Recast youth

Chapter 1131

Chapter 1131
Feng Zheng was driving the car.

Ye Feng sat in the passenger seat and pinched his eyebrows. After a while, he looked sideways at Feng Zheng, who looked indifferent and as if he would never change. He smiled and said, "You see, everyone has dreams and thoughts. You are the only one who doesn’t have what I want. After Leng Guofeng’s security training is completed, you should be ready to join the company.”

"I won't go." Feng Zheng shook his head slowly.

Ye Feng knew that Feng Zheng would say this, but he was still curious. He looked at Feng Zheng and asked: "Why? Isn't it good to make some money and have your own career to fill your emptiness? You can't really drive for me for the rest of your life. Bar."

"There's nothing wrong with that."

Feng Zheng said something first, and then asked Ye Feng: "Can I smoke?"

"Smoke it, it's not my car anyway."

Ye Feng smiled, then he took out a cigarette and handed it to Feng Zheng. He also lit one, slowly inhaling the smoke, and then slowly spit it out. For a man, this is boring, but sometimes it is very interesting. Interesting little gesture.

Feng Zheng lit the cigarette, took a puff, and then continued the previous topic: "Everyone has his own ideas and ambitions. He may have had them before, but you also know my experience with the mistress. After wandering outside for a long time, I want to settle down now. Isn’t it good to be a driver? I think it’s good. When you need it, I will help you drive. When you don’t need it, I will sit in the car and wait for you. It’s very free. As for money It’s enough, you don’t have to think about anything, this kind of life is already very good.”

"Really willing?"

Ye Feng glanced at Feng Zheng, his eyes seemed to penetrate Feng Zheng's heart, and then Ye Feng changed his words: "Are you really used to it?"

Feng Zheng's hand holding the cigarette moved inadvertently.

Ye Feng was not looking at Feng Zheng. He leaned back on his seat and said, "It's normal for a person to want to settle down after wandering for a long time. But after he settles down, he longs for the freedom outside."

"Do you think people are strange?"

Ye Feng turned around and smiled at Feng Zheng, and said in an inexplicable tone: "When he is lonely, he wants to be lively. When he is lively, he wants to be quiet. When he is settled, he wants to be free. When he is free, he wants to be stable. All kinds of conflicts, marriage, life, It’s all like this, just like me. I used to think that as long as I make money, I’ll be fine. If I have money, I can solve all my worries. I can be like the son of a rich man before. I can change women every day, and so can I. I looked for Internet celebrities, but when I really got rich, I found that I couldn’t help myself with many things. What I wanted to do before, I can’t do now, and I was even diagnosed with depression.”

"I have to say that the contradictions of human nature are really interesting."

At the end of the sentence, Ye Feng smiled with emotion. After two lives, Ye Feng really discovered one thing, that is, human life is an infinite cycle of "rejection and welcome".

Workers who go to work in the factory.

He has become a man of influence in politics and business.

No one is exempt from vulgarity.

"Do you want to hear what I have to say?" At this time, Feng Zheng suddenly turned his head and asked Ye Feng.


"This sentence is: To be successful in life, you must have all the joy, and don't let the golden bottle stand empty against the moon." Feng Zheng said calmly.

Ye Feng became interested and asked: "Li Bai's going to drink wine?"

"Yes." Feng Zheng nodded.

Ye Feng looked at Feng Zheng and said, "This sentence really doesn't sound like it came from your mouth." "Yes, the mistress would often say this sentence before." Feng Zheng said with a smile.

Ye Feng asked: "For example, when spending money?"



When Ye Feng heard what Feng Zheng said, he seemed to see Feng Sande cheating him out of a sum of money, and then he took the money and talked about it like a philistine, comforting himself, and spending it in a self-hypnotic manner.

However, Ye Feng also had a rare interest. He asked Feng Zheng: "Then I ask you to find a job honestly, then marry a woman on a blind date, have children, and then live such a normal life, can you do it? ?"

Feng Zheng was startled when he heard this, then thought about it seriously, and then said: "No."

"That's it."

Ye Feng lit another cigarette and said calmly: "Sometimes people say it is one thing, but doing it is another thing. The saying that knowing is easier than doing is what it means. You can really achieve the unity of knowing and doing. , there is no such person in this world. Anyone who exists is either a god who has attained the Tao or a devil who has become possessed. However, both of these people are not tolerated in the world, because the essence of the unity of knowledge and action is one's own conscience. As for those who have some ability, who can completely overcome the test of conscience? Who can reach the end of his life and feel his conscience with a clear conscience and say that in this life, I am worthy of heaven and earth and worthy of others. Are you worthy of yourself?"

"There will always be something to be owed..."

Finally, Ye Feng said softly: "Just like Feng Sande, if he doesn't have any conscience, why would he be willing to go into alleys instead of finding a decent woman? After all, he is still afraid of being in debt. people around me."


Feng Zheng nodded and said, "Life is a process of cultivating the mind."

"Well, I agree with this statement. Life in this world is a process of cultivating the mind."

Then Ye Feng pursed his lips and said: "But it's not inevitable. As long as you don't get tempted, don't understand, don't invest in feelings, don't ask why, then you won't have too many fluctuations in your heart." .”

Feng Zheng was silent when he heard the words. From the corner of his eye, he saw the man sitting in the passenger seat with a hand holding a cigarette outside the window. He exuded a profound meaning that was far beyond what he could exude at his age.

If you don't understand or be tempted, you won't hurt others or yourself, but how many people can understand and endure the loneliness?
The height is not cold.

Feng Zheng suddenly thought of this sentence, and Ye Feng now gave him this feeling. He was sitting alone in the palace palace, which was unattainable. Even the person and the heart were covered by the fog, making it difficult to see the real thing.

10 minute later.

Ye Feng, who had been staring at the backing traffic outside the car, came back to his senses and looked outside. He also arrived at Chang'an Street. When he was still some distance away from Tiananmen Square, Ye Feng took out his mobile phone and dialed a person in his address book. Number.

After the call was connected, Ye Feng said into the phone: "I have arrived in Yanjing, um, I am on the way to Chang'an Street now, um, I will go there now."

hang up the phone.

Ye Feng said to Feng Zheng calmly: "Go to the CA Club."

(End of this chapter)

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