Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 961 The Blue Wind Empire launched an attack and suffered a disastrous defeat

Chapter 961 The Blue Wind Empire launched an attack and suffered a disastrous defeat

Jiang Yuntian shook his head aside, and said, "It's definitely not. If it's really just friendship with us, why did we stop for so long at the position of seventy or eighty kilometers, and then leave at this time?"

If it's really just a good relationship, these fleets can come to the islands of the Yiranpin Alliance generously, and there is no need to wait until midnight to act.

Xiao Yi nodded, and then asked, "Have all the torpedo arrangements for the team on the shore been made?"

"Well, it's arranged. Our current steam gas torpedo can't be launched at too deep a position. If possible, I'll launch it directly from the submarine!" Jiang Yuntian felt helpless.

"The weapons on this submarine are still far from equipped, let's equip them slowly in the future!" Xiao Yi said, "They moved!"

The Blue Wind Empire's fleet immediately began to move towards the shore, and when they came to a position about one kilometer from the shore, all those ships turned sideways.

If Xiao Yi and the others were on the shore, they would be able to see the cannons on the ship start to adjust their angles!

Seeing the opponent's movements, the guards on the shore released the torpedo without any hesitation at all!
Grumpy Grumpy!

The steam gas torpedo was bubbling, and quickly headed towards the ships of the Blue Wind Empire with its wake.

"What's that?" The soldiers of the Blue Wind Empire who were still adjusting the angle of the artillery on the horizontal ship suddenly saw the long wake.

Although they had never seen a torpedo, they knew it was definitely not a good thing.

At this moment, the sound of artillery firing came from the shore!
Boom boom boom!
"No, the other side has spotted us, retreat immediately!" The soldiers of the Blue Wind Empire immediately shouted loudly.

The ships of the Blue Wind Empire, which hadn't adjusted their posture, immediately turned their bows and prepared to retreat.

But shells and torpedoes had already hit their ships.

Boom boom boom!
The flames soared into the sky, and many ships retreated behind with black smoke.

The soldiers on board were completely panicked, and the maintenance workers were working hard to repair the damaged position.

But the shelling on the shore has no intention of stopping at all!
"As expected, they were prepared. They didn't turn back when they opened their bows. They should charge forward with all their strength now, or we should retreat immediately. What do you think?" Tuxedo shook his head helplessly.

A young man on the side looked gloomyly at the destruction of his fleet by the bombardment, and said in a deep voice, "If we attack by force, do we have a chance to win?"

The tuxedo pondered slightly: "It's four to six, we only have a [-]% chance to rush up!"

"There's a [-]% chance, and that's not a lot. Pass the order and all charge to the shore!" The young man ordered decisively.

Those damaged ships could only rush to the shore according to the young man's order, but there were wakes on the shore again, which were just another round of torpedoes launched.

Boom boom boom!
The ship that was hit again could no longer hold on, and began to sink slowly.

The young man shouted loudly: "All get on the assault boat, continue to rush for me!"

All the soldiers of the Blue Wind Empire immediately gave up on the slowly sinking ship, boarded the assault boat one after another, and rushed to the shore.

But those soldiers of the Blue Wind Empire who boarded the assault boat soon found out in despair that another round of torpedoes had been launched from the shore.

Even the previous steel battleships couldn't withstand the attack of this weapon, and this almost pure wooden assault ship had no chance!

Boom boom boom!
These assault boats were directly shredded by torpedoes, and even the soldiers on them were shredded together!

The soldiers of the Blue Wind Empire were terrified by the Yiranpin Alliance's attack, but this was not on land at sea, so they could only jump into the sea and pray that they would not be hit by stray bullets.

Some soldiers shouted directly: "We surrender, please don't attack us anymore!"

While speaking, he threw the weapon in his hand into the water!
Seeing the actions of those soldiers, the young man watching from behind became furious: "What a shame for the empire, they all deserve to be shot!" The tuxedo on the side sighed and said, "Young Master Lan, we'd better retreat. We can't attack. I underestimated the firepower of this alliance!"

Lan Shao breathed a sigh of relief, and said angrily, "Withdraw!"

The tuxedo immediately beckoned the remaining three ships to sail northeast.

But they had just started for less than ten meters, and suddenly there was a bang, and the boat stopped again. Standing on the deck, Lan Shao and the tuxedo staggered and almost fell down.

"What's the situation?" Tuxedo asked with a frown.

"Report, we seem to have hit a rock?" The soldier who was driving the boat replied immediately.

"Fart! There were no reefs when we came here, and now there are reefs suddenly popping up?" Lan Shao cursed.

Twenty of their ships have come over. If there is a rock, they must have hit it long ago!

The driver was also very helpless, but it gave him the feeling that he had hit a rock.

The tuxedo immediately arranged for soldiers to investigate.

When the soldier ran to the location of the impact, his eyes widened: "Big, my lord, come and see what this is!"

Hearing the stuttering tone, the tuxedo rushed over immediately, and was also stunned when he saw the scene in front of him.

A very long black shadow unexpectedly appeared in the sea, and their ship hit this black shadow.

"Is this a giant sea beast?" Lan Shao swallowed, and said with some fear.

The tuxedo shook his head: "Probably not, look at this object, it's very round, more like it's artificial!"

"What? You mean this thing was made by this alliance?" Lan Shao asked in shock.

Tuxedo nodded: "It seems that we won't be able to leave this time."

Seeing that the three ships wanted to escape just now, Xiao Yi decisively ordered the three submarines to leave the three ships behind by ramming them.

After knocking the ship to a stop, the submarine floated to the surface directly in the direction they left.

"Please put down your weapons and put your heads in your hands, or you will be killed without mercy!" Xiao Yi shouted directly through the loudspeaker.

Lan Shao glanced at the tuxedo, and the tuxedo nodded slightly. They put the weapons in their hands on the deck and held their heads in their hands.

The periscope was raised, and Xiao Yi observed the inside of the submarine, then put on the one-piece suit, and got out of the submarine.

The tuxedo saw Xiao Yi and the others get out from the long, black and thick object, his eyes were full of curiosity.

"Don't move here, I'll go up and take a look first!" Xiao Yi warned.

There is nothing wrong with Xiao Yi wearing a one-piece suit himself. Even if the opponent has a top-level physique, Xiao Yi can still get out of it, but others can't!

"Yes, island owner, be careful!" Jiang Yuntian reminded.

With a leap, Xiao Yi came to the Blue Wind Empire's ship.

(End of this chapter)

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