Chapter 564

In fact, not only the ordinary natives, but also the three wizards were scared to death.

Seeing that their subordinates were completely stunned, they didn't bother to reprimand them, and ran to the island monument by themselves, choosing to repair the hull.

But there was not much wood and metal on board at all.

Click Repair, the system prompts that there are insufficient materials.

Quickly switch to the trading floor, spend a lot of money from there, and trade back some wood and metal.

It was repaired again, and finally the hull was repaired intact.

Bang bang bang!
The slightly relaxed mood of the three wizards became tense again because of the sound of the artillery firing.

Boom boom boom!
They could feel the shock of their hull exploding.

"It's over!" The three wizards thought in unison.

If there are a lot of shells on the opponent's ship, they will not have time to repair the hull, and they even say that there is not enough material to repair it.

The resources in their hands are limited, and it is impossible to trade from the trading floor without restriction.

At the same time, their speed couldn't catch up with each other at all, even if they wanted to get close to them, they had no chance.

Although wizards have special mental attacks, they are helpless in the face of such explosive shells.

Hit them and they die too.

After another round of shelling, Jiang Yuntian stopped the artillery, looked at the three big ships that were slowly sinking, and said, "Save the shells, let's board the ship directly!"

"Yes!" the crowd responded.

Although Jiang Yuntian couldn't tell the opponent's level, he knew the strength of the Half the Sky Alliance, so the level of the natives who came to attack would definitely not be particularly high.

The armored battleship rushed towards the three big ships immediately.

Originally, the armored warship was faster than the large indigenous ship. In addition, the indigenous large ship was half disabled and had almost no speed. Therefore, Jiang Yuntian and the others quickly approached a large ship.

Holding a dagger in his hand, Jiang Yuntian jumped up immediately.

The wizards on the big boat had already given up struggling, seeing Jiang Yuntian's actions, they immediately ignited hope again.

"Since you have delivered it to your door, I will accept your big boat without hesitation!" the wizard said excitedly.

As long as he gets the big boat first, then the big boat will be his.

Thinking that he can have such a powerful artillery, the wizard's face flushed!

Watching Jiang Yuntian board the ship with the soldiers, the wizard did not move, still hiding in the cabin.

The natives on the deck were dying and injured, and the remaining ones knelt down and begged for mercy when they saw Jiang Yuntian.

Jiang Yuntian said: "Tie them all up!"

Then he walked into the cabin, knowing that the wizard's attack was rather strange, Jiang Yuntian walked into the cabin cautiously.

Suddenly, a mental attack came, which could not be stopped, but could only be resisted!
Jiang Yuntian's expression tightened, but the next moment he twitched the corner of his mouth.

"What is this? Can it be called a mental attack?" Jiang Yuntian couldn't help but complain.

The mental attack just now didn't affect him at all.

Seeing Jiang Yuntian startled slightly and the corners of his mouth twitching slightly, the wizard thought he had succeeded in the attack, so he immediately walked over happily.

Jiang Yuntian looked at him and asked, "What are you happy about?"

The wizard jumped back as if he had seen a ghost: "You, how could you?" Jiang Yuntian followed a soldier beside him and translated the wizard's words.

"What's the matter, your mental strength is not enough to tickle me!" Jiang Yuntian took a step forward, and knocked the wizard unconscious before the soldier could translate.

"Tie it up! Pull it down!" Jiang Yuntian ordered as he walked towards the island tablet in the cabin.

After the soldiers brought the wizard to the armored battleship, Jiang Yuntian chose to occupy the island monument, and sent a video call to Xiao Yi.

"Island owner, I need some materials. Several ships here have been damaged!" Jiang Yuntian said.

Xiao Yi said: "Okay, disabled? It seems that our artillery and shells are very powerful!"

"That's right! It's very powerful. Even if the speed is a bit slower, it is still faster than the large wooden boats of the indigenous people!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

"Well, I told Beastmaster and the others to look for a strong beast. There should be news soon!" Xiao Yi said, and then traded the materials to Jiang Yuntian.

After Jiang Yuntian repaired it, he arranged for a person to drive to the Union East Island.

Next, Jiang Yuntian boarded the other two ships one by one. Although the wizard resisted, they all seemed to be tickling him. After they were all knocked out and occupied, they sailed to the Union East Island.

Jiang Yuntian jumped off the boat and walked to the island. There were still twenty natives on the island looking at Wang Xin's sisters.

Seeing Jiang Yuntian suddenly appearing, the natives immediately shouted: "Who are you? Kneel down immediately!"

Through the translator, Jiang Yuntian heard their clamor, shook his head slightly, and then immediately rushed over without using a dagger. In less than ten seconds, all twenty natives were defeated.

When the survivors who were captured by the natives saw Jiang Yuntian, little stars appeared in their eyes!

"Okay, hurry up and clean up, patrol members must be vigilant at all times!" Jiang Yuntian said with a frown.

"Yes! Thank you, big brother, for saving my life!" They said in unison.

Jiang Yuntian nodded, then captured all the indigenous prisoners and transported them to Wang Xin's island.

After a while, all the sub-islands will be merged to Wang Xin's side, put them here, and then follow the islands to migrate back to Xiao Yi's side!

When this accident happened, the patrols on the rest of the islands immediately became vigilant.

When they got the good news that they could join the Yiranpin Alliance, they were a little carried away.

Soon the Half the Sky alliance completed the merger, and all gathered on Wang Xin's island.

Wang Xin applied to join the Yiranpin Alliance. After Xiao Yi agreed, he directly placed the island where Wang Xin moved to the southeast.

An hour later, the island migration was complete.

After the transfer was completed, Xiao Yi came to Dongnanzi Island, first to see the size of their island, and second, to beat Wang Xin.

The fight just now was too inappropriate!

When she saw Wang Xin, Xiao Yi hadn't spoken yet, so she immediately conducted a self-criticism to Xiao Yi!
"Island owner, I'm sorry. I got carried away and caused the natives to land on our island. Only then did I find out. Please punish the island owner!" Wang Xin lowered his head in shame and said.

Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, and then said seriously: "You really need to be punished, you can actually let the natives land on the island, what do you patrols do for food!"

Wang Xin and the patrol behind her all lowered their heads.

"Wang Xin, as the person in charge of the island, is also the first person in charge. This week, half of the salary will be deducted, and half of the salary of the rest of the patrol team will be deducted. All members will write a self-criticism. Each person must write it eight times, and each island must post it!" Xiao Yi said.

"Yes!" Wang Xin and the others had no opinion.

They knew that the island owner was already exaggerating in such a punishment.

(End of this chapter)

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