Recast youth

Chapter 1318

Chapter 1318
Li Zhedong has joined the company.

Yesterday was his first day on the job. He got to know people from various departments of Lanshan Financial Services and introduced themselves to each other. Li Zhedong’s resume is gorgeous and he has held multiple positions in the Communications Head Office.

In the early days, he served as the director and deputy president of the Financial Accounting Department of the Communications Branch and the deputy general manager of the Financial Accounting Department of the Head Office. In 2004, he served as the vice president and chief financial officer of the Communications Head Office.

Everyone knows that Li Zhedong is a giant in the traditional financial industry.

However, when he arrived at the company today, Li Zhedong did not say anything. He was trying to understand what Lanshan Financial was currently doing and what the development trends were. Although he had a very high position before, as the vice president and chief financial officer of the Communications Head Office, Lanshan Financial After all, Shan Financial Services Company is a brand new Internet company, and its development model is still different from that of traditional financial banks.

Li Zhedong's goal is very clear. If he wants to develop, he must first understand it. Only by understanding what Lanshan Financial is currently doing can he formulate the next development strategy.

Gao Xuan is also here today.

However, Li Zhedong didn't say much to Gao Xuan. It was only at lunch time that Li Zhedong sat down in front of Gao Xuan and Wang Xinyue with the food he had brought and asked Gao Xuan how he was doing with a smile.

Gao Xuan smiled as usual and said, "It's better now."

"Well, that's all."

Li Zhedong smiled like a gentleman, and then chatted casually with Gao Xuan and Wang Xinyue. Just as Gao Xuan guessed, Li Zhedong was a very smart man, and he was different from other men who pursued others.

Li Zhedong's methods were very gentle.

Coupled with Li Zhedong's own status, it is difficult for people to refuse him if he pursues him. His methods are gentle, often like a spider spinning silk, entangling you unknowingly, making it difficult for you to resist.

Wang Xinyue also saw that Li Zhedong wanted to pursue Gao Xuan, and thought it was normal. After all, Gao Xuan was really beautiful, and her figure was so good that there were no flaws. For an independent woman like this in the new era, it would be true if men didn't want to pursue her. It's called strange.

A man and a woman, both outstanding.

Wang Xinyue also received a lot of care from Li Zhedong in Shanghai. She had a good impression of Li Zhedong, so she smiled and said: "Gao Xuan is in good health now. I will be the host tonight and invite you and Gao Xuan to have dinner together."

Gao Xuan definitely couldn't refuse this meal, so when Wang Xinyue proposed it, she agreed.

However, Li Zhedong said with a smile: "No need, I'll treat you tonight."

Wang Xinyue said: "How can that be done? You have just arrived in Dongzhou, why should we come to treat you to this meal? You can come back after a while."

Gao Xuan had a headache when she heard Wang Xinyue say this, but there was no sign of any inner activity on her face. Instead, she smiled and said to Wang Xinyue, "Let Mr. Li invite you."

Then Gao Xuan looked at Li Zhedong and said, "Mr. Li has just joined the company. As the boss of the department, he must invite people from the department to have dinner together to get to know each other."


Li Zhedong smiled and praised Gao Xuan.

Wang Xinyue also realized that Li Zhedong had just come to join the job, and he must get familiar with the subordinates in the department, and also have a good relationship with Li Ping, Mr. Li, so he smiled and said jokingly: "That's good, I save a meal." It’s food money.”

After a brief conversation, they each left.Li Zhedong returned to his post. Currently, the projects that Lanshan Financial Services is working on have been recorded on his computer. He is mainly working on Lanshan Payment, a payment tool.

He learned about Lanshan Payment in advance. It focuses on third-party payment functions. It launched a full compensation system in 2005 and reached strategic partnership agreements with major banks to further strengthen the cooperation between the two parties in the field of e-commerce payment on the original basis. range and depth.

However, there is currently a bottleneck in development.

That is, there is a similar payment product on the market that is exactly the same as Lanshan Pay, Paybao. Compared with Paybao, Lanshan Pay has a fatal disadvantage.

Different from Paybao, Paybao has Taobao as its backing and source of user development. With the development of the Internet, more and more people are shopping online. Judging from the current development trend, Taobao's potential is huge. It can be said that the growth of Taobao will definitely lead to the growth of Alipay.

But what about Lanshan Payment?
Lanshan Payment does not have such a strong backing. All it can do is serve as a payment tool for Lanshan Video and the w5173 virtual game trading platform, with limited users.

If this continues, the competition will definitely be insurmountable.

This is also related to the characteristics of payment, that is, payment needs to occur in a certain application scenario, and people will not use Lanshan Pay’s services for no reason. This means that if Lanshan Pay wants to compete with Paybao, it must rely on the entire Internet electronics. Development of business.

Li Zhedong also saw that last year, Lanshan Payment's development policy also mentioned expanding external space, but there has been no substantial effect, and the development of payment has been stranded on the "fast payment" task.

thought here.

Li Zhedong made a phone call: "Hey, it's me. Well, yes, I'm in Dongzhou now. Don't worry, I'm going back to Shanghai in the next few days. You don't have to worry about no one drinking with you."

"Haha, I was seen through by you."

Li Zhedong laughed and said to the phone: "Yes, I do have something I want to ask you for help with. Lanshan Company has been wanting to discuss fast payment cooperation with my bank in the first half of the year. You know, I will bring it with you in a few days." The company's technical staff will go to Shanghai to talk to you face to face. I also know that this matter is very difficult, but brother, there is nothing I can do. They spent several months to poach me, and the company boss also came to Shanghai in person. The city talked to me, and now that I have switched jobs, my boss is very considerate and directly gives me the position of vice president, department boss. Now the progress of the department's products is stuck on quick payment. Do you think I, as the department boss, should take the lead? Things, overcome this difficulty?"

"That's the truth. There are three fires when a new official takes office. I have to light up the first fire. I said you should not let my brother down."

"Well, I know I need approval from the old leader. When the time comes, I will tell you that you are not in charge of this matter now. Don't worry, I won't embarrass you. I will finish talking to you first, and then I will bring two bottles of Maotai to the old leader. Let’s talk about it at home and see what he thinks.”


hang up the phone.

Li Zhedong felt a little more confident. The person he called was a colleague he had known for more than ten years. He had a very close relationship. He was currently the executive director of the Bank of Communications head office. He had a very close relationship and had an important position in the banking industry. He also had a close relationship with him at home. He holds a senior position in Bank of China.

As long as he nods, things may almost be done.

This is one of the reasons why Li Zhedong has never discussed the cooperation with Gao Xuan on Quick Payment in Shanghai. First, he knows that Quick Payment is very important to Gao Xuan and Lanshan Payment. If the cooperation is not concluded in one day, he can Use it as negotiation capital.

Second, when he switched jobs to Lanshan Company and overcame this difficulty, his contribution was naturally indispensable in the development history of Lanshan Payment. The negotiation of this cooperation itself was the work he had reserved until now.

(End of this chapter)

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