Recast youth

Chapter 1114 The fireworks are gone

Chapter 1114 The fireworks are gone
Dinner was served at the Lanshan Club restaurant.

After arriving home, after Wen Yueqi came out of the room after taking a shower, she saw Ye Feng feeding arapaima on the first floor on the railing on the second floor, so she walked down and asked casually: "Still thinking about security?"

"No, this matter is not urgent. The country is still very safe. The personnel are slowly being identified."

Ye Feng heard Wen Yueqi's voice and turned around. Then he was stunned and saw Wen Yueqi, who had just taken a shower, changed into a nightgown made of ice silk fabric, which vaguely outlined the outline of her body.

The neck is slender.

It's getting late.

It was quiet all around, a huge villa, a man and a woman alone. Ye Feng immediately felt that the air seemed to have become thicker, and the weather was also unusually hot and muggy.

Ye Feng knew what was going on, but he couldn't act recklessly. He could be impulsive the first time, but he couldn't do it the second time. Even if Wen Yueqi was willing, he couldn't act recklessly.

But in this way, Ye Feng became more painful. After all, he was also a normal man. How could he not react when he saw a mature and elegant woman with looming curves standing in front of him?

"Sister Qi, didn't you even dry your hair before taking it off?"

Ye Feng turned around and looked at the arapaima swimming in the pool again, and said awkwardly: "Your hair is wet, and your clothes are soaked."

Wen Yueqi didn't notice what was going on at first. When she heard Ye Feng say this, she subconsciously lowered her head and looked. Sure enough, where the tip of her hair touched, her nightgown was almost soaked and translucent.

No matter what Wen Yueqi was, she was still a woman. When Ye Feng said it on the spot, her cheeks couldn't help but turn red. She said it as if she was wearing something so tempting on purpose, so Wen Yueqi looked at Ye Feng who was carrying her back angrily and said preemptively: " There are so many places on my body, why don’t you look at them, but you insist on looking at my breasts?”


Ye Feng was a little speechless. I saw this at a glance. Then the normal reaction of a person is to look a little more clearly. Hey, is it all gone? It really is all gone...

I haven't watched it now.

However, Ye Feng was complaining in his heart, but he couldn't say it out loud. He didn't dare to turn around, so he had to focus on the arapaima and Taihu, and said awkwardly: "Sister Qi Do you want to go up and change your clothes?"

Wen Yueqi originally had the intention to go up and put on some underwear, but when she saw Ye Feng's appearance, she turned her pretty eyes and gave up the idea, saying: "Forget it, there's no need to worry about it. You've already seen it in New York anyway." .”

Ye Feng's heart skipped a beat when he heard this. He had seen it before, but he was unconscious at the time and could only remember limited details. Besides, which man would become a vegetarian after tasting meat?
It’s almost like I fell in love with eating meat from then on.

Ye Feng had a headache and couldn't help but said: "Sister Qi, aren't you torturing me? Can you respect my identity as a man?"


Wen Yueqi looked at Ye Feng, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly, and she laughed out loud.

"It doesn't feel good anyway." Ye Feng said instead.

Wen Yueqi was amused, and then she stopped teasing Ye Feng. If he teased Ye Feng again, he might really go crazy, so she said with a smile: "Okay, then I'll go to bed. Seeing you like this makes me relieved." Yes, the depression is not too serious, and it has not reached the point where I can’t live with the world anymore.”

Then Wen Yueqi went upstairs.After Wen Yueqi went upstairs, Ye Feng felt something in his heart, so he raised his head and looked up. As soon as he reached the hall, he saw Wen Yueqi standing at the railing on the second floor, lying on the railing as if he knew he would look up from below. Looking at him with a smile on his face.

"Good night, Sister Qi."

Ye Feng endured the embarrassment of being caught, raised his head and waved to Wen Yueqi.

"Good night, go to bed early."

Wen Yueqi put away her smile and said something to Ye Feng, and then returned to the room. Then Ye Feng was really the only one left in the huge living room, and Ye Feng became accustomed to it.

He sat on the sofa and lit a cigarette, and then started watching aimlessly. From the TV, to the night outside, and back to the pool where the gold and silver dragons were raised, everything was quiet.

Ye Feng was wondering if he would be single again in this life like in the last life. It was a strange feeling. He clearly wanted to be with someone, but he took a step back at the critical moment.

What are you hesitating?
What are you afraid of?
Afraid of letting others down?
Or are you afraid that after the expectations are over, you will be disappointed and lonely after the fireworks are gone?
Thinking of this, Ye Feng put out the cigarette butt in the ashtray. He didn't know if his mentality had something to do with Li Man, but his previous life was not going well because of Li Man.

People are like this. Many times, you think you have put down many things, but when you touch a certain scene, a certain sentence, or even a certain point, you can't help but think of it again.

It was as if the people and things from back then were sealed in the memory together with the original feelings, and then when I thought about it, everything came out again like a tide.

The usual words of letting go have become empty talk.

Forget it.

Ye Feng didn't know how long he sat alone in the living room. In the end, he could only say these two words silently. Then he stood up, returned to the room, and fell asleep.

Drowsily, Ye Feng had a dream. In the dream, he saw a Porsche Cayenne in a parking space in a square. The license plate number was very smooth, with four eights.

The Porsche Cayenne is undoubtedly a luxury car. A luxury car with a license plate with four numbers 4 will undoubtedly make people look at it more subconsciously, and Ye Feng is no exception. But at this moment, the Porsche car lights came on, and at the same time, there was a sound behind Ye Feng. There was an unexpected voice, someone calling his name.

Although a long time passed, Ye Feng still heard who the voice belonged to for the first time. It was Li Man's voice. He turned around and saw that it was Li Man standing not far away. He was dressed brightly and his face was still beautiful. , holding a bunch of Porsche car keys in his hand.

Obviously, this Porsche Cayenne with four 4 license plates belongs to Li Man.

Li Man came over to talk to Ye Feng and asked Ye Feng how he had been doing over the years.

Ye Feng's lips moved slightly, and he had countless impulses in his heart. He wanted to tell Li Man in an excited tone how bad and unbearable his life was now, but in the end Ye Feng held it back.

What I thought in my mind was forget it.

Li Man said it was okay.

Then Ye Feng woke up and opened his eyes. Many things that had passed for a long time and had long been forgotten slowly became clear like a DVD being played backwards.

(End of this chapter)

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