Recast youth

Chapter 1063: Nameless Express

Chapter 1063: Nameless Express

The fast food at the back of the first floor of the HSBC Building is made by an old local couple. It specializes in steamed vegetables. The main focus is speed and convenience, and the price is affordable, so basically white-collar workers from nearby office buildings come here to eat.

"what did you eat?"

Ye Feng and Li Ping came to the place where the vegetables were placed and turned around to ask Li Ping.

"Egg dumplings and fish." Li Ping ordered both.

Ye Feng ordered two more meat dishes and one more pickled vegetables and boiled tofu, and brought them to the table with Li Ping. He gave the disposable chopsticks to Li Ping and said with a smile: "I just came back yesterday and slept all day. Today I’m so busy coming here that I can’t stop.”

"Well, the company is really busy now."

Li Ping nodded and then asked: "By the way, I heard Mr. Wang said that our company is going to be listed?"

"Yes, if the company wants to develop further, it must go public and raise funds."

Ye Feng took a bite of food, raised his head and said, "When the company goes public, a portion of its shares will be issued for the first time before going public. These shares are called original shares. At that time, you and He San will have the priority to subscribe for the company's shares."

"Thank you, Mr. Ye." Li Ping said gratefully. She was not a newbie in the workplace now, and she still knew about original stocks. Generally speaking, the initial price of original stocks will be very low. Once listed, it may increase tenfold. Prices climbed a hundred times higher.

Of course, it is not impossible that the closing price will fall below the issue price after listing, but Li Ping does not think Lanshan Company will encounter such a situation.

"What can I say to thank you?"

Ye Feng said to Li Ping: "You and He San have been following me for the longest time. I will definitely not treat you badly. When the company's shares are first issued, you'd better subscribe for more shares. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand." Li Ping nodded, then hesitated.

Ye Feng got the advantage and asked: "By the way, when you were upstairs, didn't you say you wanted to talk to me about Lanshan Payment?"


When Li Ping heard Ye Feng ask about Lanshan Pay, she said with some guilt: "Mr. Ye, I have failed to live up to your expectations. It has been almost half a year since the fast payment cooperation between Lanshan Pay and the Bank of Communications head office has been completed, and it has not yet been concluded."

Ye Feng had no intention of Li Ping opening up the fast payment cooperation with the bank at this time. However, Ye Feng did not express this idea. Instead, he asked coldly: "What does this have to do with you if the cooperation is not concluded? Didn't Gao Xuan take over the cooperation and issue a military order to negotiate it?"

Seeing Ye Feng's slightly unhappy tone, Li Ping explained for Gao Xuan: "This cooperation cannot be blamed on Gao Xuan. The main reason is that it is too difficult and I couldn't negotiate it in the past."

"That's not a reason."

Ye Feng put down his chopsticks, and the momentum of the founder of a billion-dollar company suddenly came to life. He looked at Li Ping and said calmly: "Since she took over this task, if she can't complete it, she should bear the responsibility. It doesn't matter if the job is difficult." , It doesn’t matter if I can’t do it, I won’t say anything, but since I have taken over this job, I will only look at the results and not the process, do you understand?”

Li Ping's heart tightened and she said, "I understand, Mr. Ye."

Ye Feng was not in the mood to eat anymore, so he lit a cigarette and asked, "Where is she now?"

"Still in Shanghai." Li Ping looked at Ye Feng and said.

Ye Feng frowned: "She can't negotiate her job, so why is she still staying in Shanghai? Keep stalling like this?"

"No, she is trying to find ways to deepen her relationship with the people at the Bank of Communications head office every day." After all, Gao Xuan is now Li Ping's subordinate, so Li Ping still subconsciously defends Gao Xuan. The most important thing is that Li Ping feels that this person himself Quite an effort.

Ye Feng smiled: "Use the company's activity funds to sell favors to her?"

"No, she has been using her own money to cushion it."

Li Ping said to Ye Feng: "One month after arriving in Shanghai, Gao Xuan has not applied for funds from the company."

"Okay, I got it." Ye Feng said nothing more. Originally, he wanted to take the opportunity to make things difficult for Gao Xuan and let her resign. As for the previous funds in the Shanghai stock market, she could use them for work or to build her own network. Regardless of the relationship, Ye Feng didn't mind. What he wanted was for Gao Xuan to leave the company.

But Ye Feng didn't expect that Gao Xuan was actually digging into his own pocket to advance the money, which was really a bit of a desperate move.

In this case, Ye Feng no longer cares about Gao Xuan and lets her do whatever she wants. Anyway, Ye Feng knows that at this time in 2006, it would be impossible for Gao Xuan to negotiate the fast payment cooperation with the bank.

If we can negotiate, Alipay in the previous life will not have to wait until 2012 to open up the bank's fast payment. Now in 2006, how early is it?
A full 6 years!
But despite this, Ye Feng's mood was still a little gloomy. After Li Ping learned about the current number of users of Lanshan Payment, Ye Feng returned to the office and smoked two cigarettes in succession.

He didn't like Gao Xuan very much in the first place. Gao Xuan had a sense of arrogance in her bones at first. Except for Ye Feng, neither Li Man nor Jiang Ming could tell that Gao Xuan was hiding deep in her eyes. Cold and arrogant.

Later, Gao Xuan was humble, and her ambition was undisguisedly hidden beneath her humility.

Now Gao Xuan showed Ye Feng another desperate act. During the three months in Shanghai, she spent her own money. What do you mean, did she want to express herself, or did she not want to give others an excuse to attack her?

After thinking for a while, Ye Feng stopped thinking about Gao Xuan. Since she was willing to go through it, let her go through it. Some steps are easy to go up, but it is difficult to think about going down.

Ye Feng didn't believe that Gao Xuan could insist on paying for it and stay in the Shanghai stock market for as long as she wanted.

Then Ye Feng turned on the computer and updated the game Fantasy Westward Journey. He had not played the game Fantasy Westward Journey for a long time after being abroad for so long. When he played the game, he saw that he was in the middle of a PK in the arena.

Ye Feng was stunned for a moment, and then realized that it must be Meng Yun who was accessing her account. Last year, when Meng Yun saw him playing Fantasy Westward Journey, she removed his account.

Then the friend message flashes.

It’s news that is “quietly dancing and flying”.

"I'm so dizzy, brother, do you still remember that you have this game account? How long have you said you haven't been online?" Qingwu Feiyang sent a message to Ye Feng.

The crazy swordsman replied: "I've been too busy with work recently, so I haven't been doing much work. Isn't my friend just having fun?"

"Your friend is your friend, and you are you. How can a woman be attractive to us? By the way, where have you been recently? There's not even a soul in sight." Qingwu Feiyang quickly replied to the message.

Crazy Swordsman: "I have been in the United States for the past few months and I just came back."

Qingwu Feiyang said: "No wonder he disappeared. Even his wife Wutongyu didn't know how to take care of her. It turns out that she went to the United States to be free."

Crazy swordsman: "You found this wife for me, how can you blame me?"

Qingwu Feiyang: "You also agreed, so I asked you to marry my best friend? I pity my best friend. She has been alone in an empty house for nearly half a year. It is really miserable..."


Ye Feng was a little speechless. At this moment, there was a knock on the office door. Ye Feng asked people from outside to come in. The person who came in was the front desk of the company. The little girl was wearing a professional skirt and black stockings on her legs. She was sexy but dignified. .

"Mr. Ye, I have a courier for you." The lady at the front desk brought a courier to Ye Feng.

"Just give it to me."

Ye Feng took the express delivery in confusion. How could anyone send him express delivery when he has been abroad for so long?I looked at the express delivery note and saw that the sender's name and number were not written on it.

Only the recipient has a name, Ye Feng, shipping address, Dongzhou City HSBC Building, Lanshan Company...

Ye Feng opened the courier with surprise. After opening the courier, Ye Feng's expression immediately changed, and his eyes became sharp at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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