Recast youth

Chapter 1250 Can you speak Chinese?

Chapter 1250 Can you speak Chinese?
The reason why Ye Feng didn't buy it was also very simple.

Although King Kalman looks particularly domineering and has a luxurious interior, this car has a fatal problem for Ye Feng, and that is the speed problem.

The King Kalman has a 6.8-liter V10 engine with a power output of 400 horsepower. For ordinary cars, the power of this car is completely sufficient, but it is completely insufficient for the weight of the King Kalman. The top speed is 140km/h, and the power is too poor.

On the train from Bern to Lucerne.

Chen Huang said to Ye Feng speechlessly: "140 is just 140. The highway speed limit is 120. How fast do you expect to go? This car is really good."

"That won't work, the speed is too slow. Besides, it has a top speed of 140, so it certainly won't work to increase the speed. It's just a matter of lack of power. If nothing else, let's just say that the minimum configuration is US$185 million, and the top configuration is US$300. For $500, it would cost at least $[-] million to find a container for shipping, then pay the tax when we go back, and it would also take a long time."

Ye Feng shook his head. He almost decided to pay a deposit at first, but when he heard the top speed, he decided not to buy it.

Chen Huang said: "Just wait, we have come all the way, and you are not short of this little money."

Ye Feng glanced at Chen Huang and said, "I want to buy this car for Feng Zheng."

"Feng Zheng? Real or fake?"?
Chen Huang was stunned for a moment. He originally thought that Ye Feng wanted this car for himself, but he didn't expect that Ye Feng actually wanted to buy it for Feng Zheng.

"Really, why did I lie to you when I had nothing to do."

Ye Feng nodded and said: "Feng Zheng has done too many things for me, and because I was injured this time, after returning to Dongzhou, I don't plan to let him drive for me anymore, and let him join the company to learn." Management, I just need a car. I came to Switzerland to see the car this time just to give him a surprise. Otherwise, I would not have left him in the country when he was injured because of me. I went to Switzerland to play by myself. After seeing it, he actually likes Hou Yao’s George Button. If Hou Yao hadn’t owned one, I would have given him a George Button fix.”

When Ye Feng said this, Chen Huang understood immediately.

With Feng Zheng's image as a fierce man, he definitely needs a domineering off-road vehicle, and the top speed is 140, which obviously cannot satisfy Feng Zheng's seemingly calm but actually volcano-like personality.

Chen Huang suddenly said: "I thought you bought it for yourself."

Ye Feng said: "If I buy a car for myself, can I leave Feng Zheng in the country and ignore him? Just to give him a surprise. Who would have thought that a car with tens of millions of dollars can run at a top speed of 140?"

"I didn't expect this either..."

Chen Huang said awkwardly that he didn't look carefully at the auto show last year. He was attracted by the appearance and interior of King Kalman. If he hadn't asked about the power issue, few people would have thought of tens of millions. The top speed of the car is only 140mph.

Ye Feng thought for a while and asked Chen Huang: "By the way, do you have any other off-road vehicles to recommend? The rear seats shouldn't be so fancy. After all, this is Feng Zheng's personal car, not for him to be the driver." Boss, King Kalman is really not suitable.”

"Choose between the Mercedes-Benz Grand G and the Land Cruiser. These two cars are pretty good."

"Mercedes-Benz Big G."

Ye Feng confirmed that he bought this car as a gift to Feng Zheng. This car itself is quite intimidating. It is much more intimidating than the Land Rover Range Rover. There are not many people buying it at this stage.

"Okay, after you return to China, I will help you get one. Then you can drive it home and let Feng Zheng drive it to get the license plate." Chen Huang nodded. He also liked the Mercedes-Benz G500. He also liked the Mercedes-Benz G[-]. The decoration and appearance are very tough, nothing to fault.

Ye Feng said: "I checked the license plate of Dongzhou, and the car was driven by Feng Zheng in Dongzhou."

Chen Huang said: "That's okay, it's not a big deal. I'll get you a temporary card and that's it."

"No, let's get the Yanjing license plate..." Ye Feng thought for a while and then changed his mind. He suddenly thought of Yanjing's license restrictions and lottery in the future, and the Yanjing license plate can also be used in Dongzhou. In the future, the Dongzhou license plate It will be difficult to run to the elevated highway in the center of Yanjing.

