Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 686 Wang Cai guards, treasures found on the bottom of the sea

Chapter 686 Wang Cai guards, treasures found on the bottom of the sea

"Beyond the SSS level?" Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, then immediately shook his head decisively, "Impossible, if he really surpassed the SSS level, there is no way you can escape back!"

"That's right, but after taking the elixir, my strength has been raised to the SSS level, so why can't I be the opponent of the clam essence at all?" Ling Niji asked suspiciously.

Xiao Yi explained: "The Berserk Pill can indeed raise you to a higher level, but this instant improvement after taking the pill is not as powerful as the real SSS level. I would rather call this state of strength a pseudo-SSS level! Unless you still Only with other trump cards or means of assistance can you defeat the real SSS-level, otherwise, this elixir will only allow you to save your life when you meet an SSS-level master!"

Ling Reversal thought deeply: "Today you have saved me twice!"

Xiao Yi waved his hand and continued to ask: "In the past two days, how many shrimp soldiers and crab generals have you killed?"

"About more than 60, I haven't accurately counted it!" Ling Bingji said after a rough estimate.

"Okay, have a good rest!" Xiao Yi said, and was about to leave here.

"Well, I'll leave it to Island Master Xiao!" Ling Niji said.

"Don't worry!" Xiao Yi left the room with Jiang Yuntian and Nana.

This is the first time Jiang Yuntian has come to the bottom of the sea, and the surrounding scenery is full of novelty.

"I didn't expect there to be such a view on the bottom of the sea!" Jiang Yuntian said with emotion.

"Yeah, it would be great if there were no mobs that were spawned!" Xiao Yi said in agreement.

Jiang Yuntian asked: "How did these shrimp soldiers and crab generals spawn?"

"About the same time as we were released into this world, a palace was released near the mermaid tribe, and these mobs were spawned from that palace!" Xiao Yi explained.


"Yes, we have been closer to observe it. This palace is very majestic and magnificent. You should be able to guess the name."

Jiang Yuntian was stunned for a moment, and then said: "You wouldn't say that this palace is the Dragon Palace, would you?"

In the underwater palace, the first reaction of most people in Xia Kingdom is the Dragon Palace. Of course, due to the invasion of Western culture, many people think of Atlantis.

"That's right, it's the Dragon Palace, the East China Sea Dragon Palace!" Xiao Yi replied.

"There really is the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea!" Jiang Yuntian said in surprise, "Doesn't it mean that there are also immortals?"

Xiao Yi shook his head, and replied with a smile: "I don't know, but our physique is different from ordinary people now, maybe we can really become immortals in the future!"

"Since you've all gone to see it, why don't you go in and explore. I heard that dragons like all kinds of treasures the most, and there should be many treasures in the Dragon Palace!" Jiang Yuntian said.

Xiao Yi replied angrily: "You think I don't want to? But there is an SSS-level Prime Minister Turtle guarding the palace, and our current attack probably won't be able to touch it!"

"Prime Minister Turtle has appeared?" Jiang Yuntian's eyes widened again.

"Yes, that's why we ran back quickly!" Xiao Yi said, "Fortunately, we didn't fight that Prime Minister Turtle at that time. I guess even if we have the Berserk Pill in our hands, we won't be his opponent!"

"Well, this time the Spirit Patriarch met only clam spirits, which were obviously lower than Prime Minister Turtle. He was seriously injured. If he met Prime Minister Turtle, he might really be unable to escape!" Jiang Yuntian agreed.

While talking, Xiao Yi and the others came to the side of the teleportation array and sent Nana back. At this time, Wangcai and the others also rushed over.

With Wangcai and the three of them guarding here, even if they encounter the SSS-level clam spirit, they can still stop each other.After all, the three of Wangcai are all wearing jumpsuits. The jumpsuits can block SSS-level attacks, so the three of them are basically invincible. If they add the violent pill, they might have a chance to defeat the other party. Leave!
"The two of you stay here. If the clam spirit comes, immediately return to the island through the teleportation array and notify me!" Xiao Yi urged.

"Yes! Island owner!" The two replied.

Xiao Yi took Jiang Yuntian and left here through the teleportation array.

Back in front of his own island monument, the group seems to be discussing something enthusiastically!
Looking through the previous chat records, Xiao Yi finally understood that someone found a lot of good things on the bottom of the shallow sea in the New World!
"I have to say that brother just now was very bold! He even dared to dive!"

"Yes, but I still suggest that you don't have professional equipment, so don't try it lightly, it's too dangerous!"

"Hey, as a landlubber, I can only watch them get the treasure chest under the sea!"

"It's not just a treasure chest, it is said that he also found a vein of minerals, which is a resource!"

"Don't you just look at this kind of resources? Mining resources on land is a big problem now. Do you still want to mine the seabed?"

"Yeah, a copper vein has been refreshed on our island, but mining, smelting, etc. are all problematic, what a headache!"

"I'll give you a suggestion, you can choose to cooperate with Yiranpin, who has professional mining and smelting equipment!"

"Cooperating with the big brother means that I have to share part of it. I can't bear it. I belong to Zhou's pickpocket!"

"Me too, anyway, there is no way to plant now, and those natives are relatively free, let's do it manually!"

"Yeah, the weather is so cold, all the crops I planted in the last season were frozen to death, it's a pity that so many seeds were lost!"

"Seeds are not a problem, you can ask Mr. Yuan to buy them at any time!"

"Hahaha, I opened this from the treasure chest on the bottom of the sea, [Mine Pick Manufacturing Diagram]*1."

"Lying grass, this is a good thing. Now many people's islands have refreshed ore veins. This thing is so useful!"

"Brother, make a price, sell me this manufacturing plan!"

When Xiao Yi saw this manufacturing drawing, he wanted to buy it back, after all, he only had one mining vehicle!

But this thing is definitely not sold by others.

Sure enough, the man replied: "This item is not for sale. Many veins have been refreshed in our alliance, but the mining progress is very low. We need this item!"

Although a pickaxe does not increase the speed of mining much, it is a little bit faster.

Mining out your own ore veins earlier will bring out the effects of these ores one day earlier!
Seeing that the owner of the pickaxe had no intention of making a move, the many buyers sighed!
But seeing so many people wanting to buy mining picks, Xiao Yi had other ideas.

"It seems that we need to find an opportunity to sell the metal smelting furnace!"

The metal smelting furnace template is the template that was opened last time when opening the treasure map.

Xiao Yi has an ore smelting machine, which just matches the efficiency of the mining machine, so he didn't make this metal smelting furnace.

(End of this chapter)

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