Recast youth

Chapter 1188 Multi-Party Debt

Chapter 1188 Multi-Party Debt
The apricot tree in the yard is growing really well, with dense branches and many sweet apricots. Compared with the apricots on this tree, the apricots sold in the supermarket are simply inedible.

But there was a problem, that is, the apricots fell from a height and were basically broken, so Chen Huang gave Lin Rui a way to climb a tree to pick apricots.

Lin Rui really crawled, and then he was miserable.

Because there were many chili seeds on the apricot tree, when Lin Rui stretched out his arms to pick apricots, he was touched by the chili seeds several times, which caused a burning pain. After he came down, he never went up again.

"Wow, there are really many hotties here."

Lin Rui looked at his arm, bared his teeth and cursed: "It hurts me so much. I really want to buy a few bottles of insecticide right now and spray them all to death."

"Why are you arguing with bugs when you have nothing to do?"

Ye Feng knew that Lin Rui was vindictive and could do this, so he smiled and took the apricots picked by Lin Rui to a small well to wash them with water, and then divided them up.

"Well, these apricots taste really good." Chen Huang commented while eating.

"Brother Huang, what tastes good?"

At this time, Ning Wei, who had received Chen Huang, walked in from the hanging flower gate of the courtyard and asked with a smile.

"Eat apricots."

Chen Huang spit out the core, gestured to the apricot tree planted in the corner of the yard, and said, "Here, there are a lot of apricots on the apricot tree over there. If you want to eat them, go up and pick them yourself."

Ye Feng was very dissatisfied with Chen Huang's behavior of vomiting cores everywhere, and reminded him: "Can you find a trash can to put it in, and you can sweep the floor later?"

"You haven't got your yard yet, why are you so anxious?" Chen Huanghun said nonchalantly.

Ning Wei was wearing denim breeches, black short-sleeves, short hair, and exposed tattoos on his arms. He looked like a socialite at first glance. He took a look at the apricot tree in the corner of the yard, and then said, "It's not good to plant apricot trees here."

Ye Feng asked: "What's wrong?"

Ning Wei now knew Ye Feng's identity. When Ye Feng asked about it, he said: "As the saying goes, peaches nourish people, apricots hurt people, and dead people are buried under plum trees. This yard is not suitable for planting apricot trees. People can't support trees." If the apricot tree grows too vigorously, it will not be good for the owner of the house."

When Ning Wei said this, Ye Feng also remembered it. It seemed that there was such a saying. However, if such a big apricot tree was cut down, Ye Feng felt it was a pity, so he turned to Chen Huang and asked: "Do you believe this?"

Chen Huang said indifferently: "If you believe it, there will be it; if you don't believe it, there will be nothing."

"Then I don't believe it." Ye Feng said decisively.

But then Chen Huang clicked his tongue and said: "However, sometimes this fate is indeed a bit unclear. The name of this landlord is Chen He. He used to be very prosperous. At his peak, his assets were no less than One billion, why did it fall down all at once? Does it have anything to do with the apricot tree?"

"No way?"

Lin Rui was also a bit superstitious. Hearing what Chen Huang said, he became suspicious, and then suggested to Ye Feng: "Third brother, if we can't cut it down, the apricot tree won't be worth much."

"Cut it off and keep it."

Ye Feng glared at Chen Huang angrily. He could have shut up after saying the first sentence, but he had to say one more sentence to scare people away. At the same time, Ye Feng also didn't believe in evil.He has blocked man-made disasters, but why did an apricot tree fall down?
Ye Feng was really unconvinced.

Ning Wei also saw Ye Feng's thoughts, took out the cigarette and dispersed it, and said with a smile: "Actually, what Brother Huang said before is right. If you believe it, you will have it, if you don't believe it, you will have nothing. It's all psychological effects, like Chaoyang some time ago That scar in the district had tattoos all over Guan Erye's back. He kept talking about it all day long, saying that Guan Erye was protecting him. In the end, he was hacked to death. It was of no use. Human beings, in the end, they still have to do it. Break out on your own.”

Chen Huang was not very happy that Ning Wei said this in front of Ye Feng. He was afraid that the speaker was unintentional and the listener was interested, and then Ye Feng would have some thoughts in his heart, so he interrupted Ning Wei angrily: "Stop talking about your social affairs in front of us. , the day your head eats peanuts, you will stop saying these words."

"Okay, brother." Ning Wei saw Chen Huang talking and dropped the topic with a smile.

In fact, Chen Huang was overthinking it.

If it were the newly reborn Ye Feng, he might be trembling and thinking too much, what does Ning Wei mean by this, is he trying to scare me, but now he can't. First of all, his current company is basically It's already taking shape.

Have funds in hand.

Therefore, Ye Feng has the confidence. In addition, no matter who he is in society or not, if Feng Zheng stands aside, Ye Feng can even say bluntly that he is his younger brother.

So the same words sound different at different heights and have different meanings. For example, if you say to a really poor person that you are really a poor person, then his self-esteem will definitely be greatly frustrated. Even angry.

But if you tell these two people, Erma, that you are such a poor person, they will just laugh it off.

Ye Feng was right. Ning Wei really didn't mean to show off his muscles. First of all, the relationship between Ye Feng and Chen Huang was here. In addition, Chen Huang also revealed some of Ye Feng's connections to him.

For example, the relationship with Wen Yueqi and Kong Zhong was messy without being cleaned up.

Therefore, even though Ning Wei was a native of the courtyard, he did not dare to offend Ye Feng. He glanced at the courtyard, then smoked a cigarette and asked Ye Feng: "Brother Feng, do you really plan to take this courtyard?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "I really plan to have it. I feel comfortable living in this house."

"That's true. Nowadays, there are high-rise buildings everywhere, built like birdcages. It's more comfortable to live in the alleys in my childhood. Unfortunately, most of them have been demolished." Ning Wei nodded in agreement. .

Ning Wei has been following Chen Huang since he was a child, so Chen Huang was not polite to him and urged him directly: "Stop talking nonsense, start calling now and ask how many companies have mortgage relationships with this house. , let them call all the people in charge to discuss the matter, and if they don’t come today, tell them not to come in the future.”

"Okay, I'll call and ask now."

When Ning Wei saw Chen Huang speaking, he started to call and ask. Ning Wei's connections on the road were indeed good. Within a few minutes, he found out that the owner of this courtyard was called Li Zhengping, and he didn't have money yet. I returned to Beijing at the beginning of this year and used these three courtyards to get my last sum of money. Then I went to Russia from the northeastern border. No one knows where he is now, and no one can contact him.

As for the debt, it’s not too much, it’s a lot.

The big debts are all real estate mortgages, with one off, two off, three off, and four off. The main thing is that the courtyard is valuable and you can't move it away. I'm not afraid that you will run away and not pay back the money.

This is the mentality.

Therefore, Li Zhengping borrowed a lot of money from these loan companies, and the minimum loan amount started at 500 million.

(End of this chapter)

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