Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 509 Huge harvest, shortage of gunpowder, talk about cooperation

Chapter 509 Huge harvest, shortage of gunpowder, talk about cooperation

Use the B-level energy tube to fill the direction stone of the next tribe, and let the wizard take the people arranged by Xiao Yi back to the island of his tribe to move!

"I hope I can gain something as soon as possible!" Xiao Yi secretly said.

At this time, Yi Tian began to greet Xiao Yi in the group.

"Boss, I also want to buy two poison smoke balls! This thing is so useful! I just solved an attack by the indigenous coalition!"

"Surely a lot of prisoners have been captured?"

"It's okay, there are only four hundred people!"

"Lying grass, you won't take the whole coalition army away!"

"Of course, three ships came, and by chance, all three poison smoke balls were hit on their ships."

"You've made a lot of money! Capturing so many natives at once!"

"Not only that, but also this, [Burst Gun]*1."

"Fuck, you actually harvested this! How much did you harvest in total?"

"No more, no more, just fifty!"

"There are so many, brother, will you sell it?"

"It's definitely not for sale. Our alliance has a total of nine islands. On average, one island only has five guns, which is far from it!"

"I really envy you! With so many guns and so many natives, you will really have nothing to do in the future!"

"Hey, it's so-so, it's just that the language is different!"

"Hey, speaking of language barriers, when I went to Da Lao Island, I found that the natives all spoke our mother tongue!"

"No, has the boss taught the natives to speak Xia Mandarin? This is too powerful!"

"Yeah, if you didn't tell me, I wouldn't have realized that the natives on Dabo Island all speak Xia Guoyu. How did he do it?"

"Strongly request the boss to provide the services of translators! I will pay for it!"

Seeing this, Xiao Yi immediately said: "The raw materials for gunpowder are in urgent need, and the poison smoke balls can't be made, so I need to wait until I find the raw materials before I can continue to provide them."

"No, I want to buy two more to capture the natives! Looking at the number of captives they captured, I feel so envious and jealous!"

"Boss, did you sell too much last time? I wish I had known and left it to ourselves!"

"As you said above, the big boss can't sell it. If the big boss really sells it, you can't afford it!"

"Damn, did it start crooked again?"

Xiao Yi continued: "As for translation, yes, but there are requirements. In order to ensure the safety of our personnel, you must exchange a survivor, and during the translation process, the return stone located on your island cannot be changed! "

"I agree with this, what's the price?"

"Ten foundation stones a day. The natives here are very smart. It takes about three days to teach them basic communication." Xiao Yi replied.

"So expensive?"

"Teach the natives Xia Mandarin in three days. If there are any problems later, you can continue the distance education through Island Monument. There is a total of 30 yuan of foundation stones. The 30 yuan of foundation stones will allow the natives you capture to understand your words. It will be useful to the entire alliance. There are nine islands. Paying 30 yuan for the foundation stone is already very cheap!" Xiao Yi explained.

"That said, it seems to be okay!"

"Yes, as long as a group of indigenous people learn it, then there will be no need to continue looking for translators. This is considered a one-time deal. It is a kindness of the boss not to ask for a high price!"

"Okay, I'll take it. When can the boss arrange for an interpreter?"

"You can do it at any time. Once you have prepared the cornerstone and exchanged survivors, you can immediately arrange for translation." Xiao Yi said. "Okay, wait a minute!"

After a while, that person arranged for someone to pay the 30 yuan cornerstone directly in one lump sum.

Xiao Yi said to Anyue on the intercom: "Arrange for a native who speaks Xia Mandarin better and let him go on a business trip for three days to teach Xia Mandarin to the natives on other islands for 200 yuan a day. After he teaches, the natives can communicate with Survivors engage in simple communication.”

"Yes!" Anyue replied.

After the exchange between the two parties, the natives sent by Anyue began their work!
The survivor who bought the translation service said in the group: "I'm really convinced, boss, how did you do it? That indigenous translator speaks better than me in Xia Mandarin! This kind of barrier-free communication is really cool!" "

"Did Boss arrange for a translator to come over so quickly? This shows that there should be many natives on Boss Island who can speak Xia Mandarin!"

"You don't have to say it, I have already said it. When we went on vacation yesterday, all the indigenous service staff there spoke fluent Xia Mandarin!"

"I have to obey, the boss is really strong!"

Xiao Yi pondered for a while, and went straight to the survivor who bought the translation service. His ID was Shui Tomato.

"Hello, I want to discuss cooperation with you!" Xiao Yi sent him a private message.

Shui Tomato was stunned for a moment when he received Xiao Yi's private message, and then asked, "Hello, boss, what kind of cooperation do you want to talk about?"

"You seized the musket from the indigenous coalition, right?" Xiao Yi said.

"That's right!" Water Tomato replied.

"That means that there should be raw materials for gunpowder on the original island of this native. I want to cooperate with you to develop it." Xiao Yi said.

Hearing what Xiao Yi said, Shui Tomato hesitated.

After all, if you develop this thing by yourself, it belongs to you alone.

Developing with Xiao Yi, it will probably cost a lot.

"I know your hesitation. If you want to develop it yourself, you need to wait for the cooling time of the indigenous direction stone. According to my experience, it should be seven days. After the cooling is completed, you can teleport there and you still need to mine and refine it. These all require Time, wait for you to come back, it will be at least two weeks later!" Xiao Yi continued to send messages on the private message interface, "Leave it to me, I have the machine to guarantee that the mined and refined mineral deposits will be taken out within two days!"

"If there is no gunpowder, I don't know if you can last for two weeks, but I'm sure!" Xiao Yi added at the end.

Two weeks in this world is indeed too long, and the crops can be harvested in several waves!
Shui Tomato pondered for a while, and replied: "I will discuss with the members of the alliance. After all, this victory is the result of everyone's joint efforts!"

"Yes!" Xiao Yi said.

Shui Tomato immediately told this matter in his new alliance group.

"I agree to cooperate with the boss, after all, I can't afford to wait for two weeks!"

"I also agree, but this ratio has to be fought hard!"

"Let's discuss a bottom line first! Let's talk about it later, so the boss of Tomato will know it well!"

"Well, I think the bottom line is at least fifty-fifty."

"I feel that the boss may not agree. He provides the machine and is even responsible for charging the direction stone. These are all his. We only provide one piece of information."

"But this information is very important, without this information, he can't find the mine either!"

"Having said that, I feel that the raw materials for gunpowder are not urgently needed for him, but we are more urgently needed!"

"Yes, the boss will definitely leave a lot of inventory for his alliance!"

"Then what should we do? How much do we want?"

(End of this chapter)

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