Recast youth

Chapter 1263 But I always feel guilty

Chapter 1263 But I always feel guilty
Arrive in Zurich.

Ye Feng, Chen Huang and Yang Qingzhi came to the edge of Lake Zurich again, next to the stage where Kong Jingke sang before. By this time, the Zurich Open Air Music Festival had ended, and workers were slowly dismantling the stage.

But despite this, there are still quite a lot of tourists in Zurich, walking in twos and threes by the lake, talking about the grand scene of the open-air music festival a few days ago, and which band sang well.

Yang Qingzhi had already learned from Chen Huang that the reason why Ye Feng was obsessed with Zurich was because there was a woman he liked in this city and he met her four days ago.

However, Yang Qingzhi did not express any opinions. Emotions are the most complicated thing. However, Yang Qingzhi felt that Ye Feng and the woman named Kong Jingke were quite destined, and they could actually meet him in a foreign country.

Chen Huang was familiar with Ye Feng, and there was no taboo in speaking. He smiled and said to Ye Feng: "If you really want to find your sister Jing Ke, just say it and I will help you publish a missing person notice. I will definitely find her." I'm sorry you left your soul here and wandered around. I spent the whole day here with you the day before yesterday."

"There's no need for a missing person notice."

Ye Feng turned around, looked at the pedestrians on the edge of Lake Zurich and said, "I'm just coming over to take a look."

Chen Huang asked in surprise: "Don't want to see anyone anymore?"

Ye Feng nodded, then shook his head: "Don't even think about it."

"What do you mean by not thinking about it? Do you think about it or not?" Chen Huang was speechless.

Ye Feng glanced at Chen Huang and pretended to sigh: "You are still young. Adult matters are too complicated for you to understand."

"Get out of here."

Chen Huang said angrily: "When I was in school, you were still running around in crotchless pants."

"Oh, it's not that I don't want to see it."

Ye Feng sighed and said: "Even if I really see it, I don't know what to say, so it depends on fate. If you can meet it, it's good. If you can't, just wait."

"The level of thought is too high, I really can't understand it." Chen Huang shook his head: "Since you miss her, you should chase her. If you are here to grind and whine, and you are still messy after cutting, I am worried for you. Panic."

"Stop talking about you. I'm anxious to get angry myself, but brother, I can't help it. I can't even explain it to you in a few words."

Ye Feng himself was a little helpless. Do you want to see Kong Jingke?Of course I was thinking about it, and there were many things I wanted to ask her, such as where you lived this year and how you were.

Will you be uncomfortable in a foreign country?

Will you feel lonely?

But there was one thing Ye Feng never dared to ask Kong Jingke, and that was why you left. Ye Feng himself also knew the reason, because Kong Jingke felt that there was an age difference between the two and Zhang Lan.

Ye Feng can say that his real age is actually older than Kong Jingke, and he doesn't care about his age, but he can't talk about Zhang Lan's matter. After all, he asked Kong Zhong to help find connections for Zhang Lan's father to go to jail. Lan's father reversed the verdict.

What a huge favor.

But he asked Kong Zhong about another woman. With Kong Zhong's cold and strong character, couldn't he see something?Will he allow his daughter to be delayed by someone unclear?
It's definitely not allowed.

Maybe Kong Jingke chose to leave quietly after the concert last year, and there was a shadow of Kong Zhong in it. But Ye Feng did not dare to ask Kong Zhong because Ye Feng was afraid that Kong Zhong would question himself, you are with my daughter, how can you actually do it? Begging me for other women's affairs?What do you think my daughter is?

Insufficient confidence.

This is the biggest dilemma in Ye Feng's heart. Therefore, Ye Feng wants to see Kong Jingke, but is afraid of seeing Kong Jingke, because now he still has no way to give Kong Jingke a better explanation.

Ye Feng is instinctively escaping now, avoiding Kong Jingke and Zhang Lan. He prefers to watch them from a distance and wants to get closer, but he feels like a hedgehog covered with thorns. The thorns will also prick them.People.

When you feel you owe others, you always think of compensation, but what kind of compensation is enough?All Ye Feng can think about right now is that he is going to do business regardless of anything.

To make money.

For example, if you own a private equity fund with the most terrifying amount of funds in the world, you stand at the top of the world's finance, and your every move will make others look up to you.

At this time, Ye Feng felt that there were many things he could do. Whether it was Zhang Lan or Kong Jingke, I could give you everything I had. I only asked for one thing. I knew I owed each of you. , I know I can't stand your torture, but I use everything I have to beg you, don't come to question me, and don't come to mentally torture me.

Chen Huang felt that Ye Feng rushed too hard.

Ye Feng also felt that he rushed too hard. Maybe one mistake would lead to a cliff, and he would no longer be qualified to make a comeback. After all, the money-making route of legendary cheats could no longer be replicated.

But Ye Feng wanted to do this.

Only by doing this can Ye Feng fill the emptiness in his heart and not feel so guilty. Money debts are easy to repay, but human debts are difficult to repay, let alone emotional debts?
down all day.

Ye Feng, Chen Huang, and Yang Qingzhi were all walking in a place with better scenery in Zurich. They had no purpose. They just suddenly remembered where to go and walked over. Then they thought this place had a good scenery, so they stopped and chatted for a while.

While chatting, Ye Feng would also communicate with Yang Qingzhi about the brand value of Hilton Hotel and whether it was really worth acquiring. As for the chip company, Ye Feng gave up.

If it were two years later or three years later, Ye Feng would not hesitate to acquire Freescale because he had money at that time. Even if the acquisition of Freescale did not make money, Ye Feng would still acquire it.

If not for anything else, just because he has a high-tech company under his name. It sounds nicer. It is one of the top five semiconductor chip companies in the world. Is this a bluff?
It's also bluffing.

In addition, when the country needs it in the future, Ye Feng can also stand up. It is okay for other chip companies in the United States to block chip exports to the domestic electronics industry. I will provide you with chips.

But Ye Feng doesn't have that much money now, so he can only make a choice between Hilton Hotel and Freescale. He chose Hilton Hotel where he can make money every moment.


Three people who had been shopping in Zurich for a day found a bar to sit down and drink. The location of the bar is very good. It is on the roof of a house on the edge of Lake Zurich. Sitting in the bar, you can see the stars when you look up. You can see the beautiful scenery above Lake Zurich.

The Qing Bar has a stage for guests to sing on, as well as musical instruments, electronic guitars, and drums.

After the three of them finished drinking, Chen Huang said to Ye Feng, who had been shopping for a whole day with no results, while drinking, "You can sing, don't you? Why don't you go up and sing a song."

With the help of alcohol, Ye Feng went up and took the guitar. Kong Jingke taught him the guitar when he rented Kong Jingke's house in Dongzhou. At that time, Kong Jingke used the guitar to perform the fastest song in the world in order to get tuition. One of the pieces of music is "Flight of the Bumblebee".

At that time, Ye Feng was shocked.

Now that the guitar is still in his hand, but his lover is missing, Ye Feng holds the guitar, filled with emotion. Then he smiles to himself, plucks the strings, his voice is slightly tired, and he sings hoarsely:
I get drunk sometimes
I like freedom

often make mistakes love to lie
but always feel guilty


Many people heard someone singing and felt the emotion contained in Ye Feng's singing. They couldn't help but look at the stage. Ye Feng was sitting on high heels, holding a guitar, singing softly, with self-deprecating and sad eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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