Recast youth

Chapter 1155 Colored Glasses

Chapter 1155 Colored Glasses
It has been nearly five years since the day before New Year's Day in 2001. Ye Feng vaguely remembers that Tomson Yipin's house was opened in 2006, but he can't remember the month.

At that time, the opening price of Tomson Yipin shocked the whole country. Even though Ye Feng had not been to the Shanghai Stock Exchange at that time, he had seen a lot of similar news on the Internet. The opening price of Tomson Yipin in the Shanghai Stock Exchange was 12 per square meter.

What is the equivalent of 12 square meters?
The price is sky-high.

At that time, in Jing'an, Xuhui and other places, when the average house price was only over 12 or [-] yuan, what would people think if a house of [-] square meters suddenly appeared?Do you think the house prices are crazy? Can this Tomson first-class house be sold?
In fact, it actually sold.

And it has increased from the opening price of 12 square meters to 2006 square meters in 27. Of course, in terms of profit, it is definitely not cost-effective to buy Tomson Yipin. If he has the corresponding money, Ye Feng can definitely buy Jing'an. If you buy more houses in Luwan, Huangpu, and other places, the appreciation will be higher, from 1 to 5, or from 8 to 2.

But having said that, isn’t the purpose of living in this world just to make your own vanity more comfortable?So Ye Feng still plans to wait for Tomson Yipin to go on sale and buy a set.

Money has to be earned.

When it comes to pretending to be B, he has to pretend to be B. As for making money, he has many ways to make money, and there are not many balconies that can see the scenery on both sides of the Huangpu River.

Just when Ye Feng was thinking about waiting for Tomson Yipin to open and buy a house, he and Feng Zheng arrived at the express delivery station opened by Feng Sande and Pan Kun. Feng Sande was sitting on a small stool and smoking leisurely when he saw Ye Feng coming over. , quickly threw the cigarette butt on the ground, and walked over with a smile on his face.

"Boss, why are you here?" Feng Sande asked curiously.

"I'll come over and use the car."

Ye Feng glanced around, but didn't see Pan Kun, and asked, "Where is Pan Kun?"

"He went out to deliver something."

When Feng Sande saw that Ye Feng wanted to use the car, he took out the key to the Audi A6 from the store and handed it to Feng Zheng who was following Ye Feng. He gave him a rather bad look and said, "You know how to use snacks while driving? Don't be like a bad guy, you don't know where your brain is."


A smile appeared at the corner of Feng Zheng's mouth. He hadn't been scolded by the mistress for a long time. He was still a little uncomfortable. Now he finally found some of the original feelings, so he said with a smile: "Master, I haven't heard you scold someone for a long time."

"What? Do you still miss it?"

Feng Sande slapped Feng Zheng unhappily, and then seeing that this bitch dared to smile, he nodded solemnly, became furious, and then kicked him with a flying kick.

But this time, Feng Zheng did not suffer as usual, but laughed and escaped.

After Ye Feng said to stop making trouble and have something to do later, Feng Sande angrily let go of Feng Zheng, who had become more courageous, and cursed: "You bitch, if you weren't afraid of delaying the boss's affairs, I would have destroyed you." No, let you act like a bitch in front of me."

"Oh, I see."

At this time, Feng Zheng suddenly stopped laughing. He looked at Feng Sande and nodded with an extremely serious expression. This made Feng Sande feel a little uncomfortable. He couldn't stand the sensationalism, so he waved his hands impatiently: "Get out of here." Come on, get out."

After getting in the car.

Ye Feng glanced sideways at Feng Zheng who was driving, and asked, "What? Can't bear to leave?"

"Not at all."

Feng Zheng shook his head and said softly: "I'm mainly afraid that he won't be able to take care of himself. He's getting older now."

"How old he can be, he is only in his early 40s. I think you two are about the same when he calls you father." Ye Feng glanced at Feng Zheng angrily. The two uncles and nephews are younger and calm in their work. One is half right, and the other is too old. Otherwise, how could there be such a saying as "old people are not right"?

Then Ye Feng said: "After a while, you will start to join the company and learn slowly. Then you won't have to follow me everywhere."

"I'll try." Feng Zheng said softly.Ye Feng looked at him sideways: "Are you stupider than others?"

"That's not true." Feng Zheng retorted calmly and confidently.

"Well, that's fine."

Ye Feng leaned on the seat and did not look at Feng Zheng. He said softly: "After all, you have been following me for so long. I think it is a pity that you have been driving and following me."

"I know."

"It's good that you know. When you get into the company, you'd better stop being lazy and embarrassing me, otherwise I won't let Feng Sande come over and slap you with the sole of my shoe."

Seeing that Feng Zheng had changed his mind, Ye Feng was in a good mood. As for Feng Zheng's lack of skills, it didn't matter, as long as his subordinates knew how to do it. What Feng Zheng wanted to know was leading subordinates, or administrative management.

Then Ye Feng pressed the MODE button and turned on the CD playback. If he didn't press it, he wouldn't know. When he pressed it, he was shocked. The movie subtitles appeared directly on the central control screen. Looking at it again, the plot was a bit familiar.

The top ten tortures in the Qing Dynasty.

Ye Feng was speechless. Needless to say, it must have been the old gangster Feng Sande who let him in. He was the only one who had a special liking for watching pornographic discs in the car. When he bought his last Maybach, Feng Sande bought a lot. Yellow disc.

When Feng Zheng saw this, he couldn't help but feel happy. He checked his eyes and saw that it was his mistress.

"Have fun."

Ye Feng ejected the CD, and then found a few yellow CDs in the passenger storage box, as well as European and American Ocean Horses. He took out all the movies, asked Feng Zheng to stop on the side of the road, and threw them into the trash can. I secretly thought that I must find a way to change Feng Sande's habit of putting yellow discs in the car in the future.


Ye Feng arrived at the gate of JA District, Shuyuan San Village. When he got downstairs, Ye Feng called Gao Xuan and asked her to come downstairs. Soon, he saw Gao Xuan wearing a floral dress coming downstairs. Up and down.

"You sit in front."

In fact, Ye Feng's habit is to sit in the passenger seat, which is more comfortable in terms of spatial vision and so on. But when he had to meet a client, he changed from the passenger seat to the back seat when he got downstairs.

"Mr. Ye."

After Gao Xuan got in the car, she turned around and said hello to Ye Feng.

The face is still delicate.

The floral dress should make people look fresh and fresh. The feeling of wearing it on Gao Xuan makes people feel a little more impulsive. Her chest is full, and she should be wearing tube top underwear underneath.

Ye Feng quickly adjusted his gaze to Gao Xuan's face. He first asked Feng Zheng to drive, and then asked, "How did you tell Li Zhedong that he was willing to switch jobs to my company?"

When Ye Feng asked this question, he stared at Gao Xuan. There was no doubt that a person with the vice president level of a bank was willing to join his company. Ye Feng was very welcoming, but why would Li Zhedong give up such a good idea? What about the position?Although Lanshan Company is now very famous and powerful among domestic Internet companies, it is not that advantageous compared to Li Zhidong's current position.

So Ye Feng had some guesses from the floral skirt Gao Xuan wore.

Then Ye Feng's eyes were slightly mocking.

(End of this chapter)

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