Chapter 924 Giant Spinosaurus, kill
After listening to the report on the phone, Xiao Yi frowned, and then immediately used the city return stone to arrive at the Union East Island.

Feng Menglong, the person in charge of the Alliance East Island, greeted him directly, and said, "Island Master, this time the giant beast appeared on the north side of the Alliance East Island!"

"Go and have a look first!" Xiao Yi said in a deep voice, and followed Feng Menglong to the north side of the Union East Island.

About ten kilometers away, a huge white wave quickly approached the Union East Island!

"Order the air fortress to approach the water carefully, throw shells, and be ready to launch at any time!" Xiao Yi ordered, at least he needs to know what kind of monster is coming to attack him this time.

The sky fortress lowered its height carefully, and then threw a cannonball at the huge black shadow.

The cannonball sounded, and the black shadow shook his body violently, directly stirring up the sea water into waves of three or four meters!

The next moment, a crocodile-like head was lifted from the water.

"Is it a giant crocodile again?" Feng Menglong looked at the huge head and said in shock.

Xiao Yi shook his head.

"Giant Spinosaurus (SSS class): more than 39.6 meters long, [-] tons in weight, poor water quality, don't worry about it jumping out of the water!"

"This is a giant spinosaurus, it should be a kind of dinosaur, and it's another trouble!" Xiao Yi said with a frown, then picked up his mobile phone and called the soldiers on the sky fortress, saying, "Keep the altitude, give me a hard time!" Blast it hard!"


The soldiers on the sky fortress began to drop bombs on the giant Spinosaurus.

Waves continued to explode on the sea, but the giant Spinosaurus didn't react much except for the first violent reaction, and continued to swim towards the Union East Island.

Feng Menglong was shocked when he saw this: "Island owner, why didn't this giant spinosaur respond!"

Xiao Yi replied in a deep voice: "It was just that it hadn't encountered this kind of shell attack the first time, and was startled by the noise. Later, it was discovered that our shells could do extremely limited damage to it, so it didn't matter."

"Then the defense of this giant beast is too strong, so it's okay to explode like this?" Feng Menglong said in shock.

"Its defense is strong on the one hand, and on the other hand, our shells are much less powerful when they explode in water." Xiao Yi explained with a frown.

Feng Menglong nodded: "Then shall we use torpedoes?"

"Of course!" Xiao Yi replied, "But we need to find a good time. Have you prepared any fresh meat?"

"It's already been prepared!" Feng Menglong replied, "Should we just throw it into the sea now?"

"Don't let the Sky Fortress feed some food first!" Shaking his head, Xiao Yi ordered.


The fortress in the sky traded the cows that had just been slaughtered through the island tablet and threw them directly below.

Smelling the smell of blood, the giant Spinosaurus immediately stopped marching towards Union East Island, but swam towards the cow that was still bleeding.

"Island Master, we can use this method to lure this giant Spinosaurus away!" Feng Menglong saw that this method was effective, so he said.

Xiao Yi shook his head again, and said, "Will the rules of the world make it so easy for us? With such a huge body, it is unknown how much meat it will cost to lure it away. Even if it is lured away, it will still come back. The world The rules will guide it."

Feng Menglong nodded: "Then this method can only delay the attack of this giant beast on the island." "Yes, it can also be regarded as buying us time!" Xiao Yi agreed.

At this time, when the soldiers on the sky fortress saw a cow thrown down by them, the giant Spinosaurus swallowed it in one gulp, without even spitting out the bones!
So the team leader on the sky fortress immediately said: "Put dozens of shells in the cow's belly!"


The soldiers stuffed all the shells in their hands into the belly of the next cow, and then lit the fuse to estimate the time of fall.

"One, two, three! Throw!"

The crowd lifted the cow with 68 shells in its belly and threw it down from the sky fortress.

The giant Spinosaurus below seemed to have gotten used to feeding. It held its head up, opened its mouth, and directly took the cow into its mouth.

Just after chewing it, the shells in the cow's stomach exploded with a loud bang!
And the long mouth of the giant spinosaur was directly blown off!
But unfortunately, the explosion did not blow up its head, so the giant Spinosaurus is still alive!

It rolled violently in the sea, roaring loudly!

Xiao Yi on the bank was stunned for a moment, then immediately called the team leader of Sky Fortress, and reprimanded: "Who told you to make your own decisions?"

The team leader immediately stood at attention and replied: "Island owner, I was wrong, just now I just saw that the giant spinosaur would devour the food we threw down without hesitation, so I thought about stuffing the shells into the cow's belly, thinking Blast it!"

"It's good to know you're wrong!" Xiao Yi said, "Come back and write a review and hand it to Instructor Jiang, and reflect on it!"

"Yes!" The team leader replied loudly.

Although their plan was successful this time and the giant Spinosaurus was hit hard, it doesn't mean they did it right.

In case of failure, the giant Spinosaurus is prepared, and even with a torpedo, it will be difficult to kill it in one blow!
This kind of thing should at least be reported to the higher authorities before doing it, and Xiao Yi and the others can at least prepare a backup.

It is very dangerous to make such a private decision on the battlefield!

It's okay if it succeeds, but if it doesn't, it may drag everyone down!

Xiao Yi looked at the giant Spinosaurus whose mouth had been blown off, and immediately ordered: "Immediately fire torpedoes at the wounds of the giant Spinosaurus, regardless of the cost, the sky fortress will continue to throw shells at the head of the giant Spinosaurus, and the torpedoes will be fired." Personnel providing directions!"

The giant Spinosaurus was struggling violently, and it was impossible to see the location of the giant Spinosaurus' wound clearly on the shore or even on the boat.

But people in the air can see more clearly. They can attack while acting as guides for torpedoes.

Under the instructions of the sky fortress, ten torpedoes rushed towards the giant Spinosaurus.

Enduring the severe pain, the giant Spinosaurus didn't notice the approach of those torpedoes at all.

Boom boom boom!
Three of the wounds that hit the giant Spinosaurus completely blew its head off this time!
The giant Spinosaurus calmed down instantly, but the sea disturbed by him could not be calm for a long time.

Through the system, Xiao Yi judged that the giant Spinosaurus was silent, so he ordered: "Pull the corpse of that giant Spinosaurus back!"

"Yes!" Everyone responded, and immediately sailed over to pull up the giant Spinosaurus that was slowly sinking.

At this time, the team leader on the Sky Fortress suddenly discovered that the mouth of the blasted Spinosaurus had shriveled visibly with the naked eye, and bones had even appeared in some places!
"Island owner, something doesn't seem right in the sea, the mouth of the Spinosaurus is almost turned into a bone!" The team leader immediately reported to Xiao Yihui.

(End of this chapter)

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