Recast youth

Chapter 1120 Can’t get out of the vicious circle

Chapter 1120 Can’t get out of the vicious circle
After getting home.

Wen Yueqi and Ye Feng chatted for a while, then went back to their room to take a shower. The villa was empty and silent. This was one of the reasons why the housing prices of Xinlong Mansion in Dongzhou City were rising.

Detached villa.

The distance between the villas is far enough, and the privacy is very good. It is an out-of-print house type in Dongzhou City, but now the quietness is painful for Ye Feng. Wen Yueqi's room is on the edge of the corridor, not far from Ye Feng .

Ye Feng stood in the corridor smoking and did not go back to the room. He subconsciously listened to Wen Yueqi's bath to see if he could hear the sound of water pouring. In fact, he also heard the sound of water pouring down from the top when the shower head was opened.


But it was indeed the sound of Wen Yueqi taking a shower.

Without closing his eyes, Ye Feng could imagine Wen Yueqi standing naked under the shower head, wiping her body, her graceful body looming in the mist.

In a daze, a voice seemed to rise from Ye Feng's heart.

"If you don't seize the opportunity, you will have no chance at all when you arrive in Yanjing tomorrow."

For men, this kind of time is quite torturous, not to mention that Ye Feng once had a relationship with Wen Yueqi while drunk, so Ye Feng was a little tormented.

Although Sister Qi may not necessarily love him much, Ye Feng can also infer from Sister Qi's attitude towards him that Sister Qi has a good impression of him, but due to her pride and reserve, it is impossible for her to like him Take the initiative or something.

If you take the initiative...

Thinking of this, Ye Feng's breathing became a little heavier, and the demonic sound in his head became heavier and heavier. Then Ye Feng became cruel and returned to his room. He didn't turn on the hot water, but turned on the cold water and poured it on himself.

Dense goosebumps appeared on the skin due to the sudden stimulation of the cold water, but it could not extinguish the fire in her heart. In her mind, Wen Yueqi's mature, intellectual and confident figure became clearer and clearer.

Have a good impression.

But not love.

Ye Feng is not afraid of hurting others, he is only afraid of hurting people who are good to him. He can see that Sister Qi is really good to him. Otherwise, in Guo Qianhao's house, Sister Qi would not be willing to let him reveal her identity. .

In the final analysis, Sister Qi was willing to let herself take advantage of the situation because she was good to herself.

Ye Feng did not want to make the same mistake as Kong Jingke and Zhang Lan, so Ye Feng chose to restrain his physical and psychological impulses. After taking a cold shower, Ye Feng walked out and lay on the bed, staring at the roof in a daze.

At this time, Ye Feng began to think about what he would have been like if Li Man had not broken up with him in his previous life.You should graduate smoothly, right?Then what?

Then parents will not be disappointed.

I won't live in such a miserable state.

Then again?

Then, even if I am reborn, I will no longer close my heart like this, let alone a pool of stagnant water. I will be impulsive. If I see someone I like, I should be brave enough to say it to her. I will never reach that point. No matter who you are with, it seems that you are close, but in reality you are distant.

At this time, Ye Feng's cell phone suddenly rang. Ye Feng picked up the phone and took a look. Sure enough, it was a message from Wen Yueqi: "Are you asleep?"

"Didn't sleep."

Ye Feng replied.

Wen Yueqi: "What are you doing?"

Ye Feng: "Looking at the ceiling in a daze."

Wen Yueqi: "What's the point of staring at the ceiling in a daze? Could it be that you can't think about something anymore?" Ye Feng: "There are some things that you can't think about."

Wen Yueqi: "Tell me what happened to my sister and see if she can help you enlighten me, lest such an outstanding young entrepreneur really loses his mind someday."

When Ye Feng saw this text message, he really hesitated for a moment, then edited the message: "Forget it, it's all over."


In Ye Feng's heart, the past has indeed passed, and it is still a past that cannot be undone. If he cannot go back to the time when he broke up with Li Man in his previous life, it is impossible to make assumptions. Assuming that Li Man did not break up with him, his own life and his own character Will it become sunnier?

Indeed, some things and some people are past in the past. Even if the same people and the same things are in front of you, after a while of joy, you will find that it is no longer the feeling in your memory.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng felt a little heavy. He couldn't understand that he was so rich in this life, but his life was so bad. Could an "insignificant" person really have such a big subsequent impact on him?


The news came again.

Ye Feng opened it and took a look. The text message sent by Wen Yueqi read: "As long as the two words forget it are in it, it is usually not put down. Put down two words, only eleven strokes, it is still difficult to do it."

"So, I'm hopeless?" Ye Feng replied with a text message.

Wen Yueqi: "There is help. What is it that you can't let go of? If you face it now, your mood may fluctuate, and you may cry a lot, but the weather will be fine after the rain. If you want to truly let go, you can only let it go by picking it up first." Do you know?"

Ye Feng chewed for a while, sighed, and replied: "I can't pick it up, and I can't go back."

At this time, what came over was not a text message, but a phone call.

Ye Feng looked at the caller ID for two seconds, hung up, and sent a message: "Can you not call me? I don't want to talk right now, I just want to chat via text."

"Are you really going to stay in a dead end for the rest of your life and refuse to come out? You don't know how many people in this world are envious of your achievements today." Wen Yueqi's text message was sent quickly, and it was filled with anger and anger. .

Ye Feng replied: "It's not that I don't want to walk out, but I feel like someone has drawn an invisible circle around me. Although I know that I can walk out as long as I take a step, but in the end, I found that I just can't walk out." Going out, this feeling is indescribable.”

Then Ye Feng took a deep breath: "Really, Sister Qi, I tried my best. The drunken time in New York was my last effort."

dong dong dong.

Soon, there was a knock on the door.

"Open the door."

Wen Yueqi's angry voice came from outside.

It's strange that Ye Feng wants to open the door, but he also has a contradictory feeling in his heart that he doesn't want to open the door. It's similar to the feeling that he longs to be in a group, to have love, and to have friendship, but he also feels lonely in one place.

Ye Feng didn't know if this was how Kong Jingke felt in 03 and 04, but he knew that he was really trapped in a strange circle. Ye Feng sat up from the bed and wanted to tell Wen Yueqi that he wanted to be alone for a while and didn't want to talk.

But when the words came to his mouth, Ye Feng just couldn't open his mouth, as if his throat was squeezed tightly together, and he couldn't say a word. Even if he wanted to say a word, his throat was so painful.

"Sister Qi, let's text and chat."

Ye Feng sat on the bed, typing in the dark, and sent a text message. After a while, Ye Feng edited another text message: "Really, I can't say a word now, I don't know what's going on, I want to open the door Talking to you, but I did the exact opposite.”

While typing this sentence, Ye Feng's eyes couldn't help but feel a little moist, and his heart was filled with sadness and loneliness. He didn't know where the sadness came from and where the loneliness came from.

(End of this chapter)

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