Chapter 691 flint, flintlock pistol, buy lead bullets

Ross looked at the excited and happy engineers with some surprise, and Xiao Yi said, "It seems that the engineers in your country love their work very much!"

In just an instant, Ross knew what the engineers were thinking, rolled his eyes, and replied, "How can I not know what they think?"

"Haha, it's a philosophy of life to see through but not tell through!" Xiao Yi laughed.

"The philosophy of you outsiders is really strange!" Ross shrugged and replied.

"Let's go, let's have a drink together!" Xiao Yi dragged Rose to the bar.

An hour later, Ross left Xiao Yi's island.

"Island owner, we have artificially mined some flint here, are you trading it directly?" Qin Feng called suddenly.

After the Qin Shihuang Alliance joined Xiao Yi, they have been mining limestone manually. Although the efficiency is low, there will always be some gains after such a long time.

"Well, let's make a deal!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Yes!" Qin Feng replied, "I have already dealt with you, please agree to it!"

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Yi returned to his island monument.

I saw the transaction sent by Qin Feng: "[Flint]*1000kg transaction is not available."

"It seems that Qin Feng and the others are not lazy!" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

It's only been a few days, so much has been mined manually, which is still very impressive!

"Joining the Yiranpin Alliance, are you still used to it?" Xiao Yi sent a message to Qin Feng on the island tablet, and at the same time started making flintlock pistols with the flint he just got!
"Get used to it, of course get used to it, this place is simply heaven!" Qin Feng replied excitedly.

After I formed the Qin Shihuang Alliance, everyone just wanted to survive. One more day is one day, and there is not much vitality, but now it is different.

Now those survivors are obviously working harder and more ambitious.

Every week, you can come to the resort on the main island to relax by passing the passenger boat between the main island and the sub-island.

Of course these all require money.

So those survivors work harder to make money, as long as they earn money, they can come to the main island to be chic, which is much better than other survivors!

Other survivors also need to grab the quota that the island owner advertises every day, and as long as he has money, he can come here at any time.

"Well, it's good to get used to it. Those workers who are working hard to mine limestone, don't be negligent, pay attention to safety!" Holding a flintlock pistol, Xiao Yi urged.

"Yes, thank you Island Master for your concern!" Qin Feng replied.

Xiao Yi took the flintlock pistol, made a few metal balls out of the island tablet, brought some gunpowder, and walked towards the barracks.

All eight locations on Xiaoyi Island have set up a military camp near the shore, one is for the convenience of guards and inspections, and the other is for the convenience of receiving personnel from each sub-island.

Soon Xiao Yi came to the nearest military camp due south.

"Hello, Island Master!" The soldiers in the barracks saluted after seeing Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi nodded, and then walked to the shooting range. Although they were all burst guns and the shooting accuracy was not very high, Jiang Yuntian still asked them to practice with live ammunition.

The more you practice, the better your accuracy will be!
Walking into the shooting range, there were still some soldiers training, so Jiang Yuntian rushed over.

From the moment Xiao Yi entered the barracks, someone notified Jiang Yuntian.

"Island owner, why did you think of the military camp today?" Jiang Yuntian asked curiously.Xiao Yi took out the newly made flintlock pistol from his arms.

Just looking at the appearance of this pistol, Jiang Yuntian knew that it was completely different from the previous kind of pistol!
"Is this a flintlock pistol?" Jiang Yuntian heard Xiao Yi mention that he had a flintlock pistol manufacturing drawing.

Xiao Yi nodded: "Qin Feng has mined some flint, so it can finally be manufactured."

According to the system prompts, load the gunpowder, reload with the push rod, then aim at the target in front, and pull the trigger.

The flint struck hard against the edge of the fire-door, sparks sparked, ignited the powder, and fired the bullet.

The bullet directly pierced the target in front, and Xiao Yi actually hit the target.

"Is this power and accuracy so high?" Jiang Yuntian said in surprise.

As a mercenary, he still knows a little about the development of firearms. Although the accuracy of the flintlock pistol is much higher than that of the musket, it is not so much higher!
Xiao Yi fanned the smoke, and replied: "Don't look at it from the perspective of the previous world, and this flintlock pistol is S-level! There must be a level bonus!"

Jiang Yuntian nodded.

Xiao Yi frowned and said, "It's just that the smoke obstructs the sight, and it's troublesome to reload every time!"

"The development of chemical industry is not high now, so it will take some time for smokeless gunpowder to appear." Jiang Yuntian said, "The current guns are loaded like this. At least you don't need to manually ignite it, which is much more convenient!"

Those flintlock guns not only need to be filled with gunpowder and loaded like this, but also need to be manually ignited, and the operation is more complicated than that of flintlock guns.

If your hands shake nervously during the battle, maybe the ignition won't work!

The flintlock pistol can be fired directly, and the advantage is still great!
Hearing Jiang Yuntian's words, Xiao Yi replied: "I don't think you need to wait too long!"

"Huh?" Jiang Yuntian looked at Xiao Yi suspiciously.

Xiao Yi waved his hand, but didn't tell him that the research on smokeless gunpowder has already started in the laboratory, and the results should be ready soon!

"All the teams that are going to explore the New World with us are equipped with this weapon," Xiao Yi said.

"Island Master, our exploration team in the New World has about 2000 people, are you sure they all need to be equipped with flintlock pistols?" Jiang Yuntian asked.

"Hmm. Wait a minute, get someone to come to my place to get the gun!" Xiao Yi said as he walked out.

Before returning to the Dao Island Monument, Xiao Yi first made two thousand flintlock pistols, and after thinking about it, he sent a message to the survivor with the buckshot template.

"Hello, I want to ask, do you sell your buckshot bullets?" Xiao Yi asked.

"Ah, you are the boss of Yiranpin, you sell everything!" The other party replied.

Xiao Yi said: "I don't have any cornerstone here, can we trade by barter?"

"Barter? What do you want to trade with?" the other party asked.

"S-class shell!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Okay, okay, how to change?"

"One S-class shell for a thousand rounds of lead bullets!" Xiao Yi sent a message.

"No, there are too many, up to five hundred rounds!" said the other party.

"Let's stop haggling like this. I have S-class shells, only our family has them, and no other alliances have them. And this kind of shells can save lives, but your lead bullets are just ordinary grades." Xiao Yi said .

(End of this chapter)

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