Recast youth

Chapter 1068 Feng Sande’s concerns

Chapter 1068 Feng Sande’s concerns
What is dream.

Feng Sande's early dreams were not big. In addition to making money, he still made money. As for the method of making money, it didn't matter. It didn't matter whether it was harmful to nature or not. As long as he could make money.

It would be nice if others could look up to him.

Friendship, family, morality, are they important?

None of these are important. Feng Sande only knows that having money is important. With money, he can eat, with money he can speak loudly to others, and with money he can spend money to be happy when he sees a little girl with tender skin and tender flesh.

No money?
If you don't have money, you can only stand around and stare. Even when you go back to your hometown, the villagers will point at your spine, gossip about you, and want to bend your spine.

Feng Sande had never read any books, and his education was only in the third grade, barely literate. Books like Zhouyi and Feng Shui were just self-taught and collected by him in his early years.

Many people don't know that apart from his own name, Feng Sande, who only has a third-grade education, also has two sentences written with great character. These two sentences are called "If he is young enough to achieve Ling Yunzhi, he dares to call Huang Chao a husband."

When he was young, Feng Sande once stood on the roof of a bungalow, wearing tattered clothes, drinking beer, and getting drunk. Then he pointed at the sky full of stars and yelled these two sentences.

At that time, after Feng Sande yelled, "If he is young enough to achieve Ling Yunzhi, he dares to call Huang Chao a husband", he smashes the wine bottle in his hand. He just felt that he was so unhappy at that time!

Feng Sande was ambitious back then.

In this world of men, who can be without ambition?
It's just that there are thousands of ambitious people, but only a few people can truly realize their ambitions. Feng Sande is one of them who is lost in the crowd. So 20 years ago, Feng Sande, who was blunted by reality, recognized the reality clearly. He stole clothes that looked like humans and dogs, bought two packs of hard Chinese, returned to his hometown in Henan from Guangdong, and deceived his nephew Feng Zheng out of the village.

If not for anything else, Feng Sande just wanted to take Feng Zheng out and sell him for money.

Boy dolls are valuable.

What morality, what family affection?
It's all shit.

People living in this world have no money, no dignity and no shame, so how can they be qualified to talk about morality and family affection?So Feng Sande didn't feel guilty at all. He wanted to live with dignity.

As for more positive words such as morality, when he gets rich and is no longer so skinny, and then takes the money to a strange place to negotiate with others, no one will know his past.

But what Feng Sande resented was that his conscience did not completely feed the dog. When he saw a child with his hands and feet broken and begging, he actually had a seizure, and his conscience found out and wanted to redeem Feng Zheng from the beggar gang.

In the end, not only was the money gained from kidnapping and selling children gone, but one of his legs was broken. In the end, Feng Sande knelt in front of Brother Dao, the leader of the beggar gang, begged, begged, and stabbed him to death with a trembling knife. Then Feng Zheng was brought out.

This was Feng Sande's most manly experience, and it was also an experience he had never told anyone. He was too embarrassed to go back to his hometown, and managed to save his leg by relying on an old Chinese medicine doctor.

After that, Feng Sande's dream shrank a lot, from being rich to having enough to eat, and not being beaten to death when he lied to others, although he often had to move to another city because his deception was discovered and chased.

But Feng Sande survived after all, and brought Feng Zheng up, and Feng Zheng was also able to shoulder the burden of life and protect him. However, Feng Sande, who has seen through the world, felt that Feng Zheng's character was too cold. , are ruthless and have no awe in their hearts. How can a person who grew up under the five-star red flag not have a sense of awe?You'll be shot if you do this.

At this time, Feng Sande's dream changed again. He wanted to have a stable place with Feng Zheng, and have someone who could stop Feng Zheng's wildness on his behalf. In this way, even if one day he lost his conscience and did too many evil things, He was beaten to death on the street. At least Feng Zheng, a wild dog, had someone to hold him down with a rope.

Feng Sande was very lucky that he met Ye Feng, and he was also lucky that Ye Feng was able to hold Feng Zheng in his hands.

Now Feng Sande's dream is even simpler, that is to stay in Dongzhou and stay by Ye Feng's side. Feng Sande knows that he has nothing to offer, nothing else, and a stinking problem. As for the Zhouyi Bagua numerology he knows, To put it bluntly, it is of no use at all. It is just feudal superstition.

So what Feng Sande thinks is that he is of no use to his boss Ye Feng, but he must not cause him trouble. When he was at the Lanshan Club, when Feng Sande told people's fortunes, he never took any money, and he never targeted female members. For the area below the neck, at most, after the female member has gone far away, Feng Sande will mumble something extremely obscenely, "Damn, you have such a good figure, you are almost ready for it."

As for being rude to female members, Feng Sande would never do it.

Today when setting up a stall to tell fortunes, Feng Sande sat on a stool and rubbed his feet without sitting down. After three years, most members of the club already know that there is such a weird man on the second floor, so Feng Sande doesn't care about his image. Whatever makes you feel comfortable, Feng Sande feels that he will be contented to be able to do this for the rest of his life.

It wasn't until the very coquettishly dressed woman in front of him came over that Feng Sande sat up straight and refused to look at her, because Feng Sande was too sensitive to a person's eyes.

At the first glance of this woman, Feng Sande saw in her eyes a look of condescension and eagerness to come and cause trouble. This woman looked down on him from the bottom of her heart.

There is even contempt.

But Feng Sande never expected that even though he tried his best to retreat, this woman would still come to trouble him, scolding him for being feudal and superstitious, and lowering the standard of the gym. Feng Sande just wanted to be patient and let it go. He had knelt down in the past decades. I don’t know how many times I have knelt down. In order to survive, my dignity has long been gone. What’s the point of being humiliated now, being scolded a few times, kicked a few times?The most important thing is not to cause trouble to the boss Ye Feng.

The boss opens the door to do business. Since he opens the door to do business, he has to greet the guests with a smile. With the clothes on this woman's body and her ability to look down on others, isn't she an extremely wealthy guest in the club?
During this period, what Feng Sande thought about most was what he said to Feng Zheng last night, that the boss was not bad to him.

But what Feng Sande didn't expect was that his boss Ye Feng would also come today. Feng Sande saw the look of hatred in Ye Feng's eyes, so Feng Sande felt guilty.

Embarrass your boss yourself.

He lowered the level of the club and made the members feel uncomfortable.

The boss treats both him and Feng Zheng well, but he actually caused trouble to his boss. How could Feng Sande not feel guilty?He thought that after this incident was over, he might as well move back to the rental house in Beijinqiao. He thought it was quite nice there. There were no high-rise buildings and there were no colored looks from others.

However, when Ye Feng pulled Feng Sande aside and said that he was dishonest, Feng Sande still felt sad because he knew what Ye Feng meant by dishonesty.

Feng Sande looked up sadly and explained to Ye Feng: "Boss, I am really not dishonest. I will not do anything to embarrass you in the club."

(End of this chapter)

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