Recast youth

Chapter 1253 Yang Qingzhi’s aura

Chapter 1253 Yang Qingzhi’s aura
to be honest.

Yang Qingzhi was not optimistic about Ye Feng after a short period of contact. He was friendly but lacked a bit of sharpness. Moreover, Yang Qingzhi himself had such confidence because he had already been the executive director of Goldman Sachs.

What is Goldman Sachs?
Goldman Sachs is the ceiling of investment banks. Yang Qingzhi comes from Goldman Sachs, so he is naturally qualified. What's more, Yang Qingzhi's personal strength is also very strong?
But at this time, someone interrupted with a smile.

"I think Ye Feng is a natural leader."

It was Chen Huang who interrupted.

Chen Huang scolded Ye Feng in his heart for not revealing his trump card. You didn't say anything. People know who you are. Can anyone in this world really see your domineering side from the outside?
While looking at Yang Qingzhi who was sitting on the small stool with a smile, he said, "Mr. Yang, right? Let me introduce to you. The person standing in front of you is named Ye Feng, the founder of Lanshan Company."

Yang Qingzhi looked at Chen Huang with a smile and said nothing. He had seen the founders of even the largest companies.

Chen Huang was not in a hurry, he lit a cigarette for himself with a smile, and continued: "Maybe you are abroad and don't know enough about domestic companies. It has been less than four years since Lanshan Company was established. At present, In preparation for listing, the valuation is over US$30 billion."

Then Chen Huang pulled Ye Feng aside and pointed at Ye Feng: "This is this guy. He hasn't graduated from college yet. He built a company from scratch. Countless people are trying their best to get the original shares of his company. You have to look at him." Face."

Yang Qingzhi was a little surprised when he heard this. It was not because of the valuation of Ye Feng's company. To be honest, valuations were all fictitious. They were different from the listed market value. The listed market value could be cashed out at any time, but the valuation could not.

But before the marriage, Ye Feng knew who he was and dared to invite him. This meant that his Lanshan company was valued at US$30 billion. The water content in this was not that big, and he did not rely on his family, but started from scratch. .

At this point, Yang Qingzhi felt that Ye Feng was somewhat capable.

Chen Huang didn't stop, smiled, and continued: "By the way, I forgot to mention that his Lanshan Company is a cash cow company, which is different from those financing companies. In addition, in addition to Lanshan Company, he also has Lanshan Financial Services Company and a film company casually found a new director and made a movie. What do you think the box office was? The box office was 4.73 million, setting a box office record, and the filming cost of the film was only 500 million. , including publicity, it doesn’t exceed 2000 million, so the return on investment is not low, right?”

"Well, it's indeed not low."

Yang Qingzhi was still sitting upright, smiling and nodding, which was indeed not low. It seemed that he had underestimated this young man named Ye Feng.

When Chen Huang saw Yang Qingzhi smiling, he felt quite angry. Why were he pretending? But Chen Huang held it back and continued: "By the way, do you know about fcaebook? My brother personally holds 40% of the shares in fcaebook." shares.”

Yang Qingzhi knew about the company fcaebook.

It is also a company with a very young founder and has grown up quickly. Many investment banks have invested in this company, and several companies including Microsoft and Yahoo have thought about acquiring fcaebook, but in the end it was acquired by a company called MapleInc. Acquired.

At this time, Yang Qingzhi finally moved. He looked sideways at Ye Feng, who was pushed aside by Chen Huang, and asked, "MapleInc is your company?"


Ye Feng nodded humbly. In fact, he felt quite happy. The reason why he didn't say anything was because he wanted Chen Huang to continue to brag for him. When Chen Huang mentioned that the movie set a box office record, Ye Feng felt a little unhappy. I am happy. I think what Chen Huang said is too detailed. Is it the end of the box office of 4.73 million?What about breaking the precedent of moving theatrical movies from offline to online broadcast on Lanshan Video website and taking advantage of the movie "Crazy Stone" to let Lanshan Pay occupy the market?

This is the essence, okay?

Ye Feng looked modest on the surface, but secretly discussed Chen Huang in his heart.

Yang Qingzhi was stunned and said: "I know a little bit about MapleInc investing 4 million U.S. dollars in 40% of fcaebook's shares. I didn't expect that it was you who invested. So, your MapleInc company's equity structure has nothing to do with the domestic Lanshan Company. "?" Ye Feng nodded: "There is no connection, the equity interests of the two companies are independent."

"Why did you decide this? In fact, you can also set up an overseas Lanshan subsidiary." Yang Qingzhi laughed.

Ye Feng said naturally: "I don't like putting eggs in the same basket."

Don't put all your eggs in the same basket?
Yang Qingzhi was a little surprised by Ye Feng's answer, but if everything he just said is true, then this answer is no exception. What's interesting is that Ye Feng is obviously so young, how could he have such mature thoughts? There are experts giving guidance.

But Yang Qingzhi didn't know that Ye Feng's answer was intentional.

Generally speaking, there is a relationship of demand and demand between companies and employees, but it is different at Yang Qingzhi's stage. There must be factors that attract each other between the company or the founder of the company and him, and then the two will collide. Spark comes.

As for having a pleasant conversation and reaching an intention to cooperate from the very first meeting, that situation is impossible. First of all, Ye Feng's company is currently very famous in China, but in the world, the company's brand reputation is completely insufficient. of.

And Yang Qingzhi came from Goldman Sachs, which has a history of more than 100 years, so his vision is naturally different. Lanshan Company is now somewhat powerful, but compared with Goldman Sachs, there is still a huge gap, and they are not on the same level at all.

For example, for a professor-level figure from Harvard University, the president of a 985 university in China ran over to him and proudly said to him, come and teach at my university. Have you heard of SJTU?

Don't say that people haven't heard of it, even if they have, they will laugh it off.

Therefore, if you want Yang Qingzhi to join your company, in addition to showing off your muscles, you must also make yourself unique, and what makes you different to others often starts with your words and deeds.

Yang Qingzhi also took a year off. Now that he heard Ye Feng's words, he was quite interested in him. He caught an interesting piece of information in the words of Ye Feng and Chen Huang.

It has been less than four years since Lanshan Company was established.

It has been less than three years since fcaebook was established.

According to common sense, Ye Feng should be focusing all his time and energy on his Lanshan Company and China at this time. How could he set his sights on fcaebook in California?

Moreover, this investment and M&A case was completed half a year ago. From initiation, to investigation, to confirmation, it also takes time. In other words, Ye Feng should have seen the company fcaebook at a later date. In the early days, such as 2005, fcaebook was only established for more than a year at this time.

Yang Qingzhi looked at Ye Feng and suddenly asked: "When was the first time you went abroad?"

"At the beginning of this year." Ye Feng said without thinking too much.

But what Ye Feng said confirmed Yang Qingzhi's analysis. He laughed and asked: "You went abroad for the first time at the beginning of this year. How could you bet such a large sum of US$4 million on fcaebook? How did you do it? Do you know about fcaebook? Your company has not been listed yet and has no financing channels. 4 million U.S. dollars should also require a lot of effort on your part. With such a large sum of money, it is impossible for you to decide to invest in fcaebook this year, right? In other words, once You paid attention to fcaebook in California years ago, but at that time it was just a new company that had only been established for more than a year."

The series of questions made Ye Feng a little breathless for a while, and also made him realize that many of his reasons in the past were so difficult to resist scrutiny in the eyes of caring people.

(End of this chapter)

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