Recast youth

Chapter 1000: Indigestible Confrontation

Chapter 1000: Indigestible Conversation

"Ask you something."

After Chen Huang and Feng Zheng came back, Ye Feng pulled Chen Huang over.

"What's going on?" Chen Huang looked at Ye Feng and asked in confusion.

Ye Feng glanced at the direction of the conference room, then looked at Chen Huang and asked softly: "By the way, is Sister Qi married?"

"Why are you asking that?"

Chen Huang looked at Ye Feng with a different look, and then laughed: "Are you enlightened? Do you know how to take shortcuts?"

"What's wrong with you? I just think Sister Qi is a little weird." Ye Feng said angrily. He really thought Wen Yueqi was a little weird, but she was fine last night.

But today, Ye Feng had a vague feeling. He felt that Wen Yueqi was interested in him because he was going around in such a big circle. However, Ye Feng was not sure, so he didn't point it out.

Simply pretend not to understand.

Chen Huang laughed: "How could a strong woman like her get married so quickly? Are you trying to say that she is interested in you?"

"It may be my delusion."

Ye Feng shook his head.

Chen Huang touched Ye Feng's shoulder and gloated: "How about you turn your illusion into reality? I tell you, with the speed you are climbing up now, the more amulets the better, anyway, there is already a hole. Zhong, it would be good to have one more father-in-law."

Ye Feng cursed angrily: "Are you going to die or not? If you do this, can I still return home?"

Chen Huang thought for a while and said, "Or you can simply cook all the raw rice and plant a seed for each person. Then you two father-in-laws will have to hold their noses and recognize each other even if they don't recognize it."

"You've exhausted the topic." Ye Feng rolled his eyes.

Chen Huang said angrily: "I am giving you this advice for your own good. In fact, I can really see that Sister Qi admires you. I found out after coming out of the WWE venue yesterday. Otherwise, Why do you think Xu Liang and I went upstairs so early last night? Was it not to create opportunities for you? "

"I'm just wondering, what are you trying to do?" Ye Feng looked at Chen Huang speechlessly.

Chen Huang chuckled and said, "This is not easy. You and I are brothers, aren't we? No matter whether Kong Caocao becomes your father-in-law or that person is your father-in-law, I will not lose anything. This investment in favor, you say Is it worth it?”

"You're very skilled at poking my horse with my gun." Ye Feng looked sideways at Chen Huang.

"That can't be done."

Chen Huang glanced at Wen Yueqi who was walking out of the office, and said with a smirk: "Why are you poking your horse? If you want to poke, you have to poke the other person. Isn't that the same thing between men and women? Why are you so reserved?"

"Don't come here." Ye Feng rolled his eyes angrily.

"What are you talking about?"

At this time, Wen Yueqi's voice suddenly sounded from behind Ye Feng, which startled Ye Feng. He quickly turned around and saw Wen Yueqi, who was nearly 1.7 meters tall, standing behind him at some point.

Of course, it was impossible for Ye Feng to tell the conversation he had just had with Chen Huang. He interrupted and asked, "By the way, Sister Qi, aren't you going to have a meeting? Why did you come out so soon?"

Wen Yueqi glanced at Chen Huang who was snickering beside him, and then said to Ye Feng: "It's nothing important. I plan to do as you say. Just now I went to ask someone to select a few subprime loan types, and then went to follow Several investment bank managers met to bet on credit default swaps in the housing loan market, and first threw a stone in to find out the bottom.”

“What credit default swap?”

Chen Huang pricked up his ears and asked.

Wen Yueqi said: "Ye Feng is not very optimistic about the subprime mortgage market in the United States. He feels that a subprime mortgage crisis may break out in the United States in the next two years, so he plans to take a gamble on several products related to subprime mortgage loans."

"This is what you have been studying for the past two days?"

Chen Huang was stunned and looked at the two of them. He didn't know about this at all. He only knew that Ye Feng had been talking to Wen Yueqi about real estate in the United States in the past two days. He didn't know much more.

Every time they talked, I felt a headache and went to find a place to stay. Unexpectedly, the two people confirmed the investment plan in just a few conversations.

Ye Feng didn't intend to hide it from Chen Huang, and said: "The subprime loan market in the United States is a little chaotic, and it is very tight now. I asked Sister Qi to help me check the default rate of the mortgage market this year. In the past few months, The mortgage default rate is already higher than the previous three years combined. Every default now will be the straw that breaks the US subprime mortgage crisis, so I have temporarily decided on this investment plan with Sister Qi."

"Yes, you are an extraordinary investment genius. You have only arrived in New York a few days ago."

Chen Huang glanced at Ye Feng curiously, and then said decisively: "Count me in, I will pay for it personally. I didn't take your express train before, so this time I will pay for it."

"I don't want to take you with me." Ye Feng looked disgusted.Chen Huang expressed that he was very hurt and said to Ye Feng sincerely: "You really don't understand my brother's good intentions at all. Oh, it's so difficult for me."

Wen Yueqi said: "In this way, except for my company's mutual funds, I am setting up a separate fund. If you invest money, I will be responsible for letting others operate the funds, specifically for shorting the U.S. mortgage subprime market."

"OK, no problem."

Chen Huang said he agreed without saying a word.

