Recast youth

Chapter 1147 Gao Xuan’s Electrical Seal

Chapter 1147 Gao Xuan’s phone call

Ye Feng and others didn't wait long before Chen Huang came over with a headache on his face. He was afraid that something might happen. He had been hiding his relationship with Yihe Restaurant, but he didn't expect that Hou Yao would discover it.

"Hou Yao, your nose is a dog's nose."

Chen Huang walked in, pulled out a chair, and sat down.

Hou Yao was not annoyed, and said with a proud smile: "That's right, I can't do anything else, but I want to find delicious and fun places. I'm not bragging. I really don't agree with anyone, but you, Brother Huang, really It’s not interesting that such a good place has been hidden all this time.”

"Isn't that why I have made a bunch of bandit friends?"

At this point, Chen Huang no longer had a headache. He lit a cigarette and said with a smile. Then he greeted Ye Feng again, and then looked at Ye Weimin and a very feminine woman sitting opposite Ye Feng.

Ye Feng introduced Chen Huang to Ye Weimin and his assistant Liu Juan, and then introduced Chen Huang's identity to Ye Weimin and Liu Juan. Of course, he did not tell the whole story. Ye Feng said that he was just a friend and a native of Yanjing.

Chen Huang was very polite, stood up and shook hands with Ye Weimin and his assistant Liu Juan respectively.

"Hello, Director Ye"

"Hi Miss Liu."

"Hello, Mr. Chen."

Although Ye Feng did not explain Chen Huang's identity, Ye Weimin and Liu Juan did not dare to neglect. After all, Yanjing is the capital of hidden dragons and crouching tigers, and there are too many outstanding people with backgrounds.

In Yanjing, who doesn't have a cool relative?

Sometimes, with Ye Feng's level, he would not introduce his identity, but only say his name. Instead, he would introduce his identity in a more intense way, and not mention anything else, just the Summer Palace Restaurant not far from the Summer Palace, more or less. You can guess how well-versed Chen Huang is.

How many people can afford meals that normally cost three to four thousand, but more expensive ones cost tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands? Who will eat them?
The information revealed alone was enough for Ye Weimin and his assistant to imagine.

After Chen Huang greeted Ye Feng's guests, he sat down and said slowly to Ye Feng and Hou Yao: "Since you have found the place, I am also prepared to bleed. Tell me, what do you want to eat? I’m a guest today.”

Zhou Yihang said: "Brother Feng, please order."

"Yes, Ye Feng, please order it." Hou Yao also said.

Ye Feng looked at Chen Huang: "Can I order it?"

"It's okay, just order it."

Chen Huang smiled slightly and said nonchalantly, he would be a little panicked if Hou Yao and Zhou Yihang came to do it. These two people are more ruthless in killing each other, especially Hou Yao. It's going to take a turn.

But Ye Feng was fine. Ye Feng didn't pay attention to what he usually ate.

But as soon as Ye Feng opened his mouth, Chen Huang almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"I want to eat yellow croaker in soup."

Ye Feng looked at Chen Huang deliberately and seriously, and added: "By the way, it needs wild yellow croaker. Let me taste it."


Chen Huang was silent for a while: "Stop making trouble and be serious."

Ye Feng continued: "I just want to eat yellow croaker in soup. Didn't you ask me to order it?"

Chen Huang couldn't help it anymore. At this time, he could see from the expressions of Ye Feng and Hou Yao that these people had deliberately negotiated to come and bleed themselves, and they also came to stab them with boning knives.

"My brothers, stop making trouble. Where can I find wild yellow croaker?" Chen Huang discussed with several people: "Just farmed yellow croaker and eat it as you like. The taste is not much different, and the cost is 1 yuan." I'll ask the chef to serve you some other dishes later, that's okay, right?"

Ye Feng insisted: "I want to eat wild yellow croaker."

Zhou Yihang followed suit: "I want to eat wild yellow croaker."

Hou Yao followed suit: "I want to eat wild yellow croaker."

When Lin Rui saw this, he wanted to follow suit, but he resisted the urge. After all, he was incomparable to Ye Feng, Zhou Yihang, and Hou Yao. There were some things they could say but he couldn't. A wild yellow croaker was ten It's tens of thousands. If Chen Huang were to retaliate, he would be embarrassed.

As for Ye Weimin and his assistant, they would not interrupt.

But even so, a voice that was neither loud nor low came over: "I also want to eat wild yellow croaker."

Swishing, brushing, a few eyes looked over.

Especially Chen Huang. However, the one who spoke was Feng Zheng who had been silent. When Chen Huang saw that Feng Zheng, who had full force points, started to speak, he had no choice but to slap his head and yell at his friends. : "Ask the chef to bring out the yellow croaker for soup. I want it to be wild."

In this way, everyone let Chen Huang go.

Hou Yao proudly gave a thumbs up to his life idol, the peerless hunk Feng Zheng, and said: "It's useless to say anything else. At the critical moment, you still have to look at the society, my brother Zheng."

Feng Zheng was unmoved. He really wanted to try the wild yellow croaker in soup.

Chen Huang glanced at Hou Yao and said half-seriously: "Don't leave after dinner. Let's talk in private."

How could Hou Yao be fooled?

"Don't talk."

Hou Yao turned his face away: "You are not a big girl, what do I have to talk to you about? If you do something to me, who will suffer the loss if I do it?"


Chen Huang's face turned dark, and he had the urge to stuff a sock into Hou Yao's mouth.

Ye Feng curiously asked Chen Huang why the yellow croaker in soup was so expensive. A wild yellow croaker actually cost 10,000+.

Then Chen Huang started to explain. Although he was bled by Ye Feng and others, he was still very proud when he explained it. After his explanation, Ye Feng realized that wild large yellow croaker not only has delicious meat, but also has high medical properties. Value, the fish fat can be dried to make the valuable food "fish maw", and can also be used to make "yellow fish glue". In addition, the liver of large yellow croaker contains vitamin A and can be used to make cod liver oil. Now it is almost extinct due to malicious fishing, so it has gradually become astronomical. .

As for filling the soup with yellow croaker, it's not that simple. You have to stuff Bazhenhui into your stomach. It's called Bazhenhui. There are more than a dozen ingredients in it, and there are also water-fat bird's nests on the outside.

Hearing this, Ye Feng could only sigh, rich people really know how to eat.

Chen Huang doesn't think there is anything wrong. There are still many rich people in this society. If you have money, why don't you just find a way to eat well? You can't make money all your life. In the end, just put it in the coffin. When you make money, you can spend it. It’s called life.

A few people were chatting while eating. In addition to the yellow croaker soup, Chen Huang ordered a lot of other dishes. At the end of the day, he calculated the price. There were less than ten people in a private room, and the meal cost almost 15.

Ye Feng also told Chen Huang at the table that he had written a script and asked Ye Weimin to make a movie. Chen Huang and Zhou Yihang had the same reaction at first. They also didn't believe that Ye Feng could write a script until Ye Weimin opened his mouth to Ye Feng. When the script he wrote was praised endlessly, Chen Huang had no choice but to believe it. Then he looked at Ye Feng for a long time, and finally asked a question: You are not an alien, how come you are so good at everything?
Although Chen Huang's words were scolding, it made Ye Feng feel quite happy. Sure enough, no one is exempt from vanity.

And just when the show was about to end, Ye Feng's cell phone rang. When he looked at the number, it turned out to be Gao Xuan's number. Ye Feng vaguely remembered that Gao Xuan also called yesterday.

Why does this woman keep calling me in the middle of the night?

Ye Feng looked at the still ringing cell phone and frowned slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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