Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 926 Bamboo Arrow is the highest grade A, top black gold wood

Chapter 926 Bamboo Arrow is the highest grade A, top black gold wood

There is too little data, so it is not sure yet, but Xiao Yi believes that someone will send other data soon.

Besides Xiao Yi, there was another SSS-level survivor, Ji Jiying.

Xiao Yi just had to wait for the news from the Ji family, and it would depend on when the Ji family called for help.

Looking at the island monument Yi Tianqun, the catapult, arrow cart, and hand crossbow have sold more than 50 copies.

There are definitely not that many survivors, but there are many indigenous people on the island of survivors.

It can be said that the main members of the team now are indigenous people.

In addition, these cold weapons are not expensive, and they are also related to the safety of the alliance, so they will not be stingy.

"It would be great if it was sold like this yesterday!" Xiao Yi sighed with emotion.

After all, it was double yesterday, and no matter how much you sell today, you will only double your harvest!
"The army is finally equipped with those S-level hand crossbows, and these can finally sleep peacefully!"

"Yeah, with those arrow cars, I don't have to worry about the other party coming in a swarm!"

"Hey, I suddenly have a question. Our weapons are S-level, but the arrows we use seem to be of ordinary level. Are you sure it will be useful?"

"Fuck, if you don't tell me, I'll forget about it, yeah, what should I do?"

"According to my estimation, if you use ordinary arrows, hitting those skeletons will probably shatter them directly!"

"Fuck, what should I do? If there is a gun but no bullets, wouldn't it be the end!"

"Boss, please help, we need high-level arrows!"

Xiao Yi saw that there were a lot of people calling him in the group, and they all wanted to buy high-level arrows!

Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, then rummaged through his manufacturing interface, and found that he only had a B-level bamboo arrow.

After thinking about it for a while, Xiao Yi made four bamboo arrows, took out a super synthesizer, and synthesized them!
"Successfully synthesized, obtained materials: Bamboo Arrow (A-level) * 2."

Come again!

"It cannot be synthesized, the highest level of bamboo arrows made of this material is A-level!"

Xiao Yi rolled his eyes helplessly, and then said in the group: "I can provide A-level bamboo arrows for the time being, arrows of this level should be enough!"

"Boss, you are really timely, you can take out whatever is lacking!"

"It feels like the boss is more like a robot cat. He has a treasure bag, and he can take out all kinds of things we need at any time!"

"Thank you, boss, this thing is definitely enough, I feel that the undead in our alliance are only B-level."

"Our alliance is A-level, it should be the highest!"

"The tallest? The boss is still here, do you dare to say the tallest?"

"Ahem, I mean except for the boss!"

Xiao Yi asked An Ran and Su Wan to be responsible for the manufacture and sale of arrows, and there is no double today, so he doesn't need to do it himself.

With hand crossbows, arrow carts and arrows, everyone in the group relaxed again.

"This world battlefield is not bad. Although it is a bit challenging, it can still be handled!"

"Stop bragging, okay? If you're not a big brother, we probably have lost several islands now!"

"Yeah, it's not a bit of a challenge, it's a very big challenge!"

"Everyone, stop arguing, how did I see a ship approaching our island!"

"Is there a ship approaching? It's not the undead again, is it?" "The undead have ships?"

"Why not, haven't you watched Pirates of the Caribbean?"

Xiao Yi was also very surprised when he saw the news.

Do the natives on the world battlefield still have time to attack the islands of survivors?
Or are the undead just attacking the survivors?

Are these the natives of the New World who robbed the island monument before, or are they originally the natives of Yuanhai?
Xiao Yi had a lot of questions, but he couldn't get any answers for the time being. He picked up his phone and sent a message in the phone group.

"Attention everyone, the Alliance of Survivors has encountered a strange ship, and our alliance should also pay attention to the situation on the sea."

"Yes!" Everyone replied one after another.

Xiao Yi put down his phone and rubbed his head.

Undead, giant beasts, and natives, none of them are fuel-efficient lamps.

"By the way, I only provided advanced arrows to other survivors, what about our own alliance?" Xiao Yi suddenly thought of this question.

The undead that the Yiranpin Alliance encountered were S-level. Although A-level arrows can also cause a certain amount of damage, the damage is limited after all, so it is still necessary to seek S-level and above.

Now he doesn't know how many undead are there, and he can't spend his ammunition and resources without limit, so he needs to find high-level arrows!
"There should be elves!" Xiao Yi immediately thought of elves, so he immediately called Hill, Queen of the Bright Elves.

Hill answered the phone immediately, presumably he was playing with his mobile phone.

"Island Master, what do you want from me?" Hill asked respectfully.

"Yes, I want to ask what are your arrows made of?" Xiao Yi asked straight to the point.

"Heijinmu." Hill replied immediately.

"What is that? Wood?" Xiao Yi asked with a frown, this was the first time he had heard of this name.

"Well, the black gold wood that grows around the elf tree is a specialty of our elves! It is also the raw material for our elves' weapons." Hill continued to introduce.

Hearing this, Xiao Yi immediately asked: "Is there any black gold wood in your elf residence?"

"Of course!" Hill replied with a smile, "even more than when I was on the elf continent."

"Wait a minute, I'll go and have a look!" Xiao Yi immediately activated the city return stone and disappeared in place.

Come to the teleportation point of the resort, take the car of the resort hotel and rush to the resident of the elves.

The elves guarding the entrance of the station had already remembered Xiao Yi's appearance, and when they saw him get off the car, they all greeted, "Hello, Island Master!"

Xiao Yi nodded to them, then walked in.

The residence of the Bright Elf Clan is not far from here, so Xiao Yi quickly sensed the proximity of the Bright Elf Tree.

Hill was already there waiting for him.

"Island Master, come with me!" Hill led Xiao Yi aside, came to a smooth and dark tree, and said, "This is the Black Gold Tree!"

Xiao Yi looked at the black gold tree in surprise, and the system prompt sounded.

"Black Gold Tree (SSS grade): A special product of the elves. It is hard in texture. Two hours after felling, the entire tree will harden again, and its hardness is stronger than steel!"

"Can it continue to harden after being felled? There is such a magical tree?" Xiao Yi said in surprise.

Hill was stunned, and asked in shock: "How do you know?"

This kind of tree is a specialty of their elves, and their elves have not disclosed this news to other races.

Outsiders probably don't know, but how did Xiao Yi know?
(End of this chapter)

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