Then several people returned to the office and discussed with Xu Liang to confirm the establishment of the fund. It must be said here that the few people present are among the relatively wealthy members of the younger generation.

When other funds lacked investors, Scion Fund was established in Wen Yueqi's office, and it will bring more than 2007% investment returns to several people in the office in 500, while the S&P The return rate of the 500 Index was only 3%, which shocked a group of Wall Street bankers in the early stages of the financial crisis.

Wen Yueqi is a practical person and does what she says.

After Wen Yueqi left, Chen Huang found Ye Feng again and started talking. This time, Chen Huang seemed much more straightforward. He looked at Ye Feng and asked, "By the way, you really didn't call Wen Yueqi? Why is she also nearly 1.7 meters tall?" You have to be tall, have a head, and have aura, so what else do you have to be fussy about, will you die if you waste your time on future generations?"

"No, what do you mean?"

Ye Feng looked at Chen Huang strangely: "Why do I feel that you are a bit weird after you went abroad? You talk a lot, and sometimes you are hesitant."

"Really want to know?" Chen Huang said to Ye Feng mysteriously.

Ye Feng looked at Chen Huang speechlessly: "You'd better say it, otherwise, it will be very uncomfortable for you to hold it in your heart, and it will also be very uncomfortable for me. You are always making innuendoes in front of me."

Chen Huang looked around, then lowered his voice and said to Ye Feng: "Originally, I brought you out to introduce Wen Yueqi to you, just thinking that if possible, you'd better have something to do with her."

Ye Feng finally understood.

Chen Huang was talking nonsense about going abroad to introduce him to Chinese people with strong backgrounds. This guy just wanted to bring himself and Wen Yueqi together. Ye Feng looked at Chen Huang speechlessly and said, "I dare you to come out with me, just to pimp?"

"No, can you please stop saying it so harshly? How can you call me a pimp?"

Chen Huang was really pissed off by Ye Feng and said angrily: "I'm just asking you for an amulet. Do you think I want to follow you all the way from China to California, and then from California?" Run to New York? Do you know that if you really get involved with Wen Yueqi, you will reach the sky in one step, and when you return to China, no one can touch you anymore? "

"Do you know that people like me?" Ye Feng rolled his eyes at Chen Huang angrily. He also knew what Chen Huang meant. The key point was that he didn't like what Chen Huang did, making him look like a social butterfly.

Chen Huang continued to say: "Whether you want to see it or not is another matter. Although you are not as handsome as me, you are not too ugly. In addition, you have become worth more than 100 billion in just a few years. You are a Women will be interested in you. If there are dates or no dates, we have to take care of it, right? What if it succeeds? Anyway, if it doesn’t succeed, we won’t suffer a loss, right?"

Ye Feng said angrily: "You can you up, I can't."

"I'd like to come up with it. The key is that I am a strong woman myself and I look down on my second-generation ancestor. A promising young man like you, who has made his fortune from scratch, is my favorite."

Having said this, Chen Huang looked at Ye Feng again and said, "Guess again, who came up with this idea?"

Ye Feng looked at Chen Huang's eyes, and then a name appeared in his mind. Then he widened his eyes and said in disbelief: "No way?"

"Congratulations, you guessed it right, it's Mr. Zhong." Chen Huang gave Ye Feng a thumbs up.

"This is impossible."

Ye Feng refused to believe it no matter what. This was simply ridiculous. Kong Zhongming knew that he was walking with Kong Jingke, how could he push himself out?No normal man would be happy about it.

Ye Feng asked himself in his mind, if he were Kong Zhong, he would kill anyone who bullied his daughter, let alone set him up with another woman.

"You know shit."

Chen Huang scolded: "Master Zhong is so transparent. A few years ago, Chen Yiming made trouble for you. Don't you think it's enough? Let me tell you, after reaching a certain height, emotions are the most useless. Yes, only the exchange of interests is the most practical. Have you ever seen a couple loving each other on the surface, but actually they play their own roles in private? This is reality. Wishful thinking is just for children. Who the hell is playing with your feelings? There are hundreds of millions of people. , tens of billions, what kind of love can’t be bought? If you can’t, just throw money at it, you can always impress the goddess in college, right? It’s the same feelings, but it’s all watery when you play with it.”

"Let me digest it." Ye Feng took a deep breath. What Chen Huang said really shocked him.

Chen Huang snorted: "To be honest with you, don't think too hard. Mr. Zhong is thinking about your future. As for the Lanshan Pay you played, I won't hesitate to tell you that until the end, if you If you can't figure it out in your head, you will stay in jail for the rest of your life, don't say I didn't remind you."

Ye Feng was silent for a while and said, "Didn't you say that his wrists were as good as the sky in Yanjing?"

"That's right."

Chen Huang looked at Ye Feng and said: "But you have to know that Kong Caocao is Kong Caocao, not you, do you understand? Blocking people's money is no different from killing their parents. Some things are not as simple as you think, so the amulet on your body The more, the better.”

Chen Huang paused and said to Ye Feng: "So if Wen Yueqi really likes you, it's not a bad thing for you to be aggrieved. You are a man and you don't suffer, so why are you so embarrassed? If the bullet is fired, it won't be a bad thing. It’s time to give birth, my Mr. Ye, you have to look back.”

(End of this chapter)

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