Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 642 Torture teaching, encountering a team of survivors

Chapter 642 Torture teaching, encountering a team of survivors

"Hmph, if I'm not mistaken, you should be those outsiders, right?" The captain replied with a cold snort.

"It seems that he is a smart person, so we don't need to talk too much nonsense. Tell me, which city or power do you belong to." Xiao Yi said.

The team leader sneered: "You bandits, don't try to get any information from me."

Xiao Yi shrugged, looked at Jiang Yuntian, and said, "Brother Jiang, it's up to you, you're being stubborn again!"

Jiang Yuntian nodded, then called his subordinates, and said, "Let's go, today I will teach you how to pry the enemy's mouth open!"

"Yes!" The other four responded.

Jiang Yuntian pulled out his dagger and said: "As the saying goes, ten fingers connect to a heart, and if you destroy the ten fingers, you won't die for a while. This is an excellent location for execution. There are many tricks here, let's take our time!"

Jiang Yuntian grabbed the opponent's finger, and gouged out the opponent's nail with the dagger, and the team leader screamed.

By the moonlight, the other four soldiers saw Jiang Yuntian gouging out the captain's nails.

"Hiss!" They gasped. They had only heard of this method of torture prisoners before, but they had never seen the actual operation.

When I saw it today, it was truly tragic!
However, Jiang Yuntian said calmly: "If there is a vise, slowly pull out his nails one by one, the effect will be better, this is too fast, he just hurts!"

The other four soldiers just heard this, and their chrysanthemums tightened slightly.

Xiao Yi looked at the screaming team leader and asked, "Should you tell me? He still has a lot of tricks like this that he can use on you, do you want to keep trying!"

"You, do, dream!" The team leader gritted his teeth and replied word by word.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, waved his hand, and signaled Jiang Yuntian to continue.

Next, Jiang Yuntian showed the other four soldiers what torture is.

With the squad leader's screams, the four soldiers felt that their instructor was the incarnation of the devil, and even death would be a luxury in his hands.

After tossing for 10 minutes, the team leader finally gave in!
"I, I said!" The captain seemed to have exhausted all his strength.

Xiao Yi stepped forward and said, "Which force?"

"We are the team from Frostleaf City." Xiao Yi was extremely surprised by what the team leader said.

"Shuangye City? What are you planning to do?" Xiao Yi asked with narrowed eyes.

"Attack, Autumn Wind City!"

Xiao Yi frowned: "Aren't you two trading cities? Why did you come here to attack?"

"No, I don't know, this is an order from above. It is said that the lord of Qiufeng City has obtained an amazing thing, and our wizard has taken a fancy to it!" The captain said weakly.

"Do you know anything?" Xiao Yi asked.

The squad leader shook his head, then tilted his head and passed out!

Jiang Yuntian asked: "Do you want to wake up and continue asking?"

Xiao Yi shook his head, and replied: "What he knows is limited, but it's just the information he has so far, and it's almost enough!"

"Which faction team are they from?" Jiang Yuntian asked curiously.

"Frost Leaf City!" Xiao Yi replied, "The one who came to fight Autumn Wind City must be the wizard of Frost Leaf City who learned that Autumn Wind City got the island monument!"

Otherwise, it would be very difficult to have anything else that could attract Shuangye City to mobilize a large number of troops to attack Autumn Wind City!
Is it just for the little seafood in the seaside city?
At this time, the native soldiers who fled back were tied up and held in front of the wizard of Shuangye City.

"Master Wizard, this team actually fled without a fight, please forgive me!" The wizard looked at those people and asked: "Tell me, what happened?"

"Master Wizard Mingjian, we just came back to report the situation. We encountered a very powerful opponent. When we had no reaction at all, we kidnapped our captain. We are not opponents at all. We suspect that the opponent at least It's S-rank!" an aborigine immediately explained.

"At least S rank?" The wizard raised his eyebrows, "How many people are there?"

"The speed is too fast, we can't see clearly at all."

"That is to say, you didn't see anything, so what did you report when you came back?" the wizard continued to ask.

Those natives trembled all over and shouted, "Master Wizard, please spare me!"

The wizard waved his hand, and the guards at the side immediately pulled all the soldiers out, ready to behead them for public display.

"It seems that the outsiders' masters are here, are they going to inquire about the news? Is Autumn Wind City united with the outsiders, or has it been occupied by the outsiders?" the wizard muttered to himself.

After contemplating for a moment, the wizard ordered: "Send the order, and hurry on the road overnight!"


The entire team in Frostleaf City moved.

Xiao Yi led Jiang Yuntian and five people to move sideways, and began to search for nearby S-level treasure chests.

In order to improve efficiency, Xiao Yi directly dispersed the four soldiers. One was to improve the efficiency of finding the treasure chest, and the other was to act as a scout to monitor whether the Shuangye City team was approaching!
In just one hour, Xiao Yi and the others harvested eight S-level treasure chests. Most of the time was spent looking for them. After finding them, Xiao Yi directly killed them in seconds.

While Xiao Yi and the others were constantly looking for the S-level treasure chest, a team of survivors kept approaching them.

"Report to the island owner, there is a team of survivors approaching us!" A soldier trotted over and reported, "It looks a bit embarrassed."

"Go, go over and have a look!" Xiao Yi said, and then led the people towards the direction of that team.

Xiao Yi and the others appeared swaggeringly in front of that team, and the other party was extremely vigilant when they saw them.

"Who are you? Why are you blocking our way?" the other party asked.

Xiao Yi took a step forward and said, "I'm Yi Ranpin, what's wrong with you?"

"You are Yi Ranpin? Huh, another impostor!" The other party said coldly.

Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Is there anyone else pretending to be me?"

"Hmph, hit if you want, I'm not afraid of you, if you want something in my hand, then pick it from my corpse!" The opponent has already taken out his weapon!

Xiao Yi shook his head: "We are all survivors, and we shouldn't fight among ourselves. I am indeed Yi Ranpin. What you met before must be fake."

"Hmph, how do you prove that you are real?" The other party still didn't believe it.

Xiao Yi replied: "Don't be nervous, I'll prove it to you!"

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Yi's figure disappeared!
The opposite team was only stunned for a moment, and Xiao Yi returned to his original position, holding the daggers they were equipped with in his hand!
"So, can you prove it?" Xiao Yi asked.

Now the other side completely understood that the person in front of them was much higher level than them. If they wanted to kill people and seize treasures, they didn't need to talk so much nonsense.

One of the opponents cupped his hands and said, "It's because I don't know Taishan with my eyes, please forgive me."

Xiao Yi waved his hand, returned the dagger to them, and asked, "What treasure did you get that made fellow survivors jealous?"

(End of this chapter)

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