Recast youth

Chapter 1307 Hidden danger

Chapter 1307 Hidden danger
Ye Feng just said one word now.

I have no choice but to pass the problem on to you. You turned out to be the vice president of the Bank of Communications head office. I hired you with a high salary just to solve this problem. If you can't solve the problem, what do I want you to do?
Li Zhedong also understands this truth.

In addition to Gao Xuan's part of the reason, he agreed to change jobs. The other part was that he also thought of follow-up ideas. The confidence here was based on Li Zhedong's connections.

In addition to the old leaders of the Bank of Communications head office, he basically knows all the leaders of other major banks.

If he can't think of a way, it will be difficult for others to come up with a way.

"In this case, Mr. Ye, I will take the time to go back to Shanghai in the next two days, treat a few leaders to a meal, and test their opinions." Seeing that Ye Feng had already said this, Li Zhedong agreed to the matter.


Ye Feng looked at Li Zhedong and said sincerely: "Whether Lanshan Payment can swim in the payment market depends on you."

"Mr. Ye, please don't put your hat on me yet. This matter is not easy. I can only do my best."

Li Zhedong smiled and did not say too much. Then he took the tea that Ye Feng had brewed, took a sip, and said: "But Mr. Ye, there is still a blank period in our country's laws on third-party payment. Third-party payment If payment wants to develop in the long run, the central bank still needs to issue regulations, otherwise there will be a big leap soon and there will be many risk factors."

Li Zhedong reminded Ye Feng in a subtle way.

Ye Feng also knows the risks. The key is that it is difficult for him personally to ask the central bank to issue relevant regulations specifically for Lanshan Payment to promote the development of Lanshan Payment. This needs to be approved by the president's office meeting before it can be announced.

Ye Feng asked himself that he was not so bold as to allow the central bank to give him face. To be honest, he was lucky that the central bank could not suppress him.

However, Ye Feng and Li Zhedong only talked up to this point. After all, the first problem to be solved at the moment was the cooperation with banks on "quick payment". This cooperation has not been concluded, so there is no point in continuing to talk about it.

The following two people talked about Ali’s payment guarantee.

Currently on the market, Alibaba's Pay Baoshi and Lanshan's Lanshan Pay are the same type of product, but Alibaba has great advantages through Taobao and has high development prospects.

At present, the only way for Lanshan Company and Paybao to seize the market is to occupy the market by paying one yuan through Lanshan Pay and watching movies on Lanshan Video.

Effective in the short term.

But in terms of long-term development, it is not as good as paying for insurance.

Unless Lanshan Payment opens up the bank's channels and solves the problem of fast payment, another problem will arise, that is, even if Lanshan Payment takes this step first, it will open the way for payment protection. Whether this will lead to a situation in the Yangtze River where the waves in front push back the waves in front and the waves in front die on the beach is also a question.

Then Li Ping knocked on the door and came over.

It was Ye Feng who asked Li Ping to come over. Li Ping had been in charge of Lanshan's financial department before, but now a vice president was parachuted in. Ye Feng must have made Li Ping and Li Zhedong familiar with each other.

But to Ye Feng's relief, Li Ping did not show any dissatisfaction. Instead, she was very happy with Li Zhedong's arrival. She said with a smile that now that President Li is here, her burden can finally be lightened a lot.

This is also the reason why Ye Feng likes Li Ping. She is motivated but knows her own position and what she can and cannot do.

People are mutual.

Li Ping was polite to Li Zhedong, and Li Zhedong was also polite to Li Ping. Generally speaking, the first meeting between the former boss and the current boss of Lanshan Financial Department was harmonious.

However, after Li Zhedong talked with Ye Feng, his thoughts began to change. From the moment he entered the company, he had been consciously looking for Gao Xuan, but he had never been able to find her.

"By the way, Mr. Ye."

Li Zhedong suddenly smiled at Ye Feng and asked, "Where's Gao Xuan? I have the opportunity to join Lanshan Company, and I have to thank Gao Xuan. I haven't seen her since I arrived at the company today."

As soon as Ye Feng heard Li Zhedong's words, he knew there was a problem.

