Recast youth

Registration form for listing in Chapter 1102

Registration form for listing in Chapter 1102

Wen Yueqi was right. Ye Feng indeed failed to get through the phone call of Yang Qingzhi, who resigned from Goldman Sachs.

"It seems it really depends on fate."

Ye Feng put down his cell phone helplessly.

Wen Yueqi smiled and said: "There is no need to rush this matter. Although Yang Qingzhi is powerful, he is good at investment and fund management. Your company is still in its infancy. It is not too late to invite him back after it is listed for financing."

"Then you have to invite me."

Ye Feng really didn't have much confidence. The key is that people like this are not short of money. Then he suddenly realized that he had missed one thing and couldn't help but ask: "By the way, this Yang Qingzhi is also Chinese?"

Wen Yueqi nodded: "Yes, but he is a Chinese-American. He worked as an intern at Goldman Sachs while studying at Stanford. It took him 12 years to reach this level."

Ye Feng thought for a moment and said, "There are many famous Chinese at Stanford. It seems that Wang Xin and Yang Zhiyuan of Yahoo are from Stanford."

"That's for sure."

Wen Yueqi said with a smile: "Stanford University has long been ranked second among the world's top universities. It is one of the first choices for all kinds of geniuses. The chance of becoming famous is definitely higher than other schools."

"More powerful than Harvard University?" In Ye Feng's impression, Harvard University is quite famous, as well as MIT, Oxford University and so on.

Wen Yueqi shook her head: "I can't say that completely. Stanford and Harvard each have their own advantages. Both schools have very good business schools, as well as mathematics and computer programs. Harvard's mathematics department will be better than Stanford's, but The difference is not that big, but Stanford's computer science department is much better than Harvard's. From the ranking point of view, Stanford University's computer science department is ranked tied for first, and Harvard is ranked No. 18. The difference is still quite big, so , if you want to pursue a double degree, then based on the teaching quality of the two majors, Stanford University should have an advantage over Harvard University."

Ye Feng sighed and said: "I have to say that in any field, there are still polarizations. The good ones are better, and the bad ones are worse."

“Otherwise, how could there be such a thing as a virtuous circle and a vicious circle?”

Wen Yueqi smiled, then looked at Ye Feng and asked about the business: "By the way, when will you go to Yanjing to apply for project approval?"

If a domestic company wants to be listed on Nasdaq in the United States, the first step is to apply to the Securities Regulatory Commission of the People's Republic of China and other relevant departments for approval of an overseas listing project.

In the second step, the securities dealer's lawyer, the company's lawyer, the company itself, and the company's accountant prepare forms such as S-1, SB-1 or SB-2, and send a copy of the statement to the U.S. Securities Regulatory Commission and the securities management department of the state where the listing is located. and relevant information to submit an application.

So Ye Feng said to Wen Yueqi: "Just these two days. Once the forms are completed here, we will go to Yanjing. Then I will ask Chen Xiao and Wang Xin to go to the United States with you to apply for listing."

"Well, that's fine."

Wen Yueqi nodded.

After chatting for a while, the two people went to the finance department together. Wang Xin, Chinese-American Zhao Lu, and two Americans were registering here. At this time, many financial deficiencies in the country were revealed.

Wang Xin and Chinese-American Zhao Lu are doing the work, with financial manager Xie Qiulian assisting.

"Sister Qi." "Mr. Ye."

Several people, Ye Feng and Wen Yueqi, came over and said hello one after another. Ye Feng motioned to Wang Xin and Zhao Lu to continue working on their work. He watched from the sidelines. Securities listing registration forms generally include two parts.

One part is prospectus, which is for potential investors in securities issuance. The content includes the company's business introduction, financial status and management, etc.

The other part is supplementary information. This part of the content does not have to be delivered to investors for reading, but investors can check it on the SEC (Country A Supervisory Commission) website or the SEC data room.

Zhao Lu was using S-1 statements to register securities. While registering, she asked financial manager Xie Qiulian to pull out Lanshan Company's financial statements for the past three years for her to compare.

Because the S-1 statement submitted for listing application must include the past three years' statements and the related risks of the securities.

After filling out the S-1 form, Zhao Lu started to use the SB-2 form to declare. If the financing amount is less than 1000 million US dollars, you can use the SB-1 form. Here is the audited financial report.

For any amount of financing, you can use the SB-2 statement. When Ye Feng's company goes public, it is definitely impossible to only raise less than 1000 million US dollars. This amount of money will come out after operating the company for a period of time.

As for the SB-2 statement requirements, it is a bit simpler. It only requires statically audited financial statements prepared in accordance with general financial accounting standards for the past two years.

Ye Feng stayed here for a while and found that he couldn't get involved at all. The main busy people were Zhao Lu, Wang Xin, and financial manager Xie Qiulian. As for the other two people from Country A, they were interacting with Chen Xiao.

Because the United States is the country with the most stringent supervision of capital markets in the world today, it has formulated and promulgated a series of strict legal rules during the development of its capital markets. These legal rules mainly include the Securities Act of 1933, the Securities Act of 1934 Exchange Act, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, the Dodd-Frank Act, the regulations of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (hereinafter referred to as SEC) and the self-regulatory rules of the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq.

Among these legal rules, strict information disclosure, corporate governance and standardized operation requirements are imposed on listed companies (including Chinese companies listed in the United States). If Chinese companies listed in the United States violate the above regulations, they will be subject to severe disciplinary sanctions. Administrative penalties and criminal penalties.

NetEase was suspended from trading by Nasdaq for four months because of financial problems.

Therefore, if Lanshan Company wants to be listed on Nasdaq in the United States, it must find a lawyer with a U.S. lawyer qualification certificate to avoid possible securities violation risks and penalties.

Fortunately, Chen Xiao not only worked as a visiting scholar at Stanford for a period of time, but also interned at a well-known law firm for a period of time, so he was fairly familiar with American law.

Although Chen Xiao's previous lawyer was engaged in the company's intellectual property business, but by analogy, for him, as long as he compares the most direct and significant impact on Lanshan Company's listing in the United States, Sarbanes-Oxley- If you have an in-depth understanding of the Oxley Act and the Dodd-Frank Act, and study them clearly, the problem will not be that big.

In particular, the professionals brought by Wen Yueqi were here to point out Chen Xiao.

After watching for nearly an hour, Ye Feng sighed deeply. The people Wen Yueqi brought really helped him a lot. There are two completely different efficiencies between being led in by a master and being led in by a master without.

But despite this, Ye Feng, who felt a little bored, still planned to quit.

"Sister Xin, I still have some things to do at the club. Please do your hard work and worry about it. I'll go over with Sister Qi first. If you need anything, you can call me to communicate." Ye Feng pretended that something really happened. Said to Wang Xin.

(End of this chapter)

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