Recast youth

Chapter 1224 One step ahead

Chapter 1224 One Step Ahead

"This is the situation. I won't tell you more. You also know where Yanjing is. Contrabands like guns are not allowed to be seen. Your son was rampaging on the road in broad daylight, causing several There was a car accident and a gun was fired. What is the nature of it? It’s not me, brother, gloating over the misfortune. It’s your son who really got into a lot of trouble this time. So far, several calls have come in, asking about this case. , let me handle it strictly, what do you want me to do?"

The person on the phone said.

Wang Chengzhi said kindly: "We have known each other for such a long time, and I have never troubled you in normal times. I really need to trouble you to help me think of a solution regarding Yitong. You said he is my son, and he has nothing to do with me." It's happened, as a father, I can't just ignore him, right?"

The person on the phone pondered for a while and said: "Well, where does your son usually live? Go and take a look now to see if there is anything that shouldn't be in the house. The sooner the better. The case has now been investigated by the Criminal Police Team. Taken over, if there is contraband like a gun, you must search the house to avoid finding anything that shouldn’t be confiscated.”

"Okay, I'll go now."

Wang Chengzhi hung up the phone.

After walking out of the study, a very beautiful woman with a good figure, who was almost 20 years younger than Wang Chengzhi, came over in the corridor with hot milk. Seeing Wang Chengzhi looking like he was rushing out, he asked with concern: "Honey, it's so late, where are you going?"

"Something happened to Yitong. Let's talk about it when I get back."

Wang Chengzhi said irritably, and then went downstairs. This was his second wife, who gave birth to a son and a daughter. Wang Yitong was his son with his ex-wife. Because of this, Wang Chengzhi felt that he had something to do with Wang Yitong. I owed him a debt, so I was more indulgent towards him. I didn't expect that he would cause such a big thing today.

If it was just a chase on the road and a car crash, it would be fine. At most, it would be a crime of endangering public safety. If you pay some money, the matter would be over. But holding a gun and shooting, this matter is not a small matter, he felt. Not tricky.

And the background of the other party is not simple.

The boss of Lanshan Company, Ye Feng.

The youngest and richest man born in the 80s.

Wang Chengzhi frowned and muttered Ye Feng's name. Without letting the driver follow him, he got in the car and drove to the Summer Palace. This is where Wang Yitong usually lives alone, not far away.

After arriving at the Yihe Mansion, Wang Chengzhi went straight to the bedroom of Wang Yitong's villa, rummaged through the cabinets, and finally saw many nude photos of female celebrities in the drawer near the bedside.

In addition, there was a pistol and two packets of noodles.

Wang Chengzhi was shocked and broke into a cold sweat.

Nude photos of female celebrities are nothing. Both parties are consensual and no one can say anything. However, hiding guns and hiding faces are both contraband and add insult to injury.

Especially at this juncture.

Wang Chengzhi quickly put away these things and went out. As soon as he got in the car, he saw a police car driving over. Several police officers got out of the car and ran to the villa he had just come out of.

Obviously, they came for a search.

If he hadn't been reminded by the phone, things would have been more difficult this time. Then Wang Chengzhi started the car and drove out of the parking space.

in a police car.

There was a member of the criminal investigation team sitting in the driver's seat and staying in the car. He noticed a car leaving next to him, but he didn't think much about it. After a while, several people who went in to search came back and got in the car.

"Someone came back and we were a step late."

A man with a resolute face sat in the passenger seat, lit a cigarette, said something angrily, and then threw dozens of photos to the passenger: "These are the only ones left."

"What is this photo for?" the detective who stayed behind asked in confusion.A detective in civilian clothes sitting in the car behind me came over, winked and said with a smile: "You should look at the photos first."

So the detective in the co-pilot took a look. It was okay not to look, but he was shocked when he saw that several of the photos were of well-known actresses, such as Zhou Xiaolu and Li Xun.

There are also some photos of second- and third-tier female stars.

He chuckled: "Oh, this entertainment industry is really messy. People who usually look glamorous on TV have a habit of being photographed behind their backs."

"Normally, the life of a rich person is just extravagant eating, drinking and having fun. If it were me, I would be a little excited. Alas, behind every goddess there is a man who loves her so much that he makes her want to vomit." The other detective in the back seat didn't find it strange either. Working as a police officer in Yanjing, he had heard a lot of these messy things.

"Mind your own business. Even if you don't have this, you still have to suffer because you don't have money. You have to have money. Maybe one day I will personally take you to the court for arraignment."

The man with a determined expression in the passenger seat threw the cigarette butt out of the window: "Let's collect the team and go back to the station. Just pretend you didn't see the photo. These are public figures. Let's save some face for them."

"Understood Team Zhang."

One by one.

At this time, the criminal policeman who had stayed behind thought of the car that had driven out of the parking space next to him, and suddenly said: "By the way, Captain Zhang, when you went in just now, a car left. Could it be that he got in first and took all the things?" Taken away?"

Captain Zhang turned around when he heard this: "What car?"

"Mercedes-Benz S600."

The left-behind detective said, and then said the license plate number. This is also their professional habit. Whenever they see a car, they will subconsciously pay attention to the license plate.

"Wang Chengzhi's car."

The middle-aged man known as Captain Zhang patted the car in annoyance: "Someone in the bureau warned him in advance."



Wang Chengzhi owned many cars, including more than a dozen luxury cars. The Mercedes-Benz S600 was just one of his many hidden cars. He drove out of the Summer Palace and drove all the way to SJS.

What was placed on the passenger seat was a gun and two packages of noodles that he brought from Wang Yitong's house.

"Yiming, where are you? Do you have time to meet? Let me understand the situation with you."

Wang Chengzhi called Chen Yiming, and at the same time took the cloth and wiped it carefully on the handle of the gun, wiping off all the original fingerprint marks on it.

"Well, okay, I'll go over now."

Wang Chengzhi hung up the phone, and then drove the car to a bridge. Below is the Jingmi Diversion Canal, which leads water from the Miyun Reservoir to Yanjing. It is 110 kilometers long. It is a water diversion canal that transports water all year round. Impossible to dry out.

There was no one on the bridge at this time.

Wang Chengzhi looked left and right, calmly came to the bridge, threw the gun into the water, tore up two packages of noodles and threw them in. After doing all this, Wang Chengzhi got in the car again, and then headed towards Yanjiao. Drive past Yang Yanhui's private horse farm.

(End of this chapter)

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