Chapter 473

Xiao Yi looked at the discussions in the group, and thought for a while. According to the current situation, such an alliance is very difficult to defend, and the only way to have a chance is to attack.

"Could it be that this alliance was really created to allow us to merge as soon as possible?" Xiao Yi couldn't help but think so.

Suddenly, a message in Yi Tian group caused a commotion among everyone.

"Look, everyone, what a good thing I got! [Passive trigger mine template]*1."

"Lying grass, good stuff, brother, how much I want!"

"What's the use of selling it to you? Do you have any gunpowder? We can't get all the materials together. If we sell it to you, we probably won't be able to wait until the mines are born."

"Brother, you can't say that, the materials will always come together slowly, let's count them!"

"I don't want to sell it. The only one who has gunpowder is Yiranpin. I'm going to make a deal with him!"

Seeing this, Xiao Yi immediately said, "What deal?"

"Private chat!" The person whose ID was the big head replied.

Xiao Yi sent a private message to Dafa: "Hello, how do you want to trade?"

"You help me provide the raw materials, and we share the torpedo mines equally, how about that?" Datou asked.

Xiao Yi shook his head, and refused: "No, my need for mines is not very urgent, you should find someone else to do this business!"

"Boss, don't, we can discuss it again. For example, the mines we made are three to seven, and I am three to you." The big head continued to fight.

"No, it's not about how to distribute it at all. I only accept you selling me this template, and you can buy the finished product at [-]% off!" Xiao Yi replied.

"That's it, I guess it won't work." The big head said in embarrassment.

"Well, there is no righteousness in buying and selling, let's cooperate again when we have a chance in the future!" Xiao Yi said, and then ended the chat.

The big head didn't expect Xiao Yi to be so decisive. Just as he was hesitating, someone sent him a private message.

"Hello, I heard that you have a mine template in your hand?"

Seeing that person's ID turned out to be Emperor Lin Tianxia.

"That's right, boss, are you interested?" The big head asked in surprise.

"Yes, do you sell it?" Di Lintian asked.

"I'm sorry, I won't sell it. I'm talking about cooperation with Yiranpin!" The big head raised the banner.

"How are you going to cooperate?" Di Lintian asked with a frown.

"The current discussion is that he provides raw materials and produces finished products. We will split half and half!" Datou replied.

"Yi Ranpin probably won't agree!" Di Lintian said.

"I really don't agree, he wants more, isn't this what we're talking about!" Datou replied.

Emperor Lintianxia pondered for a while and said, "Four six, you four and I six, I will provide the raw materials!"

"For the sake of helping your compatriots so much before, I can agree to this ratio. Anyway, it's the same ratio for Yiranpin!" Datou chuckled in his heart, and then continued to ask, "Do you have those raw materials?"

"Yes, I have already produced gunpowder!" Di Lintian replied.

It turns out that Emperor Lintianxia also developed a formula for gunpowder, and a sulfur vein appeared on his island. The saltpeter was purchased from Wei Bo.

Wei Bo was the younger brother Xiao Yi had taken in before who could cook salt.

Before selling the saltpeter, Wei Bo had reported to Xiao Yi that Xiao Yi had agreed to him selling it to outsiders, but it had to be limited, after all, he had to give priority to supplying to himself.

"Great, it's settled then. I'll tell you the raw materials I need later!" Datou said happily. "Okay, I'll wait for your news!" Di Lintianxia replied.

The reason why there wasn't much bargaining was because Emperor Lintianxia could see the strategic value of sea mines.

At present, everyone has no other better weapons, so this mine has become particularly important.

And as long as it is placed in the waters near your own island, it will definitely scare away the natives.

As long as we can buy more time for development, the raw materials consumed are not worth mentioning at all.

The reason why Xiao Yi didn't care was because he really didn't need this thing, and he already had the big weapon of poison smoke ball in his hand.

What's more, there are Qinglong and a group of killer whales in the sea. How many indigenous ships can they build?

As for the mines, even if Xiao Yi got the template, he wouldn't plant them in his own waters.

What if the blue dragon is blown up?
Even if you can't fry Qinglong, it's not good to fry those small fish and shrimp!

After Datou received the raw materials provided by Dilin Tianxia, ​​he immediately made twenty mines and gave Dilin Tianxia twelve.

Before the transaction, Di Lintian asked to see the formula of the mine template, so Datou had no way to hide his secrets.

Datou immediately placed two mines in Yi Tianqun.

"[Passive trigger mine]*2, how about this thing?"

"Lying grass, it was made so quickly, is it the raw material provided by the boss?"

"He's a big boss, but not Yi Ranpin." The big head replied.

He put this finished product up on purpose for Xiao Yi to see, anyway, it was just to express a meaning, if you don't cooperate with me, there are others who cooperate with me!

Another meaning is to see if anyone comes to ask for this thing, then he can open his mouth like a lion!

"Is there any other big boss who came up with gunpowder?"

"It's not unusual. I also have gunpowder recipes, but I haven't found the ingredients. As long as I have the ingredients, I can make gunpowder!"

"Why are you all so lucky, are we opening material boxes from the same world?"

"It can only be said that you are unlucky. The world is so big, there must be many people who have issued some very advanced equipment, just like Yi Ranpin, but some have been presented to everyone, and some have not been presented!"

"It makes sense, I feel like a boss everywhere!"

"Big head, are the water mines for sale? How much?"

The big head saw that someone finally took the bait, thought for a while, and replied: "Five cornerstones, one!"

"Lying grass, did you learn from the boss? It's so dark, a mine, and I can't catch enough cornerstones in a day?"

"That's right, it feels darker than the boss! Five cornerstones, why don't you grab them?"

Looking at the messages in the group, Datou curled his lips and muttered: "You will know the importance of this thing when you are besieged by the natives, including Mr. Yi Ranpin. Don't come to buy my mines then. After all you said you didn’t need this!”

"I want it, I need three! Private chat for a deal!"

"You really want it! No, isn't this the person who was attacked by the natives just now?"

"That's right, it's him. Hasn't your alliance been formed successfully? Why are you still buying mines? Could it be that even an alliance can't handle it?"

"I don't know if it can be done. The problem now is that it's too late. I need to hold back the big indigenous ships so that the members of the alliance can come over. Now it seems that I can't delay it for so long!"

(End of this chapter)

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