Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 497 Wei Bo calls for help, poisonous smoke is released on the island

Chapter 497 Wei Bo calls for help, poisonous smoke is released on the island
It had been a long time since Xiao Yi got the saltpeter vein from Wei Bo.

But because the poison smoke balls and rockets were sold in large quantities last time, the saltpeter was almost consumed.

In the past two days, Xiao Yi was about to ask Wei Bo how much saltpeter he had accumulated, but Wei Bo came to ask for help first!
Xiao Yi asked on the island tablet: "Wei Bo, what's the situation with you now?"

"Great, Island Master, you have finally appeared. We are in the middle of a firefight with the natives. We have more catapults, and the natives only have three large ships. Although the other party also has targeted defenses, our attack strength is strong enough and we can still break through. The opponent's defense has not yet found a chance to project poison smoke balls onto their ship. Now the indigenous ship has given up its defense and rushed straight to the shore!" Wei Bo replied excitedly.

Xiao Yi said in a deep voice: "Be safe and release poisonous smoke balls on the island, don't hesitate!"

"Yes!" Wei Bo replied.

Xiao Yi didn't expect that he would also use the method of using the poison smoke ball discussed by the group!
Wei Bo immediately greeted his little brother and said, "Everyone go upwind, and when I order to release the poison smoke ball, everyone first wraps their mouths and noses with wet cotton cloth!"

"Yes!" the crowd responded.

Wei Bo can also be regarded as Xiao Yi's direct line team, so the poison smoke balls in their hands are not one or two, but a total of ten!
He first released one near the location of his island monument, and then followed the crowd upwind.

Because Wei Bo is on the island, the opponent cannot directly occupy the island monument, but they can smash the island monument. In order to prevent the opponent from destroying it, he had to put a poison smoke ball first.

The indigenous people who were approaching the island discovered that the resistance on the shore had disappeared!

"Master Wizard, are we still going to the island?" asked a native on the big ship.

Seeing that the attack on the shore was just that of a catapult and a heavy crossbow, the wizard replied: "Speed ​​up and land on the island, we can't let them escape!"

From the wizard's point of view, they were about to abandon the island and flee!

At the same time, the wizard also communicated with the wizards on the other two big ships, asking them to speed up the pace of landing on the island together!

The three big ships soon approached the shore, and at this moment, Wei Bo immediately said: "Release the poison smoke ball immediately!"

Those men immediately lit the fuses of those poison smoke balls, and then threw them to the shore!

The natives on the boat had already begun to jump to the shore, and suddenly they saw several balls flying out from the island, with ignited fuses attached.

"What is that!" the native asked in confusion.

"Everyone, stay away from that thing!" Although the wizard didn't know what it was, he still reminded him.

The natives immediately stayed away from the poisonous smoke balls.

The natives did not cut off the fuse, so the poison smoke ball successfully burned through the fuse, and puffs of thick smoke came out!

Although the island where Wei Bo has ten younger brothers is not small, it is only eight or nine hundred square meters, which is equivalent to a square with a side length of only 30 meters, so only three poison smoke balls were released.

The poisonous smoke from these three poison smoke balls can almost cover the entire island!

"What is this?" All the natives stepped back.

Just when the natives were confused, a white wave appeared in the distance, and then they saw a blue yacht approaching quickly!
"What is that thing?" Another native asked.

On the yacht, Jiang Yuntian shouted: "Everyone, fasten your seat belts and face the impact!"

"Yes!" the crowd responded.

Although there are limited seats on the yacht, they have specially installed some safety belts on the deck.The soldiers put on protective helmets and tied themselves to the side of the yacht.

When Jiang Yuntian saw that everyone was ready, he immediately drove the yacht towards the three indigenous ships!
Jiang Yuntian knew that Wei Bo had not joined Xiao Yi's alliance, so the level of the natives who came to attack Wei Bo this time must not be very high.

Wei Bo also has a C-level physique, so the natives who come to attack are most likely three C-level wizards!

Moreover, Jiang Yuntian also saw that the natives had jumped off the ship and landed ashore.

Therefore, he directly drove the yacht and made a devastating impact on the indigenous ship!
A large indigenous boat was instantly hit by a yacht and its stern was shattered.

Zhan Xue, who was sitting next to Jiang Yuntian, looked at the unscathed yacht and said with emotion: "I just heard you say that the yacht is very hard, but today it looks even more shocking than I imagined!"

"It's not over yet!" Jiang Yuntian replied with a smile, and then continued to drive his own yacht to ram the other two big ships into half damage!
The natives on the shore were shocked when they saw that their big boat was crashed, but that the yacht was completely intact.

"The ship is fast and so strong, we have no chance at sea, so let's go to the island!" said a wizard.

The other two wizards nodded in agreement.

Following the orders of the three wizards, the natives rushed into the white smoke!
In fact, even if they didn't rush in, the white smoke had already floated over.

Jiang Yuntian looked at the movements of the natives and drove the yacht aside. There was no extra movement because the outcome of this battle was already decided!
The natives who rushed into the white smoke fell down one after another. The three wizards finally understood that the white smoke was poisonous!

When they wanted to withdraw to the ship, they had already inhaled a lot of poisonous smoke and fainted to the ground.

For a C-level wizard, the power of this A-level poison smoke ball is still too strong.

Jiang Yuntian took precautions, looked at the direction of the flag fluttering on the yacht, and boarded the island from the upwind position.

Wei Bo's dozen or so people were there, and when they saw Jiang Yuntian coming, they immediately went up to meet him.

"Master Jiang is here!" Wei Bo said.

Jiang Yuntian nodded and asked, "Are there any casualties on the island?"

"No!" Wei Bo shook his head.

"Well, you bring the captives on the island onto the boat, and you follow, go back to the island owner's island first!" Jiang Yuntian said, "Come back after the poisonous smoke clears."

"Yes, but will the natives attack our island again?" Wei Bo said worriedly.

"Don't worry, I will arrange a team to patrol around the island!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Jiang!" Wei Bo said, then greeted his little brother, threw those prisoners onto the boat, and then drove the boat towards Xiao Yi.

After Xiao Yi received the news that Jiang Yuntian had already dealt with it, he stopped paying attention to Wei Bo.

"Su Wan, come and pick up the tourists who are coming, and send them here one by one in the order of the list." Xiao Yi handed over the fully charged B-level energy tube and a city return stone to Su Wan.

"Yes!" Su Wan replied, and then began to contact each tourist according to the list.

When Su Wan leased the city stone to the first tourist who signed up, that person looked at the stone in his hand in surprise, "Is this the city stone?"

(End of this chapter)

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