Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 600 Abundance of supplies, verification of speculation, not returned

Chapter 600 Abundance of supplies, verification of speculation, not returned
After Jiang Yuntian left the villa, he personally brought a few survivor soldiers and sent them to Xiongdi.

With the increase in the number of survivors on Xiao Yi Island, some survivors also chose to join the fighting team.

Xiao Yi naturally agreed, after all, survivors would communicate more smoothly.

After Jiang Yuntian and the others teleported to Xiongdi, all the teams that had arranged to explore had already been called back.

"Everyone below will lead a five-person team and set off together. Don't go too deep into the jungle. After four hours of searching outside, come back here and gather. Do you understand?" Jiang Yuntian ordered.


The survivors brought by Jiang Yuntian each chose a team to join in, and then rushed to the interior of the New Continent.

When Xiao Yi returned to the island monument, the group no longer discussed the matter of the Guwu family, but talked about the achievements of exploring the new continent in his alliance team.

"Haha, we have explored for a day and already harvested 12 various templates! There are nearly [-] cornerstones, so fucking worth it!"

"Yeah, our team is similar, I plan to let the team be stationed there, so as to save the cost of teleportation back and forth!"

"Yes, everyone should think so, but if this is the case, there will be a shortage of tents!"

"Haha, our team found a tent template, do you want to buy it, I'll sell it cheaper in the group!"

"Yes, definitely. There is a tent, at least it can protect you from the wind and rain. The temperature is starting to drop slowly, so you can't just sleep in the open air like that!"

"That's right, we'll also buy a few spares!"

Although there were some tents in the supply box before, there were not as many as one manpower. Now that they have to go out to perform tasks, there is still a shortage of tents.

"No problem. In our group, there is one cornerstone and ten tents. On the trading floor, I have one cornerstone and one tent. Buy it or not!"

"Brother, let's work hard!"

"Isn't this all learned from the boss, we must have some discounts!"

"Well, okay, later I will also see if there are so many templates that you need. I will also post some in the group, and you can use them as you need!"

"Great, as long as we Xia people can unite as one, no matter what the natives are, we will definitely survive!"


Xiao Yi saw that everyone was starting to communicate with each other, which meant that everyone was getting rich, which was a good thing.

"Have you arranged for a purely indigenous team to go explore?" Xiao Yi asked in the group.

"Huh? A purely indigenous team? No, what if they secretly take away the contents of the treasure chest?"

"That's right, not everyone can use the contract card. Those who don't use the contract card are completely out of control!"

"No, we are a pure survival team, the natives are staying at home to work!"

"We have a wizard with a contract. After all, the wizard's attack is very strange, and it can play an important role in times of danger!"

"So are we! Did you find any problems when you asked this question?"

Xiao Yi replied: "Yes, because my team is a purely indigenous team, but I haven't gained anything since I arranged it!"

"Huh? Is there such a thing? Pure natives can't harvest treasure chests?"

"This is a good rule. It will make it difficult for the natives to catch up with us!"

"Think too much. If the natives of this world want to catch up with us, shouldn't it be too easy? Just give them something from above, it's better than us working so hard to open the supply box!" "That's right, how can we not catch up with us? , the natives will keep chasing us away!"

"Boss, I suspect that this rule is not due to purely indigenous reasons, but because of the island monument. If possible, we can test it. If an indigenous tribe has its own island monument, let them go to the jungle to see if they can find the treasure chest. !”

A word to wake up the dreamer!

Xiao Yi suddenly realized, if there is really no treasure chest because of the indigenous people, what about the treasure map?
The first two treasure map digs had purely indigenous teams, and they could also open treasure chests on the treasure islands.

The team that Xiao Yi sent over this time were all indigenous soldiers without contracts, and their tribe's island monument had long been taken by Xiao Yi as his own!
That is to say, there is no contract and no island monument, so it should be considered normal to not find any treasure chests.

Because there is no island monument, what is the use of finding the treasure chest?
"I just don't know if it's possible for a survivor without a contract to trigger the refreshment of the treasure chest!" Xiao Yi thought to himself.

Because some survivors no longer have island monuments and have not been contracted, it is not certain whether this situation will trigger the treasure chest refresh. We can only wait for the results of the actual experiment by Jiang Yuntian!

Jiang Yuntian personally led a team to explore the interior of the mainland, and only about [-] meters into the jungle, he found a treasure chest!
"It seems that the island owner's conjecture is correct!" Jiang Yuntian led the people to easily deal with the C-level guardian beast, and obtained the treasure in the treasure chest.

"Go, continue!" Jiang Yuntian continued to lead the team.

Four hours passed quickly, and Jiang Yuntian hurried back.

When they returned to the big ship, the rest of the teams hadn't come back yet.

"Is it all this deep?" Jiang Yuntian frowned.

After waiting for another half an hour, a team finally came back, and they all got something, opening three or four treasure chests.

But there was still one team that didn't come back.

Jiang Yuntian had a bad premonition in his heart!

"Which direction is the Leopard team?" Jiang Yuntian asked.

"That!" Xiong Di pointed aside!

Jiang Yuntian nodded, and ordered: "Report to the island owner the truth about our harvest in the past four hours, and I'll go over and have a look!"

"Yes!" Xiong Di stood upright.

After Xiao Yi received Xiong Di's report, he frowned and said, "Is there another team that hasn't returned yet?"

"Yes, the instructor went to look for them in person!" Xiong Di replied.

"Well, report to me in time if there is any situation!" Xiao Yi nodded, he was still relieved of Jiang Yuntian.

Based on the information sent back from Xiongdi, Xiao Yi can only make the following judgments.

As long as there are survivors, treasure chests will be refreshed, regardless of whether he has his own island tablet or not.

The team is all natives without island monuments, so they cannot encounter the treasure chest refresh situation.

But the special situation mentioned in the group cannot be verified at present. The island monuments of the previously captured indigenous people have been occupied by Xiao Yi!

At this time, Jiang Yuntian was advancing rapidly through the jungle, and when he passed some places where there were people, he would stop and carefully identify whether those traces were left by the leopards or not!

Soon, he came to a location with many signs of fighting.

(End of this chapter)

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