Recast youth

Chapter 1107. Who is Sister Furong?

Chapter 1107. Who is Sister Furong?

"Did the scene you had in New York really break?"

Ye Feng was stunned when he heard this. Wen Yueqi had asked him this question several times on the phone before, but he had avoided it every time.

But this time there was no way to avoid it.

Because Ye Feng saw the serious look in Wen Yueqi's eyes.

Ye Feng parked the car on the side of the road.

Wen Yueqi turned sideways and looked at Ye Feng, her eyes were calm but seemed to have the power to penetrate people's hearts. Then Ye Feng's heart had nowhere to hide, and there was no way to avoid it. He didn't want to tell the truth to Wen Yueqi.

But I don't want to tell lies to her.

"Sister Qi, you gave me a difficult problem." Ye Feng said after being silent for a while.

Wen Yueqi's eyes remained unchanged: "It's a problem for you, and it's also a problem for me."

Ye Feng said with some difficulty: "Isn't my answer already obvious? You should be able to see it."

"Some things cannot be simulated."

Wen Yueqi looked at Ye Feng and said, "I would rather hear an accurate answer from your mouth."

"I want to smoke a cigarette." Ye Feng said at a loss.

"Do you need me to light a cigarette for you?"

"That's not necessary."

Ye Feng wanted to smile bitterly, but couldn't. He could only silently take out a cigarette and light it. After thinking for a while, he said with difficulty: "I don't have a short film..."

"Same as I thought." Wen Yueqi nodded.

Ye Feng finally smiled bitterly: "Sister Qi, if you ask me to admit this, you are asking me to stab my heart with a knife."

"you deserve it."

Wen Yueqi suddenly laughed. This smile was a bit glamorous, and then she said: "Tell me what you think. If the answer satisfies me, I can consider not caring about it."

Ye Feng asked extremely tangledly: "Really?"

"Guess." Wen Yueqi looked sideways at Ye Feng.


Ye Feng had no choice but to say: "Actually, it's not complicated. Maybe it's just like what others often say. God has closed a door for me and will definitely leave a window for me. I can barely do business, but my relationship It was handled very poorly up there.”

Wen Yueqi realized something: "Are you talking about Zhang Lan and Kong Jingke?"


Ye Feng nodded, slowly exhaled a puff of smoke, and said: "Originally, I walked into a dead end and couldn't get out. I always felt that no matter what I did, I would owe another person, so emotionally, I was very hesitant. , the processing was sluggish.”

Wen Yueqi asked, "Does that have anything to do with me before?"


Ye Feng said affirmatively: "When we were on the rooftop of your company in New York, you said something to me. At that time, I felt that I had solved the knot in my heart, so I thought about not getting entangled in everything and doing what was beneficial to me. Things will be fine.”

"So you got drunk and slept with me?" Wen Yueqi suddenly asked.

Ye Feng said bravely: "Yes."

Wen Yueqi said: "I need a reason."

Ye Feng felt even more embarrassed. Now he understood better that it was easy to do some things impulsively, but the consequences may not be borne. For example, now, Ye Feng felt very tortured, but Ye Feng still answered Wen Yueqi: "At that time, my mind was free. , and then you want to be a bad person..." Wen Yueqi was annoyed by Ye Feng: "You want to be a bad person, so you go to bed with me, and then pretend to be drunk the next day?"

"That's not the case..." Ye Feng's head was as big as a fight.

Wen Yueqi crossed her chest and sneered: "What's that like?"

"I want to have a backer..."

Ye Feng struggled in his heart for a long time and finally said it. After saying this, Ye Feng was finally relieved, and then carefully observed Wen Yueqi's reaction.

Wen Yueqi was stunned for a moment: "Backer? What backer?"

Ye Feng reminded him guiltily: "Uncle..."

After Wen Yueqi realized what Ye Feng said, she was speechless. She never expected that Ye Feng, who was in his 20s and owned such a big company, was actually thinking about this.

"You can do it."

Wen Yueqi looked at Ye Feng speechlessly: "Is this all you have to do?"

Ye Feng thought to himself that he would give it all anyway, and said: "It's not that I have no future, the key point is that the entrepreneurial environment in China is like this. I have seen someone deliberately set up a trap to take over the company, and then the founder of the company was sentenced to ten How many years, how do you say this?”

Wen Yueqi said: "After all, these are the minority."

"Then tell me."

Ye Feng looked at Wen Yueqi and said: "When I first established the Lanshan Club, someone wanted to form a joint venture with me, but I didn't agree. Then they brought people to destroy my club and made the relevant departments block my business procedures. These are always true. Right? You know Chen Yiming, right? When I first met him in Yanjing, I got a slap in the face and the driver went into shock because of his subordinates. Later, he saw the potential of our company and hired two people. The son of a commander came to me and asked for the original shares of my company. These are also facts."

"Even if I didn't want to, a concrete truck hit me on a rainy day. Really, if I hadn't been lucky, my life would have been lost."

At this point, Ye Feng paused and said in a slightly uneasy tone: "So, these things have happened before, what about in the future? The market value of my company's listing is really tens of billions, tens of billions, hundreds of billions. Will anyone come looking for it? Am I in trouble? Do you want to eat me to the bone? Or treat me like a puppet?"

Wen Yueqi was silent for a while after hearing this: "You are a bit extreme."

"This is not extreme. These things can still happen and have happened before. I am different from you. You have a good background and no one can cause trouble for you. But I am different. I have nothing and can only rely on myself. Therefore, I can only find ways to avoid some bad things on my own."

Ye Feng touched the steering wheel with both hands and said with deep eyes: "After all, society is different from school. If there is a conflict between two people in school, the Academic Affairs Office will mediate it. In society, you have to bear the consequences yourself. Many times, many bad things happen." Just because something didn’t happen doesn’t mean it won’t happen, but it means the benefits are not enough. When the benefits are enough, some people will probably take risks.”

Having said this, Ye Feng paused, turned to look at Wen Yueqi and asked: "For example, Chen Yiming, when we first met, why did he stand so high in front of me? If I and his birth background were switched, he would dare to do this to me ?I can beat him until he kneels in front of me!"

Wen Yueqi was speechless and had to admit that what Ye Feng said was true. Then she asked, "So you came to me?"

"There is a reason for this." Ye Feng said apologetically.

Wen Yueqi pursed her lips, looked at Ye Feng and asked, "What about this? Are there any other reasons?"


Ye Feng did not hesitate and said seriously: "On the other hand, Sister Qi, you are very beautiful and elegant. Plus, I wanted to hug my thigh, so I did that."

Wen Yueqi continued to ask: "Isn't it just because of my dad?"

"Absolutely not."

Ye Feng emphasized: "If it were Sister Furong, I wouldn't be able to agree to it even if you beat her to death. After all, it's Sister Qi who is good-looking and I couldn't resist."

Wen Yueqi felt a little more comfortable, and then asked, "Who is Sister Furong?"

"A very ugly female internet celebrity."

Ye Feng then added: "I will search it online for you when I get home."

(End of this chapter)

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