Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 999 Not blocked, 1 party is in trouble and 8 parties support

Chapter 999 If there is no blockage, one party will be in trouble and all parties will support it.

"No, we can't stop it!"

"Our side has already retreated. We really haven't reacted. We can only deploy defense lines on the island!"

"We're alright, the boss reminded us in time and our team didn't completely withdraw, so we managed to guard against it!"

"Made, the undead have come to the edge of our island! Boss, hurry up and open the sale of weapons and ammunition, I can't bear it anymore!"

"Upstairs, didn't you buy weapons and ammunition before? You shouldn't be unable to carry it so soon!"

"Don't talk about it, I always thought that the undead could be blocked near the teleportation wormhole, so I only bought enough shells, and didn't buy too many other weapons. Now they have broken through the defense of the teleportation wormhole, and only rely on artillery to defend against it." I didn’t come here! I really regret it now!”

Xiao Yi saw the calls for help in the group, and said, "I'll release some weapons and ammunition right now. It's best to let those alliances that haven't stopped the undeads buy them first. Don't worry, there will be more in the future, I promise!"

"Thank you so much, big brother, our alliance can't hold it anymore!"

"Lying grass, who the hell is so fast, our alliance is almost unable to hold on, how did it get snatched up so quickly?"

"Yeah, I haven't had time to do it yet, all heroes, give us a way out!"

Xiao Yi continued: "Don't worry everyone, I will hang up in several waves!"

"Boss really tried his best to let a handicapped like me grab the weapon!"

"Yeah, you fast gunners, be yourself, don't rob!"

Although Xiao Yi had already hung up in several waves, it was still a second.

Xiao Yi has no way to confirm this matter, which alliance is really in urgent need.

"I just hope Uncle An can receive the metal smoothly!" Xiao Yi felt helpless.

"Boss, is there any more, I still haven't snatched it!"

"Yeah, I didn't grab it here either, and our weapons and ammunition will be completely consumed soon."

Xiao Yi shook his head helplessly, and replied: "I'm very sorry, the stock is really out of stock now, if it's really out of stock, then just keep going!"

"No, then our alliance is probably about to fall!"

"It's not that exaggerated, you can even it out yourself, let the foreign race help, and I can also support some here, the price is the same as the boss!"

"Brother upstairs, thank you, thank you!"

"I have blocked the undead in the teleportation wormhole for the time being. I will also support some, although there are not many, let's talk about it!"

"Although we have come here, our country of Xia has not changed. If one side is in trouble, all parties will support it!"

"Yeah, although some alliances still only care about themselves, most alliances still have a big picture!"

Anyue saw the group chat on the island tablet on the steam turbine ship going to the Blue Wind Empire.

"Speed ​​up!" Anyue walked to the cab and said in a deep voice.

"Mr. An, we are already at the fastest speed!" The captain replied helplessly.

Anyue nodded and asked, "How long will it take us to reach our destination?"

The captain looked at the improvised chart and replied: "According to the information provided to us by the Blue Wind Empire, it will take about two hours." An Yue immediately sent a message to Xiao Yi: "Island Master, our side It will take about two hours to reach the Blue Wind Empire!"

"Well, okay, let's buy metal as soon as possible!" Xiao Yi replied.


At this time, the three of Lan Yong had been in the restaurant on the ship for a long time, and they hadn't left since lunch.

"Master, are you sure you want to do this?" Teng Long asked with a frown.

Lan Yong nodded, and replied: "Well, with the manufacturing level and technology in the Yiran Pin Alliance, those metal items in our country are probably eliminated. If this is the case, we simply trade our metals to Yiran items in exchange for more high-level items.”

Teng Luo frowned and said: "Having said that, if we don't keep some, once there is a problem with the Yiranpin Alliance, it will have a great impact on our empire."

"Well, I've already considered this point. With the smelting technology of our empire, even if the stock is out of stock, we can smelt it in time, so don't worry too much." Lan Yong replied, "Besides, metal objects are more durable. So we have plenty of time to react."

Teng Long nodded at the side: "I suggest to introduce the manufacturing technology of these advanced items from the Yiranpin Alliance. In case they are out of stock in the future, we will not be too passive."

"Well, I will bring up this matter after we trade a few more times, so we have to show our sincerity in these few transactions." Lan Yong was very thoughtful.

Teng Long and his son nodded.

"They brought those red wolf pirates to our empire, wouldn't they want to divert trouble?" Ten Luo looked around and said in a low voice.

Lan Yong replied with a smile: "You think too much, with Yi Ran tasting their strength, do you think they need this?"

Teng Long nodded slightly: "Luo Er, it's very good that you can consider this point, but you have to know that any misfortune should be profitable. Is this good for Yiranpin?"

Teng Luo was stunned for a moment, and then pondered, but he really couldn't think of any benefit to Yi Ranpin by doing so.

The strength of the Yiranpin Alliance is completely superior to that of the Red Wolf Pirates. Apart from being interested in the mortar, they don't care about anything else.

"Although they may not want to cause trouble, but if they bring all these captives to our Blue Wind Empire, the Red Wolf pirates will definitely take our empire as a target for revenge!" Ten Luo was still very worried.

"With the advanced ships and weapons provided by the Yiranpin Alliance, the Red Wolf Pirates are nothing to worry about!" Lan Yong said indifferently.

"I'm just worried that President Xiao's time will be blocked!" Teng Luo was still a little worried about Xiao Yi.

"I believe he won't!" Lan Yong was full of confidence in Xiao Yi.

During their chat, the steam turbine ship has arrived at the port of Blue Wind Empire.

The guards of the Blue Wind Empire became nervous when they saw such an exquisite ship, but the prince Lan Shan who stood at the front was extremely excited.

"Guide them into the port!" Lan Shan ordered immediately.

At this time, the guards had already seen Lan Yong on the boat. Since the king was on board, they must be friends rather than enemies.

"Yes!" The guards immediately stepped forward to lead the steam turbine ship to dock in the port.

After the ship docked at the berth, Lan Yong invited: "Mr. Anyue, why don't you come with us to the palace!"

Anyue shook his head and replied, "Let's trade first!"

(End of this chapter)

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