Recast youth

Chapter 1284 The Epee Has No Edge

Chapter 1284 The Epee Has No Edge

Yang Qingzhi did not stay in Wen Yueqi's company for a long time. Instead, he took Ye Feng, Chen Huang, and some of his clients around frequently. Yang Qingzhi's return to New York also alarmed many people.

Under the witness of Ye Feng, several billionaires came to the door in person, wanting to recruit Yang Qingzhi to help them manage their assets.

But Yang Qingzhi refused, and pushed Ye Feng out with a smile, saying that this would be his new boss in the future, so that Ye Feng had some reputation among the top executives of Wall Street financial circles.

Spent three days in New York.

Yang Qingzhi, Ye Feng, Chen Huang, and Wen Yueqi established a company called Maple Leaf Capital. The company is a private equity institution. Simply put, there are three things to do.

The first thing is to find a project.

The second thing is change.

The third thing is, buy low and sell high.

The specific affairs of the company are handled by Yang Qingzhi and Wen Yueqi, with Yang Qingzhi in charge and Wen Yueqi in charge. It was also because of the establishment of Maple Leaf Capital that Wen Yueqi felt more comfortable.

Because whether it is Obsidian Fund or Maple Leaf Capital, this is a company that belongs to her and Ye Feng. The only difference from the previous Obsidian Fund is that now the company manager has become Yang Qingzhi, and Yang Qingzhi also has more shares.

This also means that after Yang Qingzhi resigned from Goldman Sachs, he changed his mind and now runs Maple Leaf Capital. He has returned to the city where he first stayed and started over.

However, although it is a fresh start, Maple Leaf Capital’s starting point is not low. When neither Ye Feng nor Wen Yueqi’s funds entered the market, Yang Qingzhi invested US$10 billion in advance.

The office is located upstairs from Wen Yueqi's company.

Judging from the rented size of the office space, we can see Yang Qingzhi's ambition and courage. Public areas and office areas for leaders of all levels have been reserved in advance.

It can be said that Yang Qingzhi is so familiar with everything from the establishment to the operation of the company, and on the second day after the office was installed, people started to apply for the job.

Some of them are students of Yang Qingzhi, some have worked with him, and there are also super traders who come here because of their fame and have impressive performance on Wall Street.

Yang Qingzhi and Wen Yueqi began to interview these people step by step.

From interns to predictive analysis and management consulting, financing specialists, investment and financing project managers, foreign exchange traders, securities traders, product developers, and insurance salespeople.

Try these one by one.

Some were brushed off, and some were passed.Different from Wen Yueqi's interview, Yang Qingzhi's interview is particularly focused on integrity. As for previous personal performance, it is secondary. Therefore, Yang Qingzhi's interview will be stricter and the pass rate will be stricter.

Ye Feng and Chen Huang looked at it and secretly smacked their lips. To them, the people who came for the interview were basically experts. Given their academic qualifications, let alone passing, they couldn't even get through the door.

a week later.

The company's positions are beginning to fill up.

Yang Qingzhi began to speak on behalf of the company to the employees below. Ye Feng was originally asked to speak up, but Ye Feng was unwilling to be in the limelight for the time being, so he sat at his desk without getting up.

And because of Ye Feng's behavior, he seemed even more mysterious in front of these employees, because in the past ten days, they had seen with their own eyes that Yang Qingzhi and Wen Yueqi would discuss anything with Ye Feng and ask for his opinions. .

Ye Feng's idea is very simple, that is, leave professional matters to professional people. No matter how well Yang Qingzhi does, Maple Leaf Capital still has Sister Wen Yueqiqi who helps manage the company.

Dozens of people stood in the public area and looked at Yang Qingzhi on the stage seriously.

Yang Qingzhi has been wearing formal clothes since the day he returned to Wall Street. He has a slender figure, sharp eyebrows and starry eyes. He stood on the stage in a suit. He was very aura, spoke American English, and was extremely fluent, giving people a high-spirited and passionate atmosphere. Feel.

He was mainly talking about his 12 years of experience and lessons learned at Goldman Sachs.

Ye Feng is also studying English these days, so he also wrote down a few items as useful information:
Article [-]: It's?as?easy?to?do?something?big?as?it?is?to?do?something?small,?so?reach?for?a?fantasy?worthy?of?your?pursuit ,?with?rewards?commensurate?to?your?effort. (Doing big things is just as easy as doing small things. So choose an ambitious goal worth pursuing and let the rewards match your effort.)
Article [-]: The best executives are made, not born. They never stop learning. Study the people and organizations in your life that have had ?enormous?success.?They?offer?a?free?course?from?the?real?world?to?help?you?improve. (The best executives are not born, but the result of training. They Never stop learning. Be good at researching the people and organizations in your life who have achieved great success. They can provide free tutorials on how to be successful in the real world and can help you improve yourself.)
Article [-]: There?is?nothing?more?interesting?to?people?than?their?own?problems.?Think?about?what?others?are?dealing?with,?and?try?to?come? up?with?ideas?to?help?them.?Almost?anyone,?however?senior?or?important,?is?receptive?to?new?ideas?provided?they?are?thoughtful. Interesting topics are topics related to yourself, so you must be good at analyzing other people's problems and try to come up with ways to help others. Almost everyone, no matter how famous or noble they are, is willing to accept new ideas. Of course, the premise is that these ideas must be well thought out.)

Yang Qingzhi talked a lot in the middle.

Ye Feng remembered the last one: Never?deviate?from?your?sense?of?right?and?wrong.?Your?integrity?must?be?unquestionable.?It?is?easy?to?do?what's?right ?when?you?don't?have?to?write?a?check?or?suffer?any?consequences.?It's?harder?when?you?have?to?give?something?up.?Always?do ?what?you?say?you?will,?and?never?mislead?anyone?for?your?own?advantage. (Always be clear in black and white, never give up, your integrity must be beyond doubt, as a person It's easy to do the right thing when there's no cost or consequences, but it's harder to maintain a credit record when you have to give up something. Always keep your word and don't mislead anyone for your own benefit. .)
As the saying goes, there is no business without treachery.

So in business, is it better to commit adultery or not to commit adultery?
After Yang Qingzhi finished speaking, the crowd applauded enthusiastically. After Ye Feng, Wen Yueqi, Chen Huang and Yang Qingzhi returned to the office, Ye Feng asked Yang Qingzhi this question.

Yang Qingzhi’s answer is also very interesting.

"The epee has no sharp edge, and it doesn't work."

Yang Qingzhi thought for a while and said to Ye Feng: "Everything has two sides. For some things, time can only be used to judge the results. Time can give answers that are temporarily unavailable."

(End of this chapter)

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