Chapter 818 What's the matter?

On January 22, Chen Jianghai took Lin Wanqiu and his family back to Linghai directly.

The night before yesterday, Chen Jianghai had already informed Chen Liye and the others.

When they returned to Chenjiacun, Wang Shufen had already prepared a sumptuous lunch.

Knowing that Chen Jianghai and the others were back, the second uncle and the third uncle's family also came over.

The whole family, large and small, sat at two large tables and had a reunion dinner in advance.

Looking at the two lively tables, Wang Shufen's originally happy face suddenly felt a little melancholy.

Chen Jianghai noticed this quickly. He must have missed his elder brother.

After all, the two elders have lived with the eldest brother for such a long time, and they have not seen each other for such a long time. It is impossible to say that they don't want to.


Chen Jianghai gently pushed Lin Wanqiu next to him in private.

Lin Wanqiu was hugging Huanhuan and looking at Chen Jianghai with slight surprise, wondering why he pushed her.

"Go, let mom hug Huanhuan."

Chen Jianghai quickly gave her a wink.

Lin Wanqiu didn't understand it at first, but then she came to her senses when she saw Wang Shufen's face.

"Dad, Mom, Huanhuan, I haven't seen you for a long time, come and give me a hug!"

Lin Wanqiu smiled and hugged Huanhuan.

"Good good!"

While Chen Liye agreed, he hurriedly took Huanhuan, which made Wang Shufen roll her eyes.

At this moment, Wang Shufen's attention was all directed to her precious granddaughter Huanhuan, with a happy smile on her face.

It’s been a while since I’ve seen this granddaughter, and the grandparents, Chen Liye and Wang Shufen, are thinking a lot about it.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Jianghai said to his parents: "Mom and dad, what do you think if you follow me to Pingshan for a while after the Chinese New Year?"

Hearing what Chen Jianghai said, Chen Liye and Chen Liye were slightly startled, and then they exchanged glances, but did not answer.

Chen Jianghai then added: "Now that Huanhuan is so old, you can take her to play everywhere and give your children a lot of experience."

When Wang Shufen heard this, she was obviously a little moved.

"Forget it, since my in-laws are here, your dad and I should stay in our hometown!"

Wang Shufen glanced at Chen Liye and finally gritted her teeth and refused.

Lin Jianguo, who was on the side, advised: "In-laws, just listen to Jiang Hai and go to Pingshan to stay for a while. It will be more fun with Huan Huan."

Xue Chunli also echoed: "In-laws, our family is right. Our children are all outside now, and the four of us are together. At least we have company!"

At this time, the second uncle and the third uncle also joined the ranks of persuading Chen Liye and Wang Shufen to go to Pingshan for a while.

Seeing this, Wang Shufen turned around and asked Chen Liye, who was frowning: "How about we go to Pingshan to live for a while?"

Looking at Huanhuan who kept giggling in her arms, Wang Shufen's heart completely softened.

Chen Liye was a little hesitant and said hesitantly: "The project of the nursing home has not been completed yet. At this moment, I..."

"Hey, brother, look what you said!"

Before Chen Liye could finish speaking, he was directly interrupted by Chen Congjun.

He smiled and said: "With so many people at home, how big a deal is it for us to put some thought into helping you keep an eye on the nursing home? Just go and go! I guarantee you won't miss anything."

Chen Jiangong also quickly advised: "Yes, brother, just go ahead and go! The second brother and I are responsible for the family matters!"

"Brother, feel free to go!" Chen Congjun nodded heavily and responded.

Chen Liye thought for a while, and finally nodded and said: "Okay, then we two will go to Pingshan to see the world."

Hearing that his parents agreed, Chen Jianghai finally had a smile on his face, and the matter was settled.

After the eldest brother comes back, talk to him again, hoping that the eldest brother will stop being so stubborn.

After saying this, the atmosphere at the dinner table became more harmonious and happy.During this period, Chen Congjun told Chen Jianghai that the road in Chenjiacun was about to be completed and was expected to be put into use after the Lantern Festival.

"Jiang Hai,'s completed, you must come and cut the ribbon!"

Chen Congjun took Chen Jianghai's hand and said expectantly.

It was obvious that Chen Congjun drank a little too much and spoke with a loud tongue.

And if he hadn't been drinking, he wouldn't have held Chen Jianghai's hand tightly like this.

It looked like Chen Jianghai wouldn't let go unless he agreed.

Chen Jianghai smiled slightly and said: "Second uncle, it doesn't matter whether I come or not. When the time comes, just let Lao Liang go on my behalf."

Hearing what Chen Jianghai said, Chen Congjun was unhappy at the time.

"Jiang Hai, you spent money to build this road! What's going on if you don't show up?" Chen Congjun said reluctantly.

Chen Jiangong also quickly echoed: "Yes, Jiang Hai, you have to listen to your second uncle on this matter."

"Jiang Hai, this is the road to our Chenjia Village. You have to show up." As a father, Chen Liye also spoke, and his expression and tone were extremely serious.

Seeing this, Chen Jianghai could only nod and agree: "Okay, okay, I will definitely be there when the time comes."

"Jiang Hai, do you know the name of this road?" Chen Congjun asked.

Hearing this question, Chen Jianghai couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Looking at Chen Liye with a smile on his face, it was obvious that he had known about it for a long time.

Seeing that Chen Jianghai didn't speak, Chen Congjun continued talking on his own.

"This road is named after you. It's called Jianghai Road. What do you think?"

Hearing this name, Chen Jianghai frowned and asked, "Second uncle, why do you want to use my name?"

Chen Congjun's eyes widened: "You spent money to build it, isn't it appropriate to use your name? We just want people to remember your goodness, lest some people say you are a black-hearted capitalist."

From the look on Chen Congjun's face, it was obvious that he had drunk too much.

Naturally, Chen Jianghai couldn't argue with him, so he smiled and said, "Okay, I'll listen to my second uncle!"

"Then it's settled, you must come when it's finished!"

Chen Congjun heard that Chen Jianghai finally relaxed and said with a smile on his face.

Chen Jianghai always felt that there was something cunning in this smile, but he didn't dig into it.

He smiled and nodded: "Second uncle, don't worry, I will definitely be there."

After lunch, Lin Jianguo found Chen Jianghai and said that they wanted to return to Linjia Village.

Chen Jianghai quickly tried to persuade him to stay: "Mom and dad, why don't you stay here for two more days?"

Xue Chunli was outspoken and said with a smile: "Jiang Hai, we have a new house at home. Your dad and I can't wait to move in!"

Hearing what Xue Chunli said, Chen Jianghai suddenly laughed.

He can also understand the thoughts of Xue Chunli and Lin Jianguo.

Now that the new house has been repaired, I will definitely go back and live there for a while.

Otherwise, they would definitely be reluctant to let go if they were so controlled.

"Mom and Dad, you have said so, then I will ask the driver to take you back!"

Chen Jianghai said with a smile.

Lin Jianguo and Xue Chunli nodded quickly and went home happily.

After returning to Linghai, Chen Jianghai was much more relaxed than in Pingshan.

Now, in addition to carrying Huanhuan around every day, he just goes to chat with Liang Haoyang and others for a while, learn about the operations of several factories here, and give them some advice on the next development direction.

Such days are naturally lived quite freely.

At the same time, preparations for Qiu Hai's annual party are also in full swing.

(End of this chapter)

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