Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 875 The reason for the attack of the giant beast, crocodile meat

Chapter 875 The reason for the attack of the giant beast, crocodile meat

"Yeah, after all, it's from the same period as the dinosaurs, can it be small?" Xiao Yi also replied with a shocked face.

"What should we do now?" Jiang Yuntian asked.

Xiao Yi had long thought of a way to deal with it: "Let's have someone split it up, get some meat first, taste it, and give it to my pets if it's not good!"

"Okay!" Jiang Yuntian replied with a smile, "However, in the previous world, I heard that crocodile meat is delicious, with a chewy texture, high protein, low fat, low cholesterol, and very high nutritional value!"

"You eat a lot!" Xiao Yi said in surprise.

"I heard, I just heard, this time I'm going to try for real!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

Soon, a lot of manpower was recruited from the alliance and began to divide this giant crocodile!
Xiao Yi returned to his island monument, switched to Yi Tian Group, and wanted to see if everyone had been attacked by prehistoric giant beasts.

But the discussions in the group were still those new weapons, equipment, etc. that made Xiao Yi jealous.

No mention of prehistoric monsters at all!

Xiao Yi couldn't help but asked, "Have you ever encountered giant beasts attacking the island?"

"Giants attacking the island? What kind of giants? Creatures as huge as giants?"

"We have not encountered, as always, those marine life attacks."

"Boss must have encountered creatures that are different from us attacking the island again!"

"Well, I met a prehistoric giant crocodile here, it's very big!" Xiao Yi didn't hide anything, and said directly.

"Giant prehistoric crocodile? Is it an animal from the same era as dinosaurs?"

"should be!"

"Boss, let me ask weakly, how is your alliance now?"

"You don't need to ask, the giant beast must have been repelled!"

"That's right, otherwise the boss would be able to ask us this question here so calmly!"

"It's safe now!" Xiao Yi simply replied.

"Look, a boss is a boss, even prehistoric creatures can be handled!"

"However, will we also encounter this kind of giant creature? How did the boss deal with it? Can you impart some experience?"

"Yeah, do you have any experience that you can pass on?"

Xiao Yi thought for a while and replied, "Throw cannonballs in their mouths!"

"That's a good idea, but who can throw it in?"

"I guess there can only be one person carrying a bomb and sending it into its mouth!"

"Yeah, I've seen Jurassic Park before, and that kind of giant creature is simply beyond human power!"

"So only large thermal weapons can be used, and ordinary small ones are probably useless!"

"It seems that our alliance needs to train a professional sharpshooter!"

"There is also a good pitcher!"

Seeing everyone's discussion, Xiao Yi knew that other alliances had indeed never encountered that prehistoric beast.

"But why did I meet you?" Xiao Yi frowned and said to himself, "Could it be because I was promoted to the SSS level?"

The only difference between now and before is that Xiao Yi has been promoted.

If outsiders will encounter prehistoric monsters when they advance to the SSS level, then it is better not to advance.

With this kind of attack strength, it is estimated that it really takes human life to fill up that prehistoric giant beast.

Xiao Yi shook his head, and continued to think: "I just don't know if this is one attack or multiple attacks."

If it's this one attack, it's okay, but if there's an attack every two days, then our alliance may not be at peace!Xiao Yi could only pray that this was not a multiple attack, but just a hurdle after becoming SSS level.

There are many people and strength is great, and soon, the huge crocodile was decomposed, some internal organs, and skin, Xiao Yi directly threw them to Xuanwu.

"Master, can you give two pieces of meat, why are they all water?" Xuanwu expressed some dissatisfaction.

Xiao Yi said speechlessly: "You can make do with it first!"

He took some of the meat to the kitchen and handed it to An Ran.

"What kind of meat is this?" An Ran looked at the big piece of meat curiously and asked.

"The prehistoric giant crocodile is the kind of creature that towed our yacht before!" Xiao Yi explained.

"What? Where did this come from?" An Ran asked in shock.

She had heard before that her mother, Li Yan, was almost swallowed by a prehistoric giant crocodile. At that time, Li Yan was driving Xiao Yi's yacht to meet Xiao Yi!

"It was killed just now!" Xiao Yi replied, "It took a long time to kill it. It wanted to destroy our island, so let's taste the crocodile meat!"

An Ran nodded, and then started cooking.

Although she has never cooked crocodile meat, she can try various cooking methods, such as steamed, braised, boiled and so on.

By noon, all the crocodile meat was on the table.

When Anyue and others came back to eat, they saw a table full of meat and asked in surprise, "What's the matter? Why is it all meat?"

Xiao Yi greeted with a smile: "Everyone, come and taste it, see how it tastes, and guess what kind of meat it is?"

Everyone sat down and began to taste.

"Hey, this tastes good, but your cooking skills are getting better and better!" Anyue said while holding a piece of meat.

"The meat is delicious, and the taste is springy. This meat is not bad!" Nong Bihong also took a sip and said with a smile.

"Yeah, delicious!" Jiang Yuntian praised, he naturally knew what kind of meat it was.

Xiao Yi looked at Anyue and the others, and asked, "Can you tell what kind of meat this is?"

"Wait, I'll try it again!" Anyue was the founder of a group in the previous world, and he had indeed eaten a lot!

"This, it can't be snake meat, but snakes shouldn't have such a big piece of meat?" Anyue said with a frown.

Xiao Yi smiled and replied: "This is crocodile meat, to be specific, it's a prehistoric giant crocodile!"

"What!" Li Yan stood up in shock, "Is it the creature that dragged me into the bottom of the sea?"

Xiao Yi nodded: "That's right, that's the one!"

"Didn't it be eaten by a giant snake?" Li Yan still hadn't forgotten the scene where the giant crocodile was swallowed by a giant snake.

"In such a large sea area, there should be more than one prehistoric giant crocodile!" Xiao Yi replied.

Li Yan nodded: "Then how did it find us?"

"I don't know. I don't know the reason why it's approaching us, but according to my guess, it's probably because I've advanced to the SSS class!" Xiao Yi shrugged and said helplessly.

"Ah! Would it be possible to attract such giant beasts after being promoted to the SSS class?" Everyone was shocked.

"Xuanwu and Qinglong have also advanced to the SSS level. It seems that no giant beasts have attacked before!" Jiang Yuntian said with a frown.

"They are just pets. It depends on us outsiders. The rules of this world are very specific to us outsiders!" Xiao Yi explained.

"Then did you let Xuanwu pass?" An Ran asked hastily.

"Yes, but when it passed by, we've already taken care of it!" Xiao Yi replied, "And, Xuanwu said, it's no match for this kind of prehistoric monster!"

(End of this chapter)

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