Recast youth

Chapter 1007: We are just ordinary friends now

Chapter 1007: We are just ordinary friends now


Ye Feng, Chen Huang, Xu Liang, and Feng Zheng came out smoothly. Chen Huang was okay. He knew that nothing was wrong with him. From the time he entered the New York Police Department to the time he came out, he was doing well.

No matter where Feng Zheng goes, he won't have any major mood swings.

Ye Feng's mood is also very calm, unexpectedly calm. This change happened after the conversation with Wen Yueqi on the roof during the day. It has been nearly five years since his rebirth. Ye Feng has finally left the paranoid and autistic mentality of his previous life. come out.

The only one who fluctuated was Xu Liang.

Growing up in San Francisco, he had heard many stories about Chinese people and gangsters, but seeing people die in such a horrifying way in front of him was the first time he entered a police station. When he was taking a confession, he was a little shaken.

After coming out.

Ye Feng expressed his gratitude to John Wilson, a partner at Skadden Law Firm. I don’t know if it was because of Wen Yueqi’s identity. John Wilson was very humble and indicated that he didn’t need to thank him too much. He told Ye Feng that in the United States, It is a generally accepted principle within the judiciary that an individual can, in appropriate circumstances, protect himself or herself from harm, even if such conduct would normally constitute a crime.

In other words, under the premise that the two black men were in danger of his own life, Feng Zheng's killing in desperation was allowed as self-defense. Moreover, there were many homeless people on the roadside at the time, and the investigation and evidence collection were not very complicated.

But despite this, Ye Feng still expressed his sincere gratitude to John Wilson. The change in his thinking was from the inside out, since God gave him another chance.

Then why are you still living in such a mess?

So for Ye Feng now, there is only one more way to have a friend, especially this person is also a partner of Skadden Law Firm.

Then Wen Yueqi introduced Ye Feng's identity to John Wilson. After he heard that Ye Feng had a company in China that was valued at more than 100 billion before it was listed, and that he had invested in 40% of fcaebook's shares some time ago, John Wilson said Ye Feng immediately took it very seriously, and his tone changed a lot. fcaebook is a very famous company in the United States. It has gradually spread from a campus social network to the entire society. The most important thing is that John Wilson knew that fcaebook was originally Google. Three companies, Microsoft and Yahoo, are competing.

Last month, I heard that fcaebook raised US$40 million with 4% of its shares. I didn’t expect that the protagonist of this investment case was so young, and he was still standing in front of me.

John Wilson, who originally had no intention of giving a business card, felt it was necessary to give Ye Feng a business card. For their lawyers, people like Ye Feng were their potential top clients.

Although Ye Feng's base is in China, he also holds 40% of fcaebook shares in the United States, right?
After John Wilson left, Ye Feng's attention turned to Liu Weiguo, who had been standing calmly next to him. The consul general of the New York Consulate had to have a good relationship no matter what.

Ye Feng smiled and stretched out his hand to Liu Weiguo, and said with a sincere smile: "Uncle Liu, I'm really sorry. It's so late, but I have to ask you to come out."

"It's okay. I am the consul of the country's Consulate General in New York. When our citizens are in trouble, it is appropriate for me to come out." As the top diplomatic ambassador, Liu Weiguo naturally has very solid basic social skills. He responded with a smile.

Liu Weiguo did not remember the favor and regarded coming out this time as what the embassy should do. However, it was okay for Liu Weiguo to say so, but Ye Feng could not take it seriously. Without Wen Yueqi's call, even if Ye Feng stayed in the New York Police Department until tomorrow, the embassy people It's impossible to show up.

Especially when someone at the consul general level like Liu Weiguo comes forward.

Therefore, Ye Feng was still very grateful to Liu Weiguo in his words, and he also treated his identity as a junior, which Liu Weiguo appreciated very much. From the previous conversation, he already knew Ye Feng's identity.

At this age, there are not many people who can be so humble.Of course, Liu Weiguo cares more about Wen Yueqi's face. The so-called "love the house and the bird" is also true. If you don't like this person, even if he kneels down for you, you will think it's fake.

If you like him, even if he stands on the table, you will think he is really good-natured.

The so-called first impression is very important, nothing more than this. Once the first impression is determined, it will be even more difficult to correct it.

However, Liu Weiguo is still very curious about the relationship between Ye Feng and Wen Yueqi. Wen Yueqi's background is not simple, and being able to let Wen Yueqi call him so late means that Wen Yueqi cares about Ye Feng very much.

Liu Weiguo followed his example and chatted with Chen Huang, Xu Liang, Ye Feng and others for a while, then looked at Ye Feng and Wen Yueqi with a smile and asked: "Xiaoye, are you talking about friends with Yueqi now?"

The word "friends" is a wonderful one.

There is a little room for elegance in the middle, and it is not so rigid.

Wen Yueqi was about to speak when Ye Feng said shyly: "We are just ordinary friends at the moment."

Ye Feng added the word "currently" and his shy smile. In Liu Guowei's eyes, there was no doubt that the two of them were talking about someone, and he was embarrassed to say it.

Xu Liang had little social experience and didn't think there was any problem. Chen Huang and Wen Yueqi looked at Ye Feng in surprise when they heard this, feeling that Ye Feng had changed a lot tonight.

If it were Ye Feng in the past, he would definitely have answered word for word, instead of deliberately using such ambiguous answers to deliberately cause misunderstanding.

Chen Huang and Wen Yueqi had different thoughts. Chen Huang thought to himself, how could this guy become so thick-skinned and so bold that he dared to rub Wen Yueqi's attention in front of Consul Liu.

Wen Yueqi found it interesting and raised the corners of her mouth slightly, without explaining anything. For her, whether it was true or false, it didn't matter. What mattered was what she thought.

Ye Feng chatted with Liu Weiguo for a while, then looked at the time and said, "Uncle Liu, it's still early. Let's go have a supper together and let the juniors express their gratitude."

Liu Weiguo himself wanted to go, but considering that Ye Feng and the others encountered quite a lot of trouble at night, including deaths, and Ye Feng was also injured, he gave up the idea of ​​going to dinner together.

"There's no need to eat. You should go to the hospital to treat your wounds now."

Liu Weiguo glanced at Ye Feng's wound, then said with a smile: "You recover from the injury for two days, and I will make arrangements in these two days to invite you to my home. Although there is a Chinese restaurant here, compared to cooking it yourself, it is still better." It seems a bit unauthentic, I’ll let you have a taste of my craftsmanship.”

"Okay, Uncle Liu, I will definitely come to your door to bother you when the time comes."

After Liu Weiguo said this, Ye Feng could only give up, smile and shake hands, then watched Liu Weiguo, Chen Huang, Xu Liang and others shake hands one by one, get in the car and leave.

After Liu Weiguo's car drove away, Ye Feng finally stopped pretending to be a hero and hurriedly walked in the direction of the car. He grinned at Wen Yueqi and said, "Sister Qi, take me to the hospital first. My wound needs to be treated."

(End of this chapter)

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