senior management member of Yahoo and holds the position of vice president.

It can be said that it is the most appropriate thing for Wang Xin to take on the role of road show speech. Under normal circumstances, if Ye Feng were replaced, Wang Xin would be angry and disappointed.

But Wang Xin spoke about this mysterious man in a very excited, excited, and even admiring tone.

Wang Xin was really excited. After all, the person taking her place was no one else, but Yang Qingzhi, who was extremely well-known on Wall Street, in the United States, and in Europe. His personal brand effect even surpassed that of many listed companies.

Wang Xin is also a fan of senior Yang Qingzhi, so when the company goes to the United States for its IPO road show, Yang Qingzhi will host the speech. Not only will she not be disappointed, but she will also be very excited. She can even ask for an autograph. When Stanford classmates get together in the future, she will She can also show off her qualifications.

After all, no matter how strong Wang Xin's personal abilities are, she is still a woman at heart, with the plot of a little girl worshiping heroes. Before talking about Yang Qingzhi, she also laid the foundation and exaggerated it.

Then she told Yang Qingzhi's resume in front of everyone.

Is Yang Qingzhi’s resume impressive?
It can be said that he has reached the extreme level of excellence and is a ceiling-level person in the workplace. Moreover, this ceiling is not only in China, but in global companies.

Personal strength is not bad!
After Ye Feng Dongzhou, he never mentioned the matter of Yang Qingzhi in front of everyone. This was the first time that Wang Xin mentioned this matter in front of the management such as Chen Xiao and He Chongxin.

It can be said that the impact is huge.

Before, they always thought that the boss of the company was lazy. It was not until this time that they discovered how big Ye Feng's structure was and how ambitious he was. Unknowingly, he had already left the country and entered the overseas market.

Apart from admiration, there are no other words to describe it.

So they stood up again and toasted to Ye Feng one after another. They drank and Ye Feng drank.

Li Zhedong looked calm on the surface, but in fact he was shocked. Even though he heard Wang Xin mention Yang Qingzhi once, he still couldn't calm down. When he first came to Lanshan Company, he thought he was a big shot, but at this moment, he felt so proud. After a lot of relief, the pressure also increased. I thought to myself that I must negotiate the trip to the Shanghai stock market and the cooperation with Express Payment.

The reason is simple. You can get a high salary, or you can get options from Maple Leaf Financial, but you must prove your value to the company before you can get it with peace of mind.

Gao Xuan and Wang Xinyue sat together. She had the lowest position at this table, lower than Wang Xinyue and Xu Bin. She was able to sit at the table because she was leaving for the Shanghai stock market with Li Zhedong the next day.

However, Gao Xuan was content with the status quo. During the meal, she only listened but did not speak. Only when others talked to her, she would answer a few words with a smile. Then when Ye Feng got up to go to the bathroom, she also stood up.

Ye Feng went to the bathroom because he drank too much. Although he said that when others greeted him one night, they drank and Ye Feng drank, but in practice, Ye Feng found that drinking was much more uncomfortable than drinking.

At least you won't look so full when you drink, and you will really feel full when you drink.

As soon as he walked out of the private room, he realized something was wrong. Gao Xuan actually followed him out, wearing a black workplace suit, black pants, a black casual suit, and a white shirt underneath, which was tucked into the black pants to show off her figure.

Although he looked harmless, when Ye Feng saw Gao Xuan coming out, he felt that the vixen came out on purpose and had ulterior motives. Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence that she came out just when he came out?
(End of this chapter)

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