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Chapter 1205 5 Electric Chapters

Chapter 1205 5 Calls

Does Ye Feng care about anything now?

He really doesn't care that much. No matter how his company in China is doing or who he offends in China, he doesn't care much now, because even if he loses everything in China, he holds 40% of the shares of fcaebook company and his relationship with Wen Yueqi. The money in Obsidian Private Equity Fund is enough for him to spend in his lifetime.

Money is a man's guts.

So Ye Feng is very confident now and doesn't care about anyone. You are the king of China and I have a great background. I don't care about you and don't hate you. The worst is that I will no longer stay in the country and go abroad.

When we get abroad, we will continue to play slowly.

The next day.

Ye Feng woke up early and first received a call from Wang Xiao. Wang Xiao asked Ye Feng to go to the bank with her and return 70 to him. Ye Feng was too lazy to go.

"Forget it, keep the money for yourself. We don't want to meet again in the future."

Although Ye Feng does not plan to contact him again, Ye Feng does not want to ask for the 70, so he will treat it as Wang Xiao's expenses for the first two days. In general, if Wang Xiao did not suddenly realize his conscience last night, then he would have really fallen into trouble. .

Ye Feng felt scared whenever he thought that indecent videos of himself and Wang Xiao might appear on the Internet. Ye Feng thought of all the possible news headlines.

"Indecent Video of Lanshan Company Founder Ye Feng"

Then came the disgusting comments about bad characters, scumbags, and rich people. The more popular the news media became, the more willing they were to pursue the department. Maybe when I return to the company, there will be people waiting at the door of the company. A bunch of journalists waiting to dig into their privacy.

There is no way, if it were an ordinary person who showed up with an indecent video, others would have passed it after watching it, but the richest man in Dongzhou City, the most dazzling businessman born in the 80s, Lanshan Company, Lanshan Financial Services and various titles combined The appearance of indecent videos of Ye Feng will attract the attention of many people.

After all, the general public is always the most curious about celebrities, wealthy people, and public figures.

Of course, Ye Feng doesn't care what people on the Internet think of him. What he is really afraid of is that these things will spread to the ears of Kong Jingke and Zhang Lan. In that case, no matter what he does in the future, it will be difficult to make up for it. .

Does Ye Feng not care about Zhang Lan or Kong Jingke?
No, I care a lot. It is also because I care a lot that Ye Feng chooses not to have contact for the time being. Therefore, Wang Yitong's behavior can be said to have truly touched Ye Feng's bottom line.

Ye Feng admitted that he was not a good person, but at the very least, he wanted to maintain the image of a good person in front of Zhang Lan and Kong Jingke, at least not one that would make them sick.

After hanging up Wang Xiao's call, Ye Feng answered three more calls.

The first one was Ye Qing’s phone number.

On the phone, Ye Qing told Ye Feng that she got on the bus to Guangzhou. After Ye Feng gave some instructions for Ye Qing to go to Guangzhou, he originally wanted to ask her to say hello to Zhang Lan on his behalf, but when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them. I felt that I was not qualified to say hello, so I hung up the phone after chatting for a few words.The second phone call is from Wang Xin. She has been in Yanjing for a while. The company's application for listing overseas has also been received. In addition, the company has too many things to do now, and many forms require Wang Xin to consult. , so Wang Xin has to return to Dongzhou early to handle the company's business, including some senior managers recommended by headhunters who also need to be consulted by Wang Xin. In addition, Li Zhedong, deputy president of the Shanghai Communications Headquarters, may go to Dongzhou to join the company at any time, and Wang Xin must be in charge of the company, which is also the company's weakness. There are too few people in the company who can take charge of their own affairs. Except for Wang Xin, no one else can help. Although Chen Xiao has a brilliant resume, he is from the legal department after all. His responsibilities are limited, so he is not suitable for taking care of too many things. Besides, managing a company is something that one has to specialize in.

After Wang Xin learned that Ye Feng would not return to Dongzhou for a short time, she also made some half-joking remarks on the phone. All the burden of Lanshan Company fell on her. Boss, don't crush me one day. , which also reminded Ye Feng of someone.

Yang Qingzhi.

A big boss who resigned from the giant Goldman Sachs Group, Ye Feng forgot to call Yang Qingzhi for a while after Wen Yueqi returned to the United States because he had too many things to do.

Be urgent.

Now Ye Feng really needs this fierce man named Yang Qingzhi to join his company. If this person who once worked at Goldman Sachs, Wall Street, and the European market came over, Lanshan Company would definitely be able to rise to another level very quickly. The reason is very simple, that is, Yang Qingzhi himself is a big star. Maybe just because of his joining, the company's valuation can rise by one or two levels in an instant. After all, Ye Feng originally wanted to raise money in New York. Listed on the Stark Market.

Let me ask you, a powerful man who dominates Wall Street in New York brings his team to road shows and listings. When investors and investment institutions see that this company is actually led by Yang Qingzhi, will they have much higher expectations for Lanshan Company?Did this also lead to the company's market value rising to a terrifying price in the early stages of its listing?

These are all possible.

Ye Feng thought about it and called Yang Qingzhi again. Unfortunately, the call still couldn't be connected. This made Ye Feng disappointed but also full of hope. If Yang Qingzhi was someone who could be easily found and invited, he would just stay by his phone if nothing happened. A man is not worthy of others having such high expectations for him, because in this world the strong are respected, and only if your own strength is strong enough can you have the world's top [-] companies invite you in turn.

The third phone call was from Hou Yao.

Hou Yao said on the phone that Wang Yitong made an appointment to have tea at the "Hanruoju Teahouse". "Hanruoju Teahouse" is located near the Royal Garden Yuanmingyuan. It is a very famous teahouse. At the same time, drinking tea in this teahouse is also very popular. In the past, the atmosphere and feeling of the Eight Banners disciples drinking tea, because "Hanruoju Tea House" is a courtyard, not only has the original appearance of the courtyard but also the charm. In the courtyard outside the teahouse, ancient willows are planted, bird cages are hung, and there are some crickets for guests. For fun, carrying bird cages and fighting crickets were also the favorite things for the children of the Eight Banners to do in their spare time. Judging from the location selection, Wang Yitong also put a lot of thought into himself.

There was no such thing as a pinhole camera, so Ye Feng was willing to associate with Wang Yitong. After all, having one more friend and one more road in Yanjing was not a bad thing.

But now, Ye Feng doesn't have this friend anymore. This "friend" narrows the road and leads to no end.

Ye Feng did not say when he would go, but asked Hou Yao on the phone, Hou Yao, I treat you as a brother and an elder brother. Let me ask you one question, are you close to Wang Yitong, or should I treat you as a brother? close relationship.

Hou Yao was stunned for a moment on the phone, and then said immediately, "Is there any need to say it? I must be close to you, Brother Feng."

Then Hou Yao turned to ask, what's wrong? Did Wang Yitong do something he shouldn't have done to make you think of him? If so, I will go find him now and bring him to pour you tea. Admit your mistake.

Ye Feng said, "It's nothing, I just want to ask you casually. Let's talk about it later."

When he woke up in the morning, within an hour, Ye Feng received four calls. On the fifth call, Ye Feng called Chen Huang.

(End of this chapter)

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