Recast youth

Chapter 1184 It’s better to be a villain

Chapter 1184 It’s better to be a villain
, "Have you been waiting at the door?"

When Ye Feng returned home, he saw Feng Zheng sitting at the door.

"The key is with you." Feng Zheng stood up when he saw Ye Feng coming back. He was not a fool. He knew exactly what it meant when a woman invited a man upstairs and refused to come down for a long time.

So Feng Zheng came back first.

After venting his abundant energy, Ye Feng was still energetic. He took out the key and opened the door and said, "I will take you to buy a car tomorrow and put a key in the car to avoid the inconvenience of not having a car next time I go to Yanjing."

"Well, that's fine."

Feng Zheng nodded. For him, having a car or not was not a big problem, but there were indeed a lot of mosquitoes this summer. After he followed Ye Feng inside.

Ye Feng first walked to the balcony, and then waved to Feng Zheng.

Feng Zheng came over, and Ye Feng handed him a cigarette, then he leaned on the railing and looked at a building not far away, and asked: "Do you think the chance of her appearing in front of me is more of a coincidence or not a coincidence?" How about a little more?"

Feng Zheng took the cigarette, sniffed it, but did not light it. He clamped it to his ear and continued, "I can't tell, it might be a coincidence, or someone may have arranged for her to come here to get close to you."

Ye Feng asked: "Do I have anything that people want?"

"Original shares of the company."

Feng Zheng said.


Ye Feng nodded. Coincidences do not happen in this world, but most of the coincidences in society are deliberately done by thoughtful people. Of course, it is not excluded that this woman named Wang Xiao is doing it for money and wants to leave the club once and for all.

So Ye Feng also accepted her, and the rest needed to be inspected. If the inspection passed, Ye Feng wouldn't mind giving Wang Xiao a wave of wealth and making her a real canary.

Then Ye Feng turned around, looked at Feng Zheng and said, "You should work harder during this period. Help me keep an eye on her and see who she mainly interacts with and meets."


Feng Zheng nodded.

Ye Feng continued: "I asked Pan Kun to protect Li Jia before, but Li Jia saw it out. Don't be discovered. It's not easy for women who hang out in nightclubs and clubs these days."

"Will not."

Feng Zheng smiled. There was no guarantee, no loud oath, just a faint sentence. But it was this sentence that reassured Ye Feng. There was no need to beat the drum hard.

To put it bluntly, things are done, not spoken.

Then Ye Feng chatted with Feng Zheng for a while about the company's position. There was no doubt that Feng Zheng was definitely going to join the company. Ye Feng planned to free up the position next to him and let someone replace Feng Zheng to do the job.

For example, Pan Kun.

Another example is the newly recruited security guard who is slowly developed into a confidant.

As for Feng Zheng, Ye Feng still wants to shape him well. Feng Zheng is a very smart person and a decisive person. Ye Feng feels that he is only a bodyguard.

As for why Feng Zheng must come forward, Ye Feng mainly likes Feng Zheng's decisiveness that is not bound by the world, not threatened by others, and can cut off the water with a knife.Half a year ago, in the private room in the heaven and earth, he let them go and whispered that he would kill Chen Yiming. Was it courageous enough?

In a confrontation on the streets of New York, if someone directly grabs a knife and kills someone, is it enough to be a deterrent?

All are enough.

Otherwise, how could Hou Yao, Zhou Yihang, and even Chen Huang, who had strong backgrounds, look at Feng Zheng in a different light when they saw him?The reason is that Feng Zheng's silent appearance hides the meaning of "heavy sword without edge, large skill without workmanship", and no one dares to look down upon him.

It can be said that as long as Feng Zheng can quickly master management, then he will be an untamed tiger entering the market, and he may have unexpected effects.

At the very least, Feng Zheng will not be at a disadvantage in terms of negotiation, force, aura, or even drinking.

Sometimes Ye Feng also envies Feng Zheng's character. He doesn't care when he should be indifferent. When blood should be spattered five steps, when he should hold grudges, he will not let go of his wife, lover, daughter, and toy with them all. .

Ye Feng is not good at it, and he cannot do this. Human character is related to nature and nurture. He thinks that after being educated in previous lives and baptized by life experiences, he has a rotten spirit from the inside out. smell.

Not only him, but basically all the people in this society have this rotten smell. They think before and after, are afraid of the past and the future. Good is not good enough, and evil is not evil enough. When the leader scolds them, they dare not talk back, for fear of losing their jobs.

When someone is scolded by a subordinate, he does not dare to talk back, for fear that the subordinate will become angry and embarrass him in public.

Don't even dare to resign.

I'm afraid that I won't be able to pay the mortgage, car loan, and child expenses after resigning.

In the end, he lived frugally, swallowed his anger, and lived a mediocre life. He didn't even know whether he was lying in a coffin or an urn.

Although Ye Feng no longer has to worry about money in this life, when he conflicts with Chen Yiming and others, he can't help but think about what his family will do if something happens to him, what will happen to his parents, will they cause trouble to his parents, etc. Emotions like that.

And these emotions are the shackles that bind a person, making him rational and useless at the same time.

But these shackles did not exist on Feng Zheng, who had never been to school or read a book and only relied on Feng Sande to teach him how to read. There was really no shackles on him at all.

Well, the only restraint may be that old gangster Feng Sande.

Ye Feng thought of Feng Sande in Shanghai. This man was also a happy person. If nothing happened, I would flirt with the girl who had lost her footing. If nothing happened, I would peek at others changing clothes. Although it was vulgar, my life was full and happy.

What am I peeking at?Can you blame me for not closing the curtains?

Ye Feng knew what Feng Sande was thinking without even asking. After chatting with Feng Zheng for a while about his intention to join the company, Ye Feng went back to his room to sleep. He was also a little tired after working for a few hours. , Ye Feng slept very soundly and deeply this night.

The next day.

Ye Feng slept until 9 o'clock in the morning. It was the first time since he was diagnosed with depression that Ye Feng slept so peacefully. After thinking about it, Ye Feng attributed the reason to the fact that he finally stopped torturing himself.

As a human being, why do you have to insist on being a saint?
How tired is he of being a saint?
It's better to be a villain.

Ye Feng smiled brightly, and first went to the balcony and opened the curtains. The sun was just right outside, it was almost noon, the sun was not dazzling, and the sun was warm on his body.

Ye Feng also saw Feng Zheng on the balcony, waved hello to him, and then called Chen Huang: "Hey, are you up? I want to buy a car. Can you recommend a car to me? What do you want?" Think about it, um, I want something with a little more space, something that’s crash-proof and bulletproof, but Hou Yao’s car can’t do that, it’s too cool, so it’s better to be low-key.”

(End of this chapter)

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