Rebirth: Return to 1991 to be the richest man

Chapter 821 It's Two Different Things

Chapter 821 It's Two Different Things
"How can I persuade you?"

Lin Wanqiu was slightly startled.

"Of course it's inconvenient to persuade eldest brother. You can go talk to eldest sister-in-law." Chen Jianghai said with a crooked mouth.

After hearing this, Lin Wanqiu's eyes lit up slightly. This seemed to be a feasible way.

You must know that the eldest brother listens to the eldest sister-in-law very much. Asking the eldest sister-in-law to persuade the eldest brother will definitely be effective.

"Well, I'll go talk to my sister-in-law later." Lin Wanqiu nodded and said.

Chen Jianghai followed up and said, "I'll go talk to my elder brother later."

In this persuasion operation, Chen Jianghai was the assistant and Lin Wanqiu was the leader.

In the evening, Chen Jianghai called Chen Jiangshan out. The two brothers sat in the yard and remained silent.

Chen Jiangshan looked solemn. It seemed that today's events had affected his mood to some extent.

"Brother, I don't want the shares in Meihua Supermarket anymore. You can pay for it!"

When Chen Jianghai opened his mouth, he was talking about shares.

Hearing this, Chen Jiangshan was slightly startled.

How could Chen Jianghai tell him this?
Chen Jianghai called him out today, and Chen Jiangshan was mentally prepared. It was probably a long talk, but he didn't expect that it was about Meihua Supermarket.

Chen Jiangshan frowned slightly: "Jiang Hai, haven't we already talked about this matter? I won't agree."

"Brother, I gave it to you before, but now I'm selling it to you. They are completely different things." Chen Jianghai waved his hand and said.

Chen Jiangshan couldn't help but ask: "Jiang Hai, what do you mean?"

"Brother, we have different business concepts. If this continues, there may be other gaps between our brothers. I don't want this to happen." Chen Jianghai said very seriously.

Hearing what Chen Jianghai said, Chen Jiangshan also understood his brother's painstaking efforts.

After being silent for a while, he stood up and said with a serious expression: "I want to think about this matter carefully."

Chen Jianghai nodded and said nothing more.

After returning to the room, Chen Jiangshan lay directly on the bed, thinking about the trivial things he had to do when he returned today, and felt a little depressed.

It's obvious that I'm just trying to make the supermarket better, but why don't people understand?

Not long after, Meng Meihua walked in from outside after taking a shower.

Seeing Chen Jiangshan lying on the bed like this, Meng Meihua said softly: "Jiang Shan, why don't you take a shower?"

Chen Jiangshan sat up immediately: "Okay, I'll go now."

Chen Jianghai was particularly fond of this wife. He put it in his hand for fear of falling, and held it in his mouth for fear of melting.

Seeing Chen Jiangshan like this, Meng Meihua also knew what he was thinking.

Lin Wanqiu had already talked to her just now, and Feng Meihua also wanted to take this time to talk to her husband.

Meng Meihua saw this matter, and she knew that Chen Jiangshan worked so hard for the good of the two of them.

Meng Meihua had not thought so much before, and she did not dare to put pressure on Chen Jiangshan.

Now it seems that the family is somewhat worried about Chen Jiangshan's desperate attitude.

In this case, Meng Meihua also felt that she should give some good advice.

When Chen Jiangshan came back from the shower, he found that Meng Meihua was not lying on the bed, but sitting silently in front of the dressing table, wondering what she was thinking.

"Why are you still not sleeping?"

Chen Jiangshan stepped forward, put his hands on Meng Meihua's shoulders and asked softly.

Hearing Chen Jiangshan's voice, Meng Meihua smiled slightly: "I'm waiting for you. I want to tell you something."

Chen Jiangshan wiped his hair and sat down: "What's going on?"

Meng Meihua looked straight at her husband with her beautiful eyes: "Jiang Shan, you can see it today. Your parents are a little dissatisfied with you and they are angry."

Hearing this, Chen Jiangshan was slightly stunned, then nodded and said: "I know, it's not just my parents who are dissatisfied, but now even Jiang Hai has a problem with me." When Chen Jiangshan said this, his expression darkened slightly, and he also Don't want this.

"Jiang Shan, why don't we go home for the New Year in the future, what do you think?" Meng Meihua suddenly asked.

Hearing what Meng Meihua said, Chen Jiangshan suddenly raised his head: "Why don't you come back?"

Meng Meihua then said: "I went home to celebrate the New Year just to be happy. It made everyone feel bad. I think it's better not to come back to celebrate the New Year."

Chen Jiangshan immediately understood what Meng Meihua meant.

It seemed that Meng Meihua was blaming Chen Jianghai and the others, but she was actually trying to persuade herself.

Chen Jiangshan stood up and lay on the bed, not knowing how to face this problem for a while.

Meng Meihua followed and sat next to Chen Jiangshan.

"Jiang Shan, Meihua Supermarket is so big now. Do you want to handle everything by yourself? Is it realistic?"

Meng Meihua said while nestling next to Chen Jiangshan.

"Honey, did I really do something wrong?" Chen Jiangshan asked with a troubled face.

Meng Meihua shook her head and said, "You did nothing wrong, but the method you chose was wrong."

Chen Jiangshan sighed, and then said: "Meihua, please let me think about it again, okay?"

"Okay, it's better if you can think clearly, Jiangshan, you have to know that what I like is you. Whether you have money or not, I don't care!"

Meng Meihua replied with a smile, and then held Chen Jianghai's hand tightly.

After hearing this, Chen Jiangshan seemed to be a little enlightened. He hugged Meng Meihua and said, "Meihua, I understand. I will go and apologize to my parents tomorrow."

Hearing what Chen Jiangshan said, Meng Meihua also showed a smile on her face.

Chen Jiangshan just needs to stop trying to get into trouble.

Of course, the most important thing right now is to have a good year.


On New Year's Eve, the three families had dinner together, which was particularly lively.

After eating, we watched the children playing in the yard, and the adults had smiles on their faces.

Chen Congjun looked at the new clothes on the children and then at the new house, feeling filled with emotion.

In two years, they went from barely having enough to eat to having such a good life today. It was like a dream, even more exaggerated than a dream.

Looking at Chen Jianghai with a smile on his face, Chen Congjun really doubted that the Chen Jianghai in front of him was really his nephew?
The family chatted while watching TV.

Chen Jiangshan also apologized to Chen Liye and the others early this morning and would not fight like this again in the future.

As we talked, the topic came to the new countryside.

"Jiang Hai, second brother said that after this new rural area is built, the villagers will make a lot of money. Is it true?"

Chen Jiangong asked slightly excitedly.

Now Chen Jiangong works as a warehouse supervisor in Qiuhai, and his salary is not low, enough to support his family's expenses.

But no one would mind having too much money, so Chen Jiangong also took the money and invested it.

Now while Chen Jianghai was here, he wanted to ask clearly, so that he could rest assured.

Chen Jianghai said with a smile: "This is natural. The first person to eat crabs always gets the meat."

After hearing this, Chen Jiangong felt relieved.

Chen Congjun asked at this time: "Jiang Hai, you see that the farmhouse in the village is almost completed and the road has been repaired. Can it start business?"

Hearing this question, everyone's eyes focused on Chen Jianghai.

(End of this chapter)

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