Recast youth

Chapter 1270 Ruthless Rejection

Chapter 1270 Ruthless Rejection
Ye Feng originally had a lot of things to say to Kong Jingke before he came up, but when he actually stood in front of Kong Jingke, he couldn't say a word again, as if his throat was blocked by something invisible.

Kong Jingke was also silent, even a little panicked. Ye Feng didn't know that he was pregnant and gave birth to a daughter, and he also asked Xiao Pianhong to take his surname of Kong instead of Ye.

Would he be angry if he knew.

Will he take custody of my daughter from me?
For a time, these thoughts took over Kong Jingke's heart, and even temporarily suppressed his joy at meeting Ye Feng again. Moreover, if the family member knew that Ye Feng was in Zurich, he would definitely come to him and even fight him. he……

Kong Jingke still remembers what Kong Zhong said before about breaking Ye Feng's legs, plus the birth of little Pianhong, so Kong Jingke's idea is that he must not let Ye Feng go home with her, even if she misses him very much. no.

After coming back to his senses, Kong Jingke looked at Ye Feng with complicated eyes: "Why are you in Zurich?"

"Let's find a quieter place to talk."

Ye Feng saw that there were too many people here and it was difficult to talk, so he pulled Kong Jingke outside. Some guests stopped Ye Feng and asked Kong Jingke in English what was going on. Kong Jingke explained that they knew each other, so the guests stopped blocking him.

Pass the bar.

Ye Feng saw Ke Meng drinking at the bar. He remembered that this woman always refused to let Kong Jingke chat with him, and glared at her. Ke Meng took advantage of Kong Jingke's presence and cut her. He said without showing any weakness, "Aren't your eyes amazing?"

Below Qingba is the shore of Lake Zurich. There is a trail for tourists to walk along the river. Ye Feng and Kong Jingke were walking along the river. The evening breeze blew on their faces, which felt a little cool.

The two of them kept walking without speaking in tacit agreement.

Ye Feng did not dare to ask Kong Jingke why he left the concert last year without saying goodbye. He knew very well that this question was a minefield. If he asked it, the two of them would have nothing to talk about.

"how are you?"

Ye Feng stopped, looked sideways at Kong Jingke, and asked softly.

"It's good. Ke Meng is also accompanying me."

Kong Jingke turned his hair around his ears, which was ruffled by the night wind, and then looked at the shining cruise ship on the lake and asked: "Why are you in Zurich? You suddenly stood in front of me just now. I thought I was hallucinating. Look, Wrong, I didn’t expect it was really you.”

Ye Feng did not explain, but said: "I saw you a few days ago."

"some days ago?"

Kong Jingke glanced at Ye Feng doubtfully. He hadn't gone out these days: "Where did you see me?"


Ye Feng pointed to the other side and said, "Did you sing "Red High Heels" on a stage at the Zurich Music Festival a few days ago?"

Kong Jingke asked in surprise: "Were you under the stage at that time?"

Ye Feng asked with some distress: "Did you also sing Hotel California?"


Kong Jingke nodded: "The lead singer of the band invited me to come up, and Ke Meng encouraged me, so I went up to sing."

As soon as she finished speaking, Kong Jingke suddenly became nervous. She came out with Ke Meng and little Pianhong. Ye Feng saw herself. Did he see little Pianhong in Ke Meng's arms?
Don't you see it?

Just when Kong Jingke was a little uneasy, he heard Ye Feng say depressedly: "When I first passed by your stage, I heard you singing Hotel California, but I didn't think much about it at the time, thinking it was a foreigner singing it. Later I came back When I heard you singing Red High Heels again, I knew it was you, but there were too many people at the time, so you didn’t hear me calling you, and by the time I squeezed to the front of the stage, you were gone.”

Kong Jingke hadn't completely relaxed yet and looked at Ye Feng guiltily: "I was with Ke Meng at that time, and you saw me?"


Ye Feng nodded: "But there were too many people at that time, probably one or two thousand people. I only saw you, not Sister Meng."

"That's good..." Kong Jingke breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's good?"

Ye Feng felt like his heart was being stabbed. He looked at the face that was very clear in his heart at all times with sadness, and said worriedly: "You don't want to see me?"


Ye Feng is now very worried about gains and losses. He even wanted to tell Kong Jingke that he was suffering from moderate depression. He almost couldn't think about it in the first two months and wanted her to soften her heart. But in the end, Ye Feng held it back and didn't want Kong Jingke to worry about him.

Kong Jingke felt guilty and owed something to Ye Feng. He hid the fact that he had a daughter. When he heard that Ye Feng was a little disappointed, he quickly said: "No, I mean there were indeed a lot of people at that time, and some domestic tourists recognized me. Ke Meng was also under the stage. She was afraid that someone would stop me from leaving when I came off the stage, so she took me away from the edge of the stage."

"Oh, that's it."

Ye Feng's mood suddenly improved again.

Unhappy because of her words.

I am also happy because of her words.

She seemed to have the switch of good or bad mood in her hand, but Ye Feng was in trouble and couldn't explain why. He felt indebted. Both of them had different thoughts, and they both felt that they owed each other.

Ye Feng felt that he owed Kong Jingke emotionally.

Kong Jingke felt that he owed Ye Feng for his daughter, but if Ye Feng took his daughter away, Kong Jingke would never accept it. Her daughter now occupies 80% of the color of her inner world.

Therefore, Kong Jingke did not intend to tell anything about having a daughter with Ye Feng, but he was curious about why Ye Feng was in Zurich, and he had thought that Ye Feng came to Zurich to find him.

After all, Ye Feng also guessed that he was in Switzerland on the phone.

So Kong Jingke looked up at Ye Feng and asked again: "You haven't told me yet, why did you come to Zurich? Is it for business?"


Seeing that he couldn't escape, Ye Feng said, "I went to Bern with Chen Huang to look at the car."

Then Ye Feng's heart moved, and he looked at Kong Jingke and said: "Then I thought that you might be in Zurich, so I stopped by to see if I could meet you in Zurich. I didn't expect that I actually met you."

After saying that, Ye Feng couldn't help but smile, feeling quite proud.

Kong Jingke felt a little happy when he heard Ye Feng personally admit that he came to find him, and then asked curiously: "Although Switzerland is not big, there are many cities. How could you guess that I am in Zurich?"

Ye Feng said in a good mood: "Because there is a music festival in Zurich every year. The open-air music festival happened to be held when I arrived a few days ago. Even if you are not in Zurich, you like music so much, I was thinking that you might also be able to Came here for a tour.”

"I didn't expect you to be quite smart." Kong Jingke raised his eyes and glanced at Ye Feng.

"Always smart."

Ye Feng smiled a little wildly. After Kong Jingke left last year, he hadn't been so happy for a long time. He then asked Kong Jingke: "By the way, where do you live in Zurich now? Take me there to identify the door."

"Are you going to my house?" Kong Jingke was originally in a good mood when he met Ye Feng, but when Ye Feng asked where she lived, he suddenly became sensitive and nervous.

Ye Feng nodded: "Yes, at least I need to know where you live, right?"


Kong Jingke was thinking about Xiao Pianhong and the big devil Kong Zhong at home. If they met, they would definitely have a fight. At least that unkind man would attack Ye Feng, so he immediately and ruthlessly rejected Ye Feng's idea of ​​going to her home. , it’s not that I don’t want to, it’s that I can’t!

(End of this chapter)

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