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Chapter 1023 Business at the dinner table

Chapter 1023 Business at the dinner table
Yanjing deserves to be the capital.

The prosperity of the capital can be seen from this food stall night market. Although it is already 1 o'clock in the morning, the number of people in the stalls is not less, but more and more.

Three or five friends ate peanuts, lobster, and drank beer. When they got excited, they would drink shirtless.

Ye Feng's table of lobsters was not served, but snails were served. Hou Yao and Zhou Yihang were very curious about Ye Feng's trip to the United States, and they chatted while eating.

"Brother Feng, you don't know how popular you were in the country during the time you were in the United States."

Hou Yao ate a snail, put down his chopsticks and said, "Let me tell you this, there are not many young people in China who don't know about you. You are a mess. The news is reporting on what company you invested in." .”


Zhou Yihang smiled and said to Hou Yao: "Brother Monkey, you usually don't read more when I ask you to, but now there are very few books when you use them."

"You get out."

Hou Yao argued: "Is this patriotic? It's not Mandarin. I don't learn it. Besides, I don't know English, and it won't affect me from smoking, drinking, and playing with women. I have no intention of going out at all."

This is the difference between Hou Yao, Zhou Yihang, Chen Yiming, and Chen Huang. Although their families are all second-generation officials, Chen Huang and Chen Yiming grew up in Yanjing and have been influenced by their ears and eyes, so Chen Huang and his colleagues are on a higher level. , and also take a longer-term view. In the early years, this kind of people took the path of reselling approval documents and building a handbag company, but now they take the path of playing with capital and investment.

Hou Yao and Zhou Yihang have a local relationship. Their business direction is more to rely on mountains and rivers to develop in places where their relationship is the strongest, such as Hou Yao's base camp and Jiang City's national highway reconstruction project. It was captured by Zhou Yihang and Hou Yao through behind-the-scenes operations.

As the saying goes, rats have their own ways, and snakes have their own ways. This is what it means. It just means that Ye Feng suddenly emerged and grew into a towering tree in just four and a half years, suddenly bringing together these two groups of people who were originally unrelated. All of a sudden, they gathered at a table to eat. Otherwise, it was still a matter of getting along with each other, so Zhou Yihang stretched out his hand a little longer and was able to have some contact with Chen Huang.

Ye Feng deeply felt that it was inconvenient not to speak English during his trip to the United States. He looked at Hou Yao and said: "Actually, it's not a bad thing to know English. This time I was in the United States, and it was very difficult to listen to others. If you speak faster, I won’t understand you.”

Zhou Yihang asked in surprise: "Isn't there a translator?"

"There is a translator."

Ye Feng explained: "But I have to talk to the boss of the company in private. It would not be appropriate to have an interpreter at this time, and it would be more embarrassing."

Hou Yao chuckled at Zhou Yihang and said, "It's like you and Wang Hong are having sex together, and someone is guiding you on what to do. It feels great, but I feel very nervous."

"Monkey, just treat yourself as a human being." Zhou Yihang glanced at Hou Yao helplessly and called him by his nickname.

Hou Yao automatically ignored the nickname "Monkey", and then said to Ye Feng: "Brother Feng, it's not that I don't want to learn English. The key is that I can't learn English. I know all the 36 English letters, put together." , I was a little confused."

Chen Huang heard this and asked Yao: "How many letters are there?"

"Isn't it 36?" Hou Yao was stunned for a moment.

"It's 26 English letters."

Ye Feng corrected him and then said: "Well, it doesn't matter. It depends on your own needs. There is nothing to learn in China. You don't have to go abroad to do business anyway."

"Oh, I see."

Hou Yao liked to hear Ye Feng's words. Whether he can learn or not depends on the demand. These words touched his heart. He then asked: "By the way, Brother Feng, what did you invest in that company for?" "Doing social networking is a social networking company. website."

Ye Feng explained the nature of the fcaebook company to Hou Yao, and then suddenly thought of Xinlang Weibo in his previous life. Xinlang Weibo was only established in 2009. Ye Feng was thinking about whether to let Hou Yao and Zhou Yihang, Chen Huang and three people rushed to create a Weibo website.

As for Ye Feng himself, he doesn't like this website anymore. Although the market value can reach more than 70 billion US dollars in the later stage, it is no longer important in Ye Feng's eyes. The profit model is relatively simple, and the main income comes from advertising revenue.

When the short video and traffic era comes in the future, Xinlang Weibo will gradually decline.

Of course, the disdain mentioned here is relative to Ye Feng himself, but it is still very valuable to Hou Yao and the others. After Ye Feng finished talking about Fcaebook Company, he turned to look at Chen Huang and the others: "By the way, do you want to Do you want to create a social networking website similar to fcaebook in China? The domestic Internet is still in its infancy. Once such a website is created, it will be worth a lot of money in the future."

Zhou Yihang and Hou Yao didn't know much about fcaebook, but Chen Huang knew a little about it. Hearing this, he was moved and said, "Is it possible to build such a social networking site in China? I remember that fcaebook's website started on campus. It started as a campus social network, which was based on interpersonal relationships, and then gradually evolved into what it is today.”

Ye Feng asked back: "Jack Ma can get inspiration from Amazon and successfully create Taobao, why can't you?"

When Chen Huang saw Ye Feng speaking so decisively, he instantly understood that Ye Feng was really optimistic about such a social networking site. Needless to say, Ye Feng's business talent has been completely proven in the past two years.

Maybe after Lanshan Company is listed, he will be the richest man in the country. How many businessmen and bosses want to have a chance to have a meal with someone like Ye Feng.

Warren Buffett’s charity dinner is an example.

Chen Huang really took Ye Feng's words seriously now. He looked at Ye Feng and asked, "For example, let's say I imitated fcaebook and created a social networking site. What about the traffic? How should I attract people to sign up?"

"It's simple."

Ye Feng is very familiar with this routine, which is also the simplest and crudest way of capital. He said to Chen Huang: "You can spend money to invite some popular stars to settle in, and post some photos on the website every day, or some The daily filming and recording of the show can be used for people to comment, so their fans will naturally come over. Who doesn’t want to have the opportunity to have close contact with the goddess?”

At this point, Ye Feng became interested and continued: "And you don't have to be afraid of celebrities' rejection, because this can help them gather fans' stickiness, which they can't ask for. As time goes by, the website's reputation will be established, and the remaining celebrities, even if you If you don’t invite them, they will naturally come and settle in. This is how social interaction is often formed.”

Chen Huang was thoughtful, thinking about the feasibility of this plan.

Ye Feng didn't care. He just said it on the spur of the moment. The choice was still in Chen Huang's hands. When Chen Huang was thinking about the problem, three plates of lobsters happened to be served. Ye Feng started eating lobsters wearing disposable gloves.

"Brother Feng, why don't you build this website?" Zhou Yihang is also an ambitious and thoughtful person. Now that Ye Feng has gotten up so quickly, it would be a lie to say he is not jealous.

"I have already invested in the genuine fcaebook, why should I get a pirated version?"

Ye Feng raised his head and said, "And to be honest, I don't like this little money."


Zhou Yihang was speechless. From Ye Feng's words, he felt the courage to swallow up thousands of miles like a tiger. The money he looked down on would probably be a lot in the eyes of others.

Seeing that both Zhou Yihang and Chen Huang were interested, Hou Yao suggested: "How about we build one together? It doesn't cost much to create a website anyway. Now we at Jingke Pictures have contacted quite a lot of celebrities, so we can make them They are kind enough to help spread the word.”

(End of this chapter)

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