Chapter 503 Resort Harvest, Mermaid

"The sand on this beach is so clean!"

"Yeah, it's just a little hot!"

"Wait a little longer, the temperature should come down in a while, let's grill it first!"

A group of Suzuo set up a barbecue stand on the beach together, and they have already bought enough meat skewers.

All are ordinary meat skewers, made by the indigenous residents of the island.

They just have to bake their own!
He ordered a barrel of beer from Du Kang's bar and put it aside.

"I'll come, I'll do skewers, I'm a professional!" Someone volunteered.

Naturally, not many people could stand in front of the four barbecue grills. Some people saw that they couldn't help, so they ran directly into the sea.

Xiao Yi sent them precautions in the group, the sea area near the beach is shallow, you can go swimming!
"In the afternoon, I went to the shower next to me to take a shower, and I felt so refreshed!"

"Yeah, I really haven't showered for a month, and the water after washing is black!"

"In the past, water was so precious, who would use it for bathing, and I bought a shirt by the way, how about it?"

"Hey, there is a pattern on this shirt, where did you buy it?"

"It's not in the market, it's a little beauty, it is said that she embroidered it herself!"

"Really! Is there any more? I'll buy one later!"

"There are only [-] pieces in total, and they should have been sold out!"

"That's a pity! Do you think that beauty has a chance?"

"Damn, do you dare to think about the beauties on Daxie Island?"

"No, I'm just a normal pursuit, isn't it okay?"

"In this world right now, do you think you have a chance?"

"That's right, after seeing a strong man like the boss, he probably doesn't like us anymore!"

"Let's not talk about it, let's swim around first and consume some energy!"

Holding a glass of beer, Suzuo half-lyed on the armchair on the beach.

"Except for the lack of large-scale entertainment facilities, this resort is basically complete. How do you think he got these things?" Said one person, lying down comfortably on a nearby armchair.

Shou Zuo shook his head, and replied: "Who knows, anyway, I don't believe this thing can be opened from the supply box!"

"I don't believe it either. Do you think the boss has other ways to obtain supplies?" the man said.

"I don't know. What I'm more curious about is that the air conditioner in the resort building is always on. Doesn't he feel bad for such a large power consumption?" Shouzuo said.

People sitting nearby shook their heads.

"How big do you think the boss's island is?"

"I feel much bigger than I imagined! It's a pity he is surrounded by walls, otherwise we can roughly measure it!"

"I don't think it matters, even if you figure out that there is anything? It's just envious!"

"That's right, go back and work hard, try to come over once a week!"

"That's right, catch more cornerstones, so that you can come and enjoy more, anyway, no island with people can surpass the boss in the short term!"

"In the short term? Don't even think about surpassing it in your life!"

"Yeah, the boss is not on the same level as us at all!"

"Excuse me, when are you going to go back?"

"At least eleven o'clock, otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste of the entrance fee for three cornerstones!"

"Yes, at least after 11:30." Xiao Yi was calculating the cornerstones gained in this day. Thirty tourists, representing thirty alliances, contributed a total of 4153 cornerstones!
Seeing this harvest, Xiao Yi nodded in satisfaction, and it was not in vain for him to open such a good resort to the outside world.

Although it is impossible for everyone to spend so much every time they come, they don't come every day.

Come once in a few days. Within a few days, an alliance will definitely gain a lot of cornerstones.

In this way, you can continue to extract the cornerstones of other survivors!

It can be opened to foreign countries in the future, so you can earn more cornerstones!
Thinking of this, Xiao Yi felt happy for a while, and then said in the Yitian group: "Today, the number of resorts is open to 80 people. If you want to sign up, you can take a picture of the deal that I will hang up later!"

With that said, Xiao Yi hung up the deal in the group: "No deal [cornerstone]*3."

This time he had just placed the deal, and the eighty sets of deals were instantly sold out!
Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, then looked at Yi Tianqun.

"Lying grass, you group of single dogs who have lived for thousands of years, are you not afraid of breaking your skin with such fast hands?"

"Hahaha, I, who was always slow before, managed to grab one!"

"I haven't realized it yet. What's your situation? You didn't want it yesterday, but you are rushing to get it today?"

"I just don't know if there are other interesting things besides high-level food!"

"Don't worry, there must be. Although those who played haven't come back yet, I'm sure there must be a lot of fun things!"

"Didn't you go to the one who sold fake medicines before? Come out and talk about it!"

"Hmph, you didn't believe me yesterday, but now you think of me?" Sun Yao replied proudly.

"Hey, the counterfeit drug seller is still arrogant? Don't be like this, you old man, what does this look like?"

"That's right, talk nicely, at most I'll order two more sets of Liuwei Dihuang Wan!"

"Lying on the grass, upstairs, you've been exposed!"

"What are you exposing, I am nourishing my kidneys!"

"If your kidneys are good, you don't need to raise them at all, which means you are using your kidneys too much!"

Xiao Yi shook his head and looked at the private channel. Yuanshi didn't send a message back. It seems that no veins related to saltpeter and sulfur were found!
Just as he was about to rest, his own island monument rang.

"Island Master, shall we fish this thing out of the sea?" Sun Gudao said.

Xiao Yi looked at the island tablet suspiciously. Since he found something unusual, why didn't he just post it on the island tablet.

"What?" Xiao Yi asked.

Sun Gudao did not answer, but instead sent a video request.

Xiao Yi immediately agreed to the video, and saw Sun Gudao appearing on the display screen of the island monument, so he asked, "What is it?"

"Specifically, it's not a thing, you can see for yourself!" Sun Gudao still had a hint of shock on his face.

As he spoke, Sun Gudao moved away from his position, and a woman appeared on the screen.

"You got it, a woman?" Xiao Yi asked with wide-eyed eyes.

Sun Gudao's voice came from the side: "Not really!"

Xiao Yi was even more puzzled.

But when Hua Lang and Gou Yu moved the "woman", Xiao Yi immediately widened his eyes.

What appeared in front of Xiao Yi turned out to be a woman with scales on her body, and when she looked down, it turned out to be a fish tail!
"This is a mermaid?" Xiao Yi asked uncertainly.

"According to what I see, it should be!" Sun Gudao replied.

What kind of world is this? A giant leg bone was discovered before, and now a mermaid appears!

"Is it still alive?" Xiao Yi asked in shock.

(End of this chapter)

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