So the Yanjing license plate is quite valuable.

As the two people were discussing the car, the train soon arrived from Bern to Lucerne (also called Lucerne). Unlike Zurich, which is a bustling financial city, Lucerne has a slow pace of life and is also the most popular tourist destination among Swiss and foreign tourists. In the city, they introduced the car for more than an hour, but Ye Feng didn't buy it. Naturally, Chen Huang was too embarrassed to stay, so he took him to Lucerne.

On the train, Chen Huang also introduced Lucerne to Ye Feng. This city with only 7 people has attracted princes, nobles and literati throughout history.

Including the famous movie star Audrey Hepburn, whom Chen Huang first mentioned, eventually settled in Lucerne.

People have a tendency to follow the crowd. Since so many celebrities have been to Lucerne, Ye Feng also wants to explore what is it about this city that attracts so many literati to visit.

Just like in Bern, Ye Feng first went to the old town. There are three places worth visiting. The first place to go is the covered bridge water tower. The wooden structure covered bridge is about 200 meters long. It was built in 1333 and spans On the Reuss River, the wooden bridge and the octagonal water tower beside the bridge were originally part of the city's water defenses.There are 110 triangular paintings on the beams under the eaves, on which Heinrich Bergmann depicts the life of the saint who protected Lucerne.

The water tower is an outpost to monitor the invasion of foreign enemies, and it is used as a storage room and interrogation room for trophies.

Since it was almost dark when Ye Feng and Chen Huang arrived here, the colored lights around the covered bridge and water tower were all on, which looked very romantic. When Ye Feng saw this, he would also be thinking, if he could have seen it one step ahead. Kong Jingke, if he brought her here with him, it would be particularly artistic, but it's a pity that Chen Huang is by his side.

Ye Feng turned his head and saw Chen Huang, and shook his head slightly. It was really quite a sight to see a man next to such a beautiful place.

The second place worth visiting is the Lion Monument. There is nothing much to say here. It is just a place carved out of the stone wall, and inside is a lifelike carved male stone lion.

In front of the stone lion is a small pool. I don’t know if it is to prevent tourists from approaching or taking pictures. However, although the scenery here is monotonous, it still has a meaning. It is intended to pray for world peace. There is text describing this under the monument. What happened.

The third place is the wonderful Musaiq City Walls.

This city wall is one of the best preserved and longest defensive city walls in Switzerland. The city wall is more than 900 meters long. There are 9 watchtowers of different styles built on the city wall. For Ye Feng, there is nothing interesting to see here. Look at it with him. The Badaling Great Wall is almost the same, but this city wall has another advantage, that is, Lucerne is too small. Standing on this city wall, you can enjoy the scenery of Lucerne very well, which is similar to the Oriental Pearl Tower in Shanghai.

Then when he came back, Ye Feng saw a few people fishing by Lake Lucerne. Ye Feng thought about it and said to Chen Huang: "There are people fishing over there, why don't we buy two fishing rods and come fishing, anyway. Everyone is here."

"It's better to forget it."

Chen Huang shrugged and said: "Everyone who fishes here must have a fishing license. You have to spend money to go to the relevant departments to apply for it. It is definitely too late now."

"Isn't it right? Do you need to apply for a license to catch fish?"

Ye Feng experienced for the first time the unfriendly place in Switzerland. He had no choice but to go to the lake to watch people fishing to see how many fish he had caught. Coincidentally, the person sitting by the lake fishing was also an Asian man. , in his early 40s, sitting on a small folding stool, fishing in an orderly manner.

Could it be Chinese?

At this time, there are quite a lot of Chinese people traveling abroad.

Ye Feng thought for a while, and to be conservative, he did not ask if the person was Chinese first, but asked first: "Excuse?me,?Do?you?speak?Chinese?"

Chen Huang, who was hanging behind and smoking, heard Ye Feng's questioning voice from a distance and almost laughed out loud. He knew Ye Feng's thoughts and couldn't help but think funnyly: When you meet people and ask them if they can speak Chinese, do you really think that we are united across the world? Compatriots?
(End of this chapter)

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