Recast youth

Chapter 1141 Signed CD

Chapter 1141 Signed CD
After Ye Feng learned that Ye Weimin would come over in the afternoon, a stone fell in his heart. In his previous life, the movie "People on the Road" was filmed by director Ye Weimin.

Therefore, for Ye Feng, it is best for Ye Weimin to film "The Man on the Road" in this life, with a detailed script written by himself. This can ensure to the greatest extent that the version produced by Ye Weimin in this life will not be different from his previous life. There is a huge discrepancy.

Because people's thoughts are changeable, and the bursts of inspiration are different at different times, so Ye Feng is still worried about this aspect. This is why he made the script so detailed.

One p.m.

Ye Feng, who had nothing to do, was sitting in the office browsing the web. Not long after, Lin Rui walked in and said to Ye Feng: "Third brother, Ye Weimin is here."

"No way."

Ye Feng was a little surprised: "Where is he now?"

"He's coming up. He'll be there soon."

"Let's go pick it up."

Ye Feng stood up quickly after hearing this. He really didn't expect Ye Weimin to arrive so quickly. You must know that Ye Weimin is from Hunan and Hong Kong, and it takes three hours to fly from Hunan and Hong Kong to Yanjing.

It has only been 4 hours since I hung up the phone in the morning. This is equivalent to saying that after Ye Weimin hung up the phone in the morning, he went out and flew over. This surprised Ye Feng. At the same time, he also had a lot of affection for Director Ye Weimin. In the end, At least Ye Feng saw the word respect from director Ye Weimin.

Ye Feng is such a person, you respect me and I respect you.

Just after Ye Feng and Lin Rui went out, Ye Feng saw two people walking towards each other from the elevator corridor, a man and a woman. The man was about 40 years old, wearing glasses and had a bookish temperament. The woman was in her early 30s and was wearing a black professional suit. The skirt is not very long, but very feminine.

Ye Feng had seen Ye Weimin's photo and recognized at a glance that the man wearing glasses was director Ye Weimin, and the woman wearing a professional skirt next to him should be his agent or assistant.

"Hello Director Ye."

When Ye Feng saw Ye Weimin, he smiled, extended his hand enthusiastically, and shook hands with Ye Weimin who also extended his hand, and then said: "Why don't you call me beforehand when you arrive, so I can have someone pick you up."

"It's okay. When I get to the airport, it's the same as taking a taxi. I just want to avoid causing trouble to Mr. Ye."

Ye Weimin also recognized the young man in front of him as Ye Feng. Regarding Ye Feng, even if he was not in the same industry, Ye Weimin had also heard of Ye Feng's reputation many times. He was known in China as the most talented business genius born in the 80s. In just three or four years after graduation, he has achieved impressive results, and the company is preparing to go public. Many people want original shares, but there is no way.

Ye Weimin smiled and sighed: "I heard about Mr. Ye's many deeds when I traveled between Hunan, Hong Kong and the mainland. I didn't expect Mr. Ye to be much younger in person than in the photo."

"Director Ye, you're welcome."

Ye Feng smiled modestly: "I have been admiring Director Ye for a long time. I feel ashamed to say that. In the past, for no money, I could only watch Director Ye's movies through pirated CDs, such as The Cardcaptor and Young and Dangerous. I have watched "Third Sister" many times. Now that I have written a script, I want to fulfill my previous dream and ask Director Ye to help me direct and film it."

"Hahaha, there is nothing we can do about it. Ten years ago, the mainland and Hunan and Hong Kong were so closely connected, and piracy was not a big deal. As long as the movies we make can be liked by everyone, it will be the greatest recognition for us."

Ye Weimin didn't take it seriously. On the contrary, he was quite proud. Moreover, in the 90s, pirated CDs were prevalent. This was also a factor of the times. He was not able to change the current situation at that time.Then Ye Weimin and Ye Feng went to the office while chatting. Ye Weimin asked: "By the way, Mr. Ye, what type of script is this script you wrote?"

"It's a script for a comedy movie."

Ye Feng introduced the script of "People on the Road" to Ye Weimin: "The general plot of this movie is a story about a successful boss and a milkmaid on their way home during the Spring Festival. A series of embarrassing things happened..."


to the office.

"This is the general plot."

Ye Feng asked Ye Weimin and his assistant to sit down, while Lin Rui took out a box of fine Pu'er tea cakes that Zhou Hang had obtained from somewhere before from the small refrigerator, and made tea for several people.

Lin Rui is also very excited. After all, he and Ye Feng are the generation most influenced by Hong Kong movies, not to mention the movies of Stephen Chow and the Young and Dangerous series. For him, making movies and being an actor are both comparative. A distant kind of person.

Now that the director is standing in front of him, how can he not be excited?After pouring a cup of Pu'er tea for Ye Weimin's assistant Liu Juan, Lin Rui poured another cup of Pu'er tea for Ye Weimin and said with a smile: "Director Ye, try it. It took a lot of effort to find this Pu'er tea. The taste is great." not bad."

The tea that Zhou Yihang specially found to keep in the refrigerator for entertaining guests was no different. Ye Weimin took a sip and immediately praised it: "Not bad, good tea."

Really good tea.

Ye Weimin's words were not intended as a compliment. As a famous director, he has also drank Pu'er tea. Good Pu'er tea has a fragrance on the nose. If you put the hot tea soup close to your nose, you can smell the pleasant aroma. Second, it has a fragrance on the lips. The first time you take it in, you will immediately feel the fragrance. The third one is the fragrance on the tongue and cheeks. The tea soup rolls over the tongue, leaving a sweet fragrance that never fades. The fourth one is the fragrance on the throat. The tea soup flows into the esophagus, and the hot and strong aroma comes up from the throat.

The cup of tea that Lin Rui made for him was a better type of Pu'er tea. It was thick, which meant that it was not tea, but a thick and thick tea soup. It was very comfortable to drink and left a fragrant fragrance on the lips and teeth. , tea cakes can be collected as collectibles.

"Director Ye, as long as you like it."

Lin Rui didn't know much about tea. There were many types of tea in the refrigerator, including Yuqian Longjing, Maojian, etc. He heard Hou Yao mention that this Pu'er tea should not be taken out for others to drink easily, and then he knew that this Pu'er tea was very expensive. It seemed to be left over from the Tongqing Tea House in the Qing Dynasty. Zhou Yihang only had this tea cake, so he took it and put it in the refrigerator as a treasure.

So after Ye Weimin arrived, Lin Rui took out the Pu'er tea cake and soaked it for a while. Then he said to Ye Weimin a little embarrassedly: "By the way, Director Ye, can I discuss something with you?"

Ye Weimin has deep social experience, and he can see that the relationship between Lin Rui and Ye Feng is not that of ordinary employees and subordinates, so he responded with a smile: "You tell me what it is, and I will try to help if I can."

What Lin Rui wanted was very simple, a CD signed by Stephen Chow and Master Xing. As soon as Ye Weimin heard about it, he agreed. Although he and Stephen Chow no longer cooperated, he still had the friendship of signing autographs, so Ye Weimin was very interested in Lin Rui. Rui said that when he returns to Hunan and Hong Kong, he will use a genuine CD of "Various Star Lord" to be signed by Star Master and then bring it back.

Of course, the premise of this sentence is that he and Ye Feng can reach a cooperation this time and meet for a second time. Otherwise, it would be nonsense for him to bring the CD back from Hunan and Hong Kong.

Thinking of this, Ye Weimin looked at Ye Feng, who was sitting aside and slowly sipping tea.

(End of this chapter)

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