Recast youth

Chapter 1226

Chapter 1226
Hospital stairway.

Ye Feng and several others were smoking here. Ye Feng curiously asked Chen Huang: "What is the relationship between political commissar Li just now and your family?"

"When he was in the army, he helped my grandfather write his memoirs."

Chen Huang exhaled smoke and spoke concisely.


Ye Feng and Lin Rui haven't reacted yet, but Zhou Yihang and Hou Yao have already. Chen Huang has always kept a low profile. If abroad, his character can be a little more wild, but at home he is very mature.

From his famous Yihe Restaurant in Yanjing to his family background, we can see how low-key he is. Zhou Yihang and Ye Feng only knew that Chen Huang grew up in a compound and his father was in the army. Then my mother worked as the general manager of a state-owned enterprise, and I don’t know the rest.

Now Chen Huang suddenly said that Political Commissar Li wrote his grandfather's memoirs when he was in the army. So what is Grandpa Chen Huang's rank?He is probably one of the few remaining old people.

Ye Feng also reacted at this time, glanced at Chen Huang next to him, and said: "No wonder Chen Yiming and Yang Yanhui's White Horse Club will pull you over to be an honorary founder. It turns out that you are just young."

"Absolutely. It was okay when I was young, but when I grew up, the relationship went far away. When he opened the club, he asked me to come over and be the founder in order to build the reputation of the club. I was too embarrassed to refuse, so I agreed."

Chen Huang said no more at this point, looked at Ye Feng and said, "How are you going to deal with this matter today?"

"There's nothing to deal with."

Ye Feng's face was calm, he exhaled a puff of smoke, turned to look at Chen Huang, and said, "Didn't that Wang Yitong hit me with a car? Let him stay in jail for more than ten years. He is endangering public safety and illegal possession." Guns and ammunition, malicious murder, these crimes can keep him in jail and he won't be able to get out, right?"


Chen Huang nodded: "I've already made a call to keep him locked up. It's not a big problem. To be honest, I really didn't expect Wang Yitong to be so brave. He actually pointed a gun at you on the street. , This time I will definitely not let anyone get him out easily by saying hello. After I go back, I will contact several newspapers to make this matter on the news, expand the matter, and stop Wang Chengzhi from looking for someone to say hello. "

"Okay, this time it's up to you."

When Ye Feng saw that Chen Huang said that it was not a big problem to keep Wang Yitong locked up and unable to get out, he nodded. Then he felt a little burning between his fingers. When he looked again, he saw that the cigarette butt had unknowingly burned to the butt.

Ye Feng threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stamped it out. There was no trash can nearby. Ye Feng picked up the cigarette butt and walked to the corridor beside the stairs. He threw it out of the window. Then he turned to look at Chen Huang.

There is no smile on the face.

"I'm a person who doesn't hold grudges very much."

Ye Feng pursed his lips and said seriously: "Many times, for some small things, I will feel less angry after a night's sleep. I was also hit by a car once, and I almost lost my life that time, but I It’s better to let him go.”

When Zhou Yihang and Hou Yao heard Ye Feng say this, their expressions were a little ugly. They could tell that Ye Feng was talking about Li He asking for a concrete truck to hit him in Dongzhou.

Ye Feng almost died that time.

Then Li He's sister approached Zhou Yihang in order to fish Li He out. Zhou Yihang really had no choice, so he took Hou Yao to Ye Feng to discuss letting Li He go, and then Ye Feng sold the favor.

Ye Feng didn't mean to say these words to Zhou Hang, but he was stating a fact. He continued calmly: "But this time, I really mind."


Mind very much.After Ye Feng sent Feng Zheng to the hospital, Feng Zheng sat there for the operation. He watched everything and didn't say anything. But now he spoke it out to Chen Huang and said slowly: "Feng Zheng is Because Wang Yitong wanted me to kneel down for him, he went to grab the gun and stood in front of me, you know? He risked his life to preserve my dispensable dignity."

"When Feng Zheng went out, I wanted to kneel, I really wanted to kneel."

"You don't know how I felt when I saw Feng Zheng standing in front of me, blocking the muzzle of the gun, but Feng Zheng didn't listen to me. Even if I asked him to stop and said I could kneel down, he still wouldn't listen to me."

"Really, I used to think that Feng Sande always kicked him too much, and I scolded Feng Zheng many times in my heart. How could you, who is 1.8 meters tall, be kicked by that old gangster Feng Sande? Isn't it embarrassing?"

"But in the afternoon, I also wanted to kick him to death."

"I was thinking at the time, what if Feng Zheng dies? How do I explain to Feng Sande? How do I tell him? Could it be that Feng Zheng, this bitch, lost his life trying to block the bullet for me?"

"I really can't imagine this scene, and I'm also afraid of owing people."

"I'm so afraid of owing people that I don't even dare to get close to the people I love because I'm afraid of hurting them. I just can't think about it alone. I have depression. Don't you want to know how I got depression? I just can't think about it. I fell into a pit and couldn’t get out.”

"Isn't it ridiculous?"

"I think I'm pretty ridiculous too."

Having said this, Ye Feng paused, lit another cigarette, took a deep breath, and exhaled slowly, saying, "But I didn't expect that there is another evil pen like me."

Although Ye Feng didn't say who the bad guy was, everyone could tell that the person he was talking about was Feng Zheng.

"Isn't he afraid of knowing? He is afraid too."

Ye Feng said one sentence after another, because Feng Zheng was standing in front of him at that time, and no one could see clearly how much sweat Feng Zheng had on his back at that time, and his clothes were almost sticking to his back.

But even such a person who was afraid of death risked his life over and over again to save him. At the beginning of the year, it was like this in heaven and earth, and it was like this on the streets of Fifth Avenue in New York.

It's like this again this afternoon.

Ye Feng felt that Feng Zheng was very evil, didn't he just kneel down?What can be lost?In the previous life, weren't there countless people who said that as long as they knelt once, they could make others bankrupt?
You can also find your place again after kneeling down. Wang Yitong has already taken out his gun. He can't run away. Do you have to risk your life for his ridiculous dignity?
Ye Feng felt it wasn't worth it.

At the very least, Feng Zheng did this for him, and it was not worth it for him to do it for Feng Zheng.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng took a deep breath, looked at Chen Huang seriously, and said in a slow tone: "I won't hide it from you. Nothing has happened to Feng Zheng now. If something really happened to him, I will definitely ignore him." Wang Yitong paid all the price with his life, including his so-called father Wang Chengzhi. For the rest of my life, I can target them without doing anything."

"So, this time, Wang Yitong, I must let him stay in prison for ten years."

Ye Feng finally said softly.

From the beginning to the end, Ye Feng was speaking softly, but whether it was Chen Huang or Hou Yao, they all heard the evil spirit in Ye Feng's words, which was almost endless.

It's the evil spirit that makes me uneasy if you don't die.

(End of this chapter)

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