Chapter 944 One word: Wait
Tong Qingxiong was worried about this, so he hurriedly came to Chen Jianghai to discuss countermeasures.

Tong Qingxiong had actually reported this situation to Yue Hongsheng many times.

Yue Hongsheng also reported it to Chen Jianghai as soon as he received the news.

But Chen Jianghai didn't seem to care. He only had one word to answer, that is... wait!

Compared with Chen Jianghai's calmness and calmness, Tong Qingxiong was so anxious that he almost got angry.

He is the person in charge of the Qiuhai color TV project. Now he is encountering such difficulties in color TV sales, but it is directly related to his performance.

More importantly, Tong Qingxiong's marketing abilities are actually not outstanding.

Among Qiu Hai's management, Tong Qingxiong's ability in this area can only be considered average.

He himself is well aware of this.

Now that there is such a big problem in the color TV industry, Tong Qingxiong thinks that if he doesn't take flight first, he will be in trouble in the future.

If something really goes wrong, with Chen Jianghai's employment style, won't his title as the person in charge of the color TV project be removed in minutes?
What's more important is that Qiuhai's other projects are now booming and prospering.

If only the color TV project suffered losses during the year-end inventory, would Tong Qingxiong still have the nerve to continue being the person in charge?
Thinking of this, Tong Qingxiong naturally couldn't sit still and wait for death.

He also knew that there was no use in looking for Yue Hongsheng, so he could only report directly to Chen Jianghai.

When he arrived at the office on the top floor, Tong Qingxiong, who was a little excited at first, calmed down after seeing Chen Jianghai.

He felt that Mr. Chen's aura was getting stronger and stronger now.

Even a vice president like him doesn't dare to yell casually.

"Old boy, do you have a problem with me?"

Chen Jianghai glanced at Tong Qingxiong and asked calmly.

Tong Qingxiong said quickly: "That's it, Mr. Chen, it's about the situation of the color TV industry. I think..."

Before Tong Qingxiong could finish speaking, Chen Jianghai waved his hand and interrupted him.

"I already know this. Didn't I ask Hongsheng to tell you, don't be anxious, do the job at hand well, and just wait patiently?"

Tong Qingxiong was stunned for a moment, and then said anxiously: "But Mr. Chen, if we do nothing, wouldn't we just sit back and wait for death?"

Regarding Tong Qingxiong's concerns, Chen Jianghai said it was completely understandable.

Except for him, probably no one would have thought that Changhong would launch a long-lasting, brutal, life-and-death price war next March.

At that time, the more color TV inventories accumulate, the greater the impact will be.

What Chen Jianghai has to do now is to avoid this impact, wait patiently for the price war to pass, and avoid unnecessary losses.

After the price war ends, the domestic color TV industry will definitely suffer heavy losses and be in a state of mourning.

At that time, if Qiu Hai takes action again, he will definitely be unstoppable.

To prepare for that moment, what Qiu Hai has to do now is to continue to develop color TV technology and work hard on his internal skills.

At the same time, it will increase the number of color TV exports to prevent its own sales from falling too much.

So facing the excited Tong Qingxiong, Chen Jianghai naturally understood what he was worried about.

It can only be said that his worries are unnecessary.

Of course, there is no need to explain this kind of thing to Tong Qingxiong too much. Chen Jianghai said straightforwardly: "Okay, old Tong, you just do what I say on this matter. You don't need to worry about anything else."

When he said this, Chen Jianghai had a straight face and a very serious tone, which could be described as decisive.

Hearing what Chen Jianghai said, Tong Qingxiong suddenly became silent.

Judging from Mr. Chen's tone, he was obviously a little angry.

At this time, Tong Qingxiong would naturally not touch this bad luck.

Everyone in Qiuhai knew that once Mr. Chen had made a decision, he should never talk about it again.

Nothing can be changed anyway.Talking too much might offend Chen Jianghai.

Especially senior executives like Tong Qingxiong and others have questioned some of Chen Jianghai's previous decisions.

But when the results came out, they were all slapped in the face like crazy.

Although Chen Jianghai didn't express anything, the burning feeling on his face was really uncomfortable!
Because the decisions Chen Jianghai made were far-sighted and far-sighted.

Under such circumstances, Tong Qingxiong naturally did not dare to say anything more.

Perhaps Mr. Chen has already guessed something?
He could only mutter silently.

"It's Mr. Chen. I will implement your instructions."

Tong Qingxiong bowed slightly and responded.


December 22nd is about a week away from New Year’s Day.

Chen Jianghai's family was ready and set off for the capital.

When going to the capital this time, Chen Jianghai chose to fly.

If you drive there, it will take more than ten hours just to drive there, not to mention whether the car can accommodate so many people.

Even if Chen Jianghai could bear it himself, the elderly and children might not be able to bear it either.

And driving long distances is too tiring.

Taking the family on the road like this was definitely not what Chen Jianghai wanted.

In this case, traveling by plane is naturally the best choice.

It was the first time for Chen Liye, Wang Shufen and Tian Xiaoxiao to fly, and the three of them looked a little excited.

When Chen Jianghai took Lin Wanqiu to Xiangjiang before, the two of them flew there.

Lin Wanqiu no longer felt nervous or worried about flying again, but only looked forward to the trip.

As soon as he entered the airport, several people immediately surrounded Chen Jianghai after seeing him.

"Hello, are you Mr. Chen Jianghai from Qiuhai?"

one of the leaders asked in surprise.

Chen Jianghai shook his head quickly: "You have recognized the wrong person. I am not Mr. Chen."

Hearing Chen Jianghai's answer, the leader was stunned at first, and then looked disappointed.

"Sorry to bother you."

Reporters come and leave quickly.

In this day and age, the speed of information circulation is still very slow.

Even if I have seen Chen Jianghai's photo in the newspaper, it is relatively blurry.

Right now, even if I see the deity, I can’t be sure.

Of course, the most important thing is that reporters never expected that Chen Jianghai would directly deny his identity when he came up.

At the same time, Chen Jianghai brought his family on a plane without any bodyguards, so he didn't seem to agree with his status as the richest man in China.

After going back and forth, the reporters could only think that the person in front of them was really not the boss of Qiu Hai, but he just looked a bit like him.

After the reporter left, Chen Liye couldn't help but come over and whispered: "Jiang..."

Before he could say the second word, Chen Jianghai quickly waved his hand to tell his father to stop talking.

Seeing that the reporters didn't look back, he breathed a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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