Recast youth

Chapter 1316 Unconvinced Gao Xuan

Chapter 1316 Unconvinced Gao Xuan
After returning from a peaceful exchange of compliments.

Ye Feng found that the lights at home were not turned off. When he entered the door, he saw Ye Qing sitting on the sofa watching Dongzhou Video Channel. The second part of A Chinese Ghost Story was playing on the TV. This one had Jacky Cheung in it.

However, Ye Feng still prefers Zuo Qianhu, played by Li Zixiong in this movie. In the movie, he is the only character who kills demons with a mortal body and retreats steadily. He is indeed more ruthless.

"Why are you still up so late? You still have to sign up tomorrow."

Ye Feng sat next to Ye Qing a little tiredly.

Ye Qing looked sideways at Ye Feng: "Drinking again?"

Ye Feng lit a cigarette and said with a smile: "There's nothing your brother can do. A very important senior executive came to the company today, and everyone is holding a welcome ceremony for him. You said your brother is the boss of the company, so is it appropriate not to go?" "

Ye Qing also knew that it was inappropriate. The reason why she hadn't slept until now was mainly because she was afraid that Ye Feng would be drunk and no one would take care of him when he fell asleep. The other reason was Zhang Lan's problem.

Ye Qing thought for a while and asked: "Brother, didn't you say you were going to bring Sister Zhang Lan back? When will you go? I called her all day today and couldn't get through. Could something happen to her? ?”

"Do you really like Zhang Lan so much?"

Ye Feng stood up and came back with an ashtray, flicked the ash into it, and looked at Ye Qing with a smile.

Ye Qing said matter-of-factly: "Of course, Sister Zhang Lan is so good, who doesn't like her?"

"Well, I'll register you first tomorrow. After the company's affairs have been dealt with in the past two days, I will go find your sister Zhang Lan, okay?"

Ye Feng gave Ye Qing a promise.

"That's pretty much it. I'll go to bed first."

Ye Qing became happy and put her hands behind her back. She had not taken two steps before she came back again. She took the cigarette from Ye Feng's hand and put it in the ashtray to put it out. She snorted and said, "Stop smoking all day long." I just know how to smoke.”

"Well, don't smoke. Miss, you can go to bed."

Ye Feng was also a little tired. He clasped his hands and said to Ye Qing. He was too lazy to argue with Ye Qing for a cigarette. Unexpectedly, Ye Qing refused to leave and stretched out his hand: "Give me the remaining cigarettes too."

"That won't work."

Ye Feng refused and said seriously: "What your brother smokes is not cigarettes, but loneliness. How about taking away all the cigarettes?"

Ye Qing's eyes were unkind: "Are you going to give it to me? If you don't call me, I'll tell you that you have three packs of cigarettes a day."

"Three packs a day, one pack a day is not bad." Ye Feng's eyes widened.

Ye Qing smiled slyly: "I don't care about that. Anyway, I'll tell you to smoke three packs, and then tell your mother how harmful smoking is to your health. For example, a certain classmate of mine smokes two packs a day, and unfortunately got lung cancer..."

Ye Feng was convinced and gave most of the remaining pack of cigarettes to Ye Qing. He rolled his eyes and said, "Anyone who becomes your classmate will have bad luck for eight lifetimes."

"Hmph! My brother and my siblings didn't say anything, so why should they say anything about me?"

Ye Qing took Ye Feng's cigarette away unceremoniously, and before leaving, she flicked Ye Feng's forehead: "I'll flick your forehead!"


Ye Feng was helpless, this girl must have learned this trick from Zhang Lan, but after Ye Qing went upstairs, Ye Feng ran outside and took another pack of cigarettes from the passenger seat of the car and came back to smoke.

Long time no see.

I really miss Zhang Lan.


The next day.

Ye Feng was not woken up by the alarm, but by a phone call from his mother in his hometown. The phone said that Ye Qing would start school today and asked Ye Feng if he had signed her up.

Ye Feng glanced at the time and almost stopped going crazy. It was 5:[-] in the morning, and it was just dawn, but there was nothing he could do. Who knew that the person calling was his mother, and Ye Feng was also very warm.

This scene was unprecedented in the previous life.In his previous life, he was so autistic that he almost lost contact with his family and rarely went home during the Chinese New Year, so Ye Feng cherished this moment and patiently listened to his mother's 10-minute ramble.

Then he got up and knocked on Ye Qing's door.

If there is no response once, just do both sides.

Then in the room, Ye Qing, who was covering her ears, couldn't stand it anymore and couldn't help shouting outside: "Brother, are you crazy? You called me so early?"

"Get up and go to school."

"It's only 05:30 now, call me at 07:30."

"That won't work. I'll call you personally and ask me about registering you. I won't sleep, so don't even think about it. Get up."

Boom boom boom!
Ye Feng continued to knock on the door, smiling secretly in his heart, asking you to collect my cigarettes last night.

Then Ye Qing opened the door angrily and glared at Ye Feng with a look that could almost kill someone: "Ye Dafeng, you are so cruel!"

I learned this again from Zhang Lan.

Ye Feng was also annoyed, so he leaned against the door and said lazily: "Ye Xiaoqing, don't whine at me. It's impossible for you to sleep anymore anyway. Get up."

"You wait for me on Sunday!"

Ye Qing closed the door again and changed clothes.

Ye Feng outside the door was still a little confused, why was she waiting on Sunday? What could she do to herself?Then it suddenly occurred to me, damn, Ye Qing usually stayed in the hotel.

But she will be back on Friday night.

Ye Feng really didn't have the energy to fight with Ye Qing right now, so he shouted to the door: "Stop, isn't it okay if I'm wrong?"

"Hmph, it's too late!"


Ye Feng sighed helplessly. If my mother hadn't made this call too early, why would he be so unbalanced that he woke up Ye Qing?Alas, I couldn't help but want to call my mother. Why did I call myself instead of Ye Qing...

Then Ye Feng finished washing and sat in the living room watching TV a little sleepily, waiting for the time to send Ye Qing to Dongcheng University to register. Unfortunately, there were no good TV series to watch in the morning.

So Ye Feng had no choice but to order ten episodes of "Yu-Gi-Oh!" on the phone at the on-demand station, just to reminisce about the past.


Dongyuan District.

Gao Xuan also woke up, tossing and turning, thinking about whether to ask for leave today. If she didn't ask for leave, she would definitely run into Li Zhedong, and he was also the leader of his department, so it was reasonable for him to talk to her.

After thinking about it, Gao Xuan decided to go to the company. Asking for leave was a way of escaping from difficulties. No matter what, she had to find a way to resolve the bitter fruit she had sown.

And Ye Feng is also in the company now.

Gao Xuan's eyes flashed, and after some deliberation, she still felt that it would be better to go to work in the company today. After making up her mind, Gao Xuan felt much more relaxed. She got up and took out the yoga mat.

The unshakable yoga every morning has almost become Gao Xuan’s practice class.

Although it is hard work, it also requires perseverance.

But if you persevere and don't give up halfway, the results will be worth it in the end. I just don't know what's wrong with Ye Feng's eyes, and he doesn't have any sympathy for her.

Gao Xuan felt tired, depressed, and had her self-esteem hurt, but at the same time she looked at her figure in the full-length mirror in front of the yoga mat and felt a little unconvinced.

(End of this chapter)

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