When he was in the Shanghai Stock Exchange, Ye Feng knew that Li Zhedong was willing to switch jobs to Lanshan Company, and a large part of the reason was because of Gao Xuan. Now that he came to the Shanghai Stock Exchange, he must have some thoughts about Gao Xuan.

Of course, if Gao Xuan could be used to make Li Zhedong die, Ye Feng would also think it was worth it. "I don't know either. I have been abroad some time ago and I just arrived at the company today."

Ye Feng shook his head and said something, then looked at Wang Xin and asked, "Where is Gao Xuan now?"

Wang Xin is so busy every day now, how can she care about Gao Xuan?But at this moment, Li Ping said: "Gao Xuan is not feeling well and has asked for sick leave."

"That's it."

Li Zhedong nodded. He wanted to visit Gao Xuan at Gao Xuan's home, but he didn't say it out loud. For him, patience is the most indispensable psychological quality.

Li Zhedong didn't ask any more, and Ye Feng certainly wouldn't take the initiative to mention it, so he turned to other topics.

Until noon.

Ye Feng took Wang Xin, Li Ping, Li Zhedong, He Chongxin and Chen Xiao to a higher-end restaurant in Dongzhou for dinner. It was a pleasant conversation among the few at the dinner table.

Only He Chongxin, a technical man, was a bit out of touch with the topic.

As for Wang Xin, an international student at Stanford and former vice president of Yahoo, Chen Xiao, a visiting scholar at Stanford, is also well-known in the Shanghai legal community, and they can naturally have a good conversation with Li Zhedong.

And Li Ping is the boss of the original Lanshan Payment Department, and she is also a woman with a good personality. With Li Zhedong's sophistication, when she talks, she will naturally bring the topic to him.

Not to mention Ye Feng, he is the boss of everyone present, and he is also the richest man born in the 80s. His experience is legendary. In addition, Wang Xin told the table that Ye Feng still has a company in the United States and invited Yang Qingzhi to do so. The people present were more respectful to him, especially after Wang Xin briefly talked about Yang Qingzhi's resume.

It can be said that Yang Qingzhi's resume has completely suppressed the arrogance Li Zhedong had in his heart. No matter how proud he is, he still knows that he is still far behind a top figure like Yang Qingzhi.


After dinner.

Ye Feng asked Wang Xin to go to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau with him and planned to change the name of Lanshan Financial Services Company to Maple Leaf Financial Services Company, and the name of Lanshan Payment would also be changed to Maple Leaf Payment.

on the way back.

Ye Feng asked Wang Xin a question: "Did you mention Yang Qingzhi on the table intentionally or on purpose?"

"It came out smoothly."

Wang Xin put on her seat belt and said with a smile: "Li Zhedong is, after all, the former vice president of the Bank of Communications head office. People like him have a social circle with two-term political and business experience. In addition, when he first arrived at the company, he was demoted to Li Ping. , it’s normal to feel proud, so I used my senior brother’s name to cool him down and let him know that there is a world out there and there are people out there.”

Then Wang Xin turned her head and looked at Ye Feng: "But why do I think he is interested in Gao Xuan?"

"Get rid of the feeling and just have it."

Ye Feng and Wang Xin are seniors and juniors, and he has nothing to hide from her. He said, "He is willing to change jobs. In addition to my promise to give him Maple Leaf Financial options in the future, he is interested in Gao Xuan."

"Beauty is a disaster."

Wang Xin heard this, shook his head, smiled, and said, "I hope you don't play with fire. Fishing like this can easily lead to trouble."

Ye Feng didn't speak.

He didn't ask Gao Xuan to catch this fish, but Gao Xuan wanted to catch this fish himself.

But at the same time, Ye Feng also had a headache. It would be fine if Gao Xuan was willing to let Li Zhedong bite the bait. The key is that Ye Feng only learned from Wang Xin that Gao Xuan returned to Dongzhou a month and a half ago.

What does this mean?
This shows that Gao Xuan is deliberately avoiding Li Zhedong as an excuse to go back to work in Dongzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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