Recast youth

Chapter 1122: A shocking bragging

Chapter 1122: A shocking bragging contest
"I want to own one of the largest private equity funds in the world's financial industry."

These words, which were not loud but were very powerful, echoed in the living room.

Upon hearing this, Wen Yueqi was silent for a while, then leaned back slightly, looked at Ye Feng and said, "Do you know what you are talking about?"


Ye Feng looked calm, sipped the porridge in small sips, and nodded.

Wen Yueqi felt that Ye Feng didn't know him well enough, so she said to Ye Feng: "I won't talk about Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Blackstone Group, KKR, these old investment institutions and some invisible super consortiums. Let’s just talk about Carlyle Group, do you know what Carlyle Group is called?”

Ye Feng asked calmly: "What is it called?"

“Carlyle Investments is known as the President’s Club.”

Wen Yueqi said: "The business philosophy of Carlyle Investment is to bring the rich and the powerful together. The powerful will get money, and the rich will get power. Members include former US President George H.W. Bush, former Defense Secretary Frank, and the British Former Prime Minister John Major, as well as the former President of the Philippines, the former Secretary of State of Country A, the former Prime Minister of Thailand, the former President of Deutsche Bank, and senior officials of the world's largest companies such as IBM, Nestlé, Boeing, BMW, and Toshiba, let me tell you this, You should understand somewhat, right?"

Wen Yueqi wanted to use Carlyle's investment background to tell Ye Feng that private equity funds are not as simple as he imagined. In addition to having investment vision and funds, you also need a background.

Only when the investment vision, capital, and background are complete, it is possible to develop into one of the largest private equity funds, and it is only possible, because the profit points you discover will be discovered by professional headhunters from other private equity funds. , your background and amount of capital are not as good as others, how can you compete with others?
As a man, it is good to be ambitious.

But not having self-awareness can become arrogance.

But what Wen Yueqi didn't expect was that Ye Feng behaved very calmly. He nodded calmly, put down his chopsticks, then raised his head and said: "Well, the backgrounds of the members are very bluffing, so currently the world's largest private equity fund, How much assets under management can it have?”

Wen Yueqi couldn't help it, frowned and said, "Did you hear what I was saying?"

“I heard it, Carlyle Investments is known as the President’s Club.”

Ye Feng smiled: "But you also said that it is not the largest private equity fund, right? I have no other intention, I just want to set a goal in front of me, and then I will try my best to achieve it."

Seeing that Ye Feng was still unwilling to give up, Wen Yueqi had to say to Ye Feng: "Private equity funds are different from other funds. Private equity funds usually invest in companies that are in the 1/4 to 1/2 stage of rapid expansion, and most of its transactions It is done privately. At present, the assets under management of Sequoia Capital and Fidelity Investments that I know have reached more than [-] billion US dollars. In the next few years, with the concentration of enterprises in the expansion stage, the overall assets will reach the trillions of US dollars. level, if you really have this ambition, you should aim for a trillion dollars, because as you progress, your opponents are also progressing, and the speed should be much faster than you."


Still dollars.

It has to be said that Ye Feng feels a little pressure, but it is not to the point of crushing him. Not to mention, just 40% of the shares of fcaebook company can rise to 10 billion US dollars in less than 2500 years. about.

This is equivalent to Ye Feng having completed a quarter of his trillion-dollar goal.

As for the rest, it depends on how Ye Feng operates in overseas markets, or even the domestic market. For overseas markets, Ye Feng will need Wen Yueqi’s constant reminders, or he may read the information himself to recall his previous opinions on certain developing companies. memory, but for the country, Ye Feng did not need to do that.

Ye Feng could see clearly with his eyes what kind of company could rise.

At that time, if Ye Feng comes back to invest in the name of overseas Maple Leaf Capital, trillions of dollars will not be a problem.

After thinking about this, Ye Feng raised his head and smiled at Wen Yueqi: "Well, I know, I will try my best to achieve the goal." Undoubtedly, in Wen Yueqi's eyes, Ye Feng's smile was extremely unbeatable, and trillions U.S. dollars of private equity funds were accumulated over decades, but Ye Feng dared to think about it, and he smiled so easily, as if he could really achieve it.

"I'll take note of what you said, so you don't find yourself bragging later."

Wen Yueqi glanced at Ye Feng angrily. If Ye Feng really became the world's top private equity fund, then her ten years in New York would be in vain, let alone the Blackstone Group and other Wall Street financial investment giants.

Ye Feng thought to himself, just write it down. There is no need to argue about anything. Many times, speaking out in advance when something has not been completed often sounds like bragging in the ears of others.

Private placement of trillions of dollars.

Ye Feng has the urge to embrace the future. When that day comes, Ye Feng believes that he will really be at the top of the world, and that the private equity funds overseas will be completely in his hands.


At this time, Ye Feng suddenly remembered something: "I have been unable to get through to Yang Qingzhi. When you return to New York, can you help me find someone to build a bridge with him and say that I want to talk to him?"

"Talk about what?"

Wen Yueqi was irritated by Ye Feng's indifferent attitude, and a sneer appeared at the corner of her mouth: "Are you talking about letting him help you manage a private equity fund with the largest amount of funds in the world?"


Ye Feng was sweating and found that he had stirred up a hornet's nest. It seemed to have irritated Wen Yueqi, who had graduated from an MBA and actually established himself on Wall Street. So he said: "It depends on people. It only took me three or four years to go from zero to something." Time?"

Wen Yueqi was startled when she heard this.


Didn’t it only take him three or four years to go from zero to a company valued at nearly one billion US dollars?The results of investment often increase geometrically as the amount of funds increases.

What if he really can?
Wen Yueqi looked at the man sitting in front of her and took another sip of rice porridge. She couldn't help but have such a conjecture in her heart, so she said: "Okay, then I will go back to New York and ask someone to contact Yang Qingzhi, but can it be done?" , I can’t guarantee that Yang Qingzhi is a bit high-spirited.”

"Well, it's okay, just do your best."

Ye Feng nodded, then drank all the rice porridge in the bowl. Then seeing that Wen Yueqi stopped drinking, he stood up and put away the dishes and started washing the dishes. When he got to the kitchen, he suddenly remembered that Feng Zheng hadn't eaten either. , so he called Feng Zheng to come over for dinner.

At ten o'clock.

Ye Feng, Feng Zheng, Wen Yueqi and Wang Xin gathered at Dongzhou Airport, waiting for the departure flight to Yanjing. Ye Feng was thinking about what he would do after going to Yanjing.

Ten thirty.

The flight from Dongzhou to Yanjing started boarding. By this time, Ye Feng had roughly figured out what he wanted to do.

(End of this chapter)

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