Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 889 Charlie Appears, Embracing Alliance Members for the First Time

Chapter 889 Charlie Appears, Embracing Alliance Members for the First Time

Sarah was a little surprised. According to her understanding, it is impossible for humans to compare with elves in terms of speed.

In terms of archery, Sarah is more confident. The elves are natural archers.

Where did Xiao Yi get his confidence?
Although surprised, Sarah still said: "Okay, then I will wait for your instructors to conquer our elf soldiers!"

"Okay, when the time comes, you can go and have a look!" Xiao Yi replied, and then hung up the phone.

After thinking about it, Xiao Yi called Jiang Yuntian.

"Brother Jiang, the dark elves have already agreed, but they are all thorns, and I think you need to tame them!" Xiao Yi said.

Jiang Yuntian smiled and replied: "Stab, I'm really not afraid of stabs, let them let them come here!"

"However, they do have natural advantages. You should prepare some berserk pills. You must subdue them, otherwise it will be difficult to manage in the future!" Xiao Yi reminded.

"Yes, Island Master, leave it to me, I will arrange it!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

Xiao Yi nodded in satisfaction.

At this time, the new continent that Xiao Yi discovered was now more than half submerged by sea water, and all the forces on the continent had also found their homes.

The only reason they stay on the continent now is that the resources on this continent have not been fully exploited, and they are seizing the last bit of time to mine.

This naturally included the vampire Charlie who was chasing Xiao Yi before.

When he was chasing Xiao Yi to the vicinity of the last survivor's island, he was scared away after recognizing the forbidden area on the mainland in front of him.

After so many days, Charlie was still a little unwilling, and led a team to the outskirts of the forbidden area again.

But this time Charlie was stunned, the forbidden area turned into a huge lake!

"Where's the forbidden area?" Charlie couldn't believe what he saw.

The soldiers who came with him were also stunned.

Everyone knows the forbidden land on the mainland, but now it has disappeared?

At the same time, several forces discovered that the forbidden area had disappeared, and they also began to wonder.

"Could it be that the sea water first submerged the forbidden area?"

"However, the disappearance of the forbidden area is not a bad thing, at least we don't have to worry about those high-level beasts running out of the forbidden area!"

"Yeah, but when outsiders come, all kinds of strange things happen on this continent. These outsiders are really disasters!"

"Haha, you can't say that, at least they brought us a gift from the gods, and now we also have an island monument. This is definitely our greatest achievement!"

"It's true to say that, it seems that we still have to thank these outsiders!"

And Charlie, seeing the disappearance of the Forbidden Land, thought more than anyone else.

"I watched Yi Ranpin enter the forbidden area that day. Now that the forbidden area has disappeared, could it be related to this outsider?" Charlie frowned and pondered, "Could there be other secrets in the forbidden area?"

If his conjecture is correct, then the outsider must have entered the depths of the forbidden area!

"How is this possible? The outsiders shouldn't be that powerful, right?" Charlie secretly thought.He once tried to enter the forbidden area by himself, but he was driven out by the beast inside after walking less than 200 meters.

And the strength of the outsider should be weaker than himself, and he should not be able to enter the forbidden area.

"Or, does this forbidden area have preferential treatment for outsiders?" Charlie finally thought of a possibility, "Fuck, the advantage for outsiders is really too great!"

Thinking of this, Charlie left with his people, and now he has controlled seven alliances, all from Xia Guo.

The leaders of those alliances were all embraced by him and transformed into noble blood clans.

The reason why Charlie still leads people wandering around this continent until now is to find more outsiders for the First Embrace.

Vampires have a very big advantage, that is, they can develop new members through the first embrace, which is like an infectious disease, and there will be a large group of younger brothers at once.

Charlie has seven alliances and at least 63 islands, which can be regarded as a huge force.

But he is not satisfied with this, and he is still constantly looking for outsider teams, preparing to continue to expand his power.

This time, I just stopped by to check the forbidden area. I didn't expect the forbidden area to disappear. Although Charlie was shocked, he didn't care too much.

It would be better if the forbidden land disappeared, so that there would probably be no one with higher combat power than him on this continent!

Therefore, Charlie searched for outsiders even more unscrupulously and developed his own members!
Charlie led his team to find a random direction, then rushed in that direction, and soon found a team.

"Your Excellency, there is a team ahead. Judging from their equipment, it should be the team of the Yiranpin Alliance!" said a soldier.

As the Yiranpin Alliance became more and more famous, almost all forces investigated the Yiranpin Alliance.

The four great empires have already suffered twice in the hands of the Yi Ranpin Alliance, and they are becoming more and more afraid of Yi Ranpin.

Although other forces have not attacked the Yiranpin Alliance directly, but when they encounter the Yiranpin Alliance team on the mainland, they will suffer a few times if they attack a few times. Therefore, they also attach great importance to the Yiranpin Alliance and collected a lot of information. Information about Yiranpin.

"Is it the Yi Ranpin Alliance? That's great. I'm just going to ask Yi Ranpin about the Forbidden Island!" Charlie said with a sneer, "Come on, take them down!"

As soon as Charlie and the others appeared, the Yiranpin Alliance team immediately spotted them.

"Stop, who are you!"

"We are here to kill you!" Charlie said, and his figure disappeared in place.

The Yiranpin Alliance team didn't react too slowly, and immediately shot in front of him.

clap clap clap!
But their attacks completely fell into the air, and by the time they reacted, Charlie had already captured the only outsider member of the team.

The man struggled violently and said, "Let go of me, we are a team of the Yiranpin Alliance, if you hurt me, our island owner will not let you go!"

"Really?" Charlie said with a sneer, "I'm just looking for Yi Ranpin, so if he doesn't let me go, I won't let him go!"

The man froze for a moment, then laughed loudly: "It's up to you, you still want to trouble our island owner, I advise you, it's best not to trouble our island owner!"

Charlie sneered: "Really? Then you can go there for me first!"

The man was stunned for a moment, before he understood the meaning of Charlie's words, he felt a sharp pain in his neck!
Charlie bit on it, the man felt his blood was flowing, and his eyes gradually became lax!

(End of this chapter)

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