Recast youth

Chapter 1033 If I could be by your side

Chapter 1033 If I could be by your side

"Why am I weird?" In the phone booth, Ye Feng was still trying not to tell Zhang Lan that he had arrived in Guangzhou, but asked instead.

"It's kind of weird anyway."

Zhang Lan said to Ye Feng, this was Zhang Lan's feeling. He always felt that Ye Feng was hiding something. But no matter how smart Zhang Lan was, he could not have imagined that Ye Feng had already arrived in Guangzhou at this time.

And it was only a few dozen meters away from her home.

"I want to see you."

Ye Feng stopped teasing Zhang Lan and brought up the topic he had with Zhang Lan that morning: "If I let you see me now, it will prove that I like you, right?"


Zhang Lan knew that Ye Feng was in the United States and could not appear in front of him, so he responded casually. But as soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Lan suddenly had an idea and listened quietly to the voice coming from the phone.

The sound of very loud falling raindrops.

Thinking of this, Zhang Lan got off the bed with his feet bare and stood in front of the curtain. There was no pedestrian on the road outside. The sky was gray and the world in the rain became foggy. The heavy rain was like a broken bead. It kept watering the ground, splashing water one after another when it fell on the ground, and then gathered into a rapid stream of water, rushing towards the entrance of the sewer.

"But you are in the United States now, and it is impossible for you to really appear in front of me."

Zhang Lan spoke to the phone in a calm tone while going downstairs. Ye Feng on the phone was still proud: "Didn't I tell you, I asked a friend to fly me back on a special plane."

"It was 04 o'clock in the morning when you called me, and only 30 and a half hours have passed since 5:5 now. Not counting the time it takes for your friend to apply for a route and come to pick you up again, it's [-] and a half hours. , even if you are on the route, have you arrived here?" Zhang Lan asked calmly.

"Why are you thinking so much now? Can't I already be in heaven when I call you?" Ye Feng on the other end of the phone was left speechless by Zhang Lan's question.

"Is there any cell phone signal in the sky?"

Zhang Lan came downstairs, walked through the hall, and took an umbrella at the door. Over the past year, Zhang Lan's heart has been very calm, as calm as the water of the West Lake, but at this time, it was like a gentle breeze, undulating slightly. .

Ye Feng has no acquaintances in Guangzhou. The sound of rain on the phone is so loud that he is obviously outside. There is a phone booth nearby, which is where Ye Feng is most likely to be now.

Zhang Lan was not sure whether her analysis was right or wrong, so she had to verify her guess in person.

open the door.

Zhang Lan held up an umbrella and walked into the heavy rain outside. It was like a woman suddenly leaping into the rain curtain in an ink painting, making the whole painting come alive.

In the phone booth on the street behind the old red brick mansion, Ye Feng was so shocked that he felt that Zhang Lan had changed a lot at this time, not only sharper in language, but also sharper in logical thinking.

In just a few conversations, Zhang Lan found so many loopholes in his words.

Ye Feng was unwilling to admit defeat and replied quibly: "What's the matter? I use a satellite phone. As long as there are satellites in the sky, I can make calls."

"Don't you know that the use of satellite phones in the air requires satellites, optical cables, and ground-related transfer equipment, so even if you have a satellite phone, you may not be able to make calls?"

Zhang Lan said on the phone.

"Is it true?" Ye Feng was confused.

"I don't know if it's true or not. I'm lying to you. Just turn around and take a look."

Zhang Lan suddenly laughed on the phone. At the moment when Zhang Lan laughed, Ye Feng suddenly realized something was wrong. The sound of rain on the phone was obviously much clearer, and then he heard what Zhang Lan said next.Ye Feng turned around subconsciously and saw Zhang Lan holding an umbrella on the street not far from the phone booth, standing in the rain curtain, looking at him with a smile.

Ye Feng opened his mouth.

Depend on!
Ye Feng's expression at this time was extremely like a wolf meeting an awkward person. The surprise he had finally prepared carefully was discovered before he could say it, which made Ye Feng feel depressed.

But the next moment, Ye Feng's depression disappeared.

I don't know why, but every time Ye Feng sees Zhang Lan, his mood feels clean and relaxed, but the depression is gone and the awkward feeling comes again.

Ye Feng always felt that he was an old man and was embarrassed to walk out of the phone booth soaked with roses in his arms. But at this point, Ye Feng no longer backed down. He coughed a few times and then opened the phone booth. door and walked towards Zhang Lan.

Zhang Lan didn't come over either, so he just stood in the rain, holding an umbrella, waiting for Ye Feng.

"I thought you were going to rush over and hug me."

Ye Feng walked up to Zhang Lan and muttered something.

"Your clothes are already soaked anyway, so it doesn't make any difference whether you hold an umbrella or not."

The corners of Zhang Lan's mouth raised slightly, then he moved the umbrella towards Ye Feng a little and propped it on his head: "Let's go back."

in heavy rain.

The two people held an umbrella and walked side by side in a leisurely manner.

"How did you know I was here?"

Ye Feng glanced sideways at Zhang Lan, and then discovered that Zhang Lan came out barefoot. His nose suddenly felt sore. Ye Feng secretly cursed himself for being useless. He obviously wanted to use the rain to impress her, but why hadn't he done it yet? Moved her, but she moved herself?

Classmate Ye Feng.

You are an adult and you need to learn to control your emotions.

Ye Feng just said this to himself, and then took Zhang Lan's hand. Seeing Zhang Lan turn his head, he said with a dry smile: "You don't have shoes on. The road is slippery in the rain. It will hurt if you fall." .”

Zhang Lan didn't care, and answered Ye Feng's previous question with a chuckle: "Everything has its limits, and too much is too little. You behaved so strangely today, which is very unreasonable, and it happened to be raining. I came over to see if you were there." here."

It was still not sudden and natural enough. Ye Feng criticized himself in his heart and held the box of a set of watches from the Charlie DeMille series and the roses tightly in his arms.

It doesn’t matter if the rose is rotten, it will rot. There must be no problem with the watches of the Richard Mille series. If they are sold from abroad to China, plus various taxes and fees, the price of this set of watches will be almost as much as Sprinting towards 2000 million yuan.

The distance from the phone booth to Zhang Lan's home is less than 100 meters.

When he saw the red-walled western-style building, Ye Feng felt Zhang Lan's breath next to him, and then looked back at the street where the two of them walked side by side holding an umbrella. Ye Feng felt a sense of pity for no reason.

It's a pity that the road is too short.

It would be great if two people could hold an umbrella together, listen to the sound of rain, watch the raindrops fall to the ground, and walk side by side